Monday, June 15, 2009

A dream about a football field, a rain storm and a slit throat

"I've had this dream approximately 3 nights in a row:

it starts out with me being in my home school cafeteria. Lighting is dim and I can only hear everyones faint whisper. I'm only dressed in a long white t-shirt. I start to walk towards the doors going outside to a balcony. It's raining heavily and the sky is dark grayish blue.

I get soaked instantly as I head down the stairs towards the football field... I'm walking too slow... I hear distant yelling so turn around and see my fiance running after me. I get scared and run away towards the football field. Instead of descending stairs there's a cliff I have to climb down. As I'm climbing down I look to the football field and see a silhouette of a man there.

I slip the rest of the way down and get all muddy but I get up faster than expected and run towards the man in the field. This time I turn and hear my fiance yell clearly "NO!!" which makes me run faster. I get to the man in the field and it turns out to be my ex-boyfriend whom I almost had a child with. He takes me in his arms gently bringing up his hand to my face, I feel so at peace and relaxed until he slits my throat. I can literally feel myself choking on my own blood, as I look up to my exes' face he looks remorseful as he lays me ever so gently on the wet ground then walks away.

My fiance then runs up to me and brings me into his arms wailing "I told you... I told you"..... then I wake up"

Thank you for sending me this great dream for a free reading! I especially appreciate your patience in waiting for me to get to it, I've been quite bogged down with finals, graduation, visiting family members etc. But, alas, the excitement is over and now I'm ready to get back down to the business of decoding dreams. If you've got a dream you'd like analyzed, please feel free to email it to me at with the only exception being dreams about werewolves. I've done that and done it and done it. This is a werewolf free zone!

I can totally understand why having this dream three nights in a row might cause you to feel a little freaked out. It's pretty intense! Sounds like you've got a lot going on.

The dream begins with you walking into your school cafeteria wearing nothing but a long white shirt. Well, dreaming that you're in a cafeteria can be a reference to one of two things, either the act of eating, or of public display. Who you sit with at lunch is a pretty big deal for a high school student, and the other students ARE paying attention to who you are and who you sit with. High school is honestly pretty boring- there isn't much else to do other than watch each other and critique.

The fact that you hear the whispers of everyone in the cafe when you walk in suggests that you are dreaming directly of the element of public display. Also furthering this assessment is the long white tee you're wearing. Dreams about being naked or partially naked in public are a reflection of being exposed or judged by others. So you walk in, hear everyone talking (probably about you) and of course, you're half-naked. Then you walk out into the rain storm.

Rain in a dream can equate to purification, renewal, or new growth, but it in this case, I feel it has a connotation that is less positive. While in the rain, you are unable to move at the proper speed, instead you walk slowly through it, getting soaked and likely becoming less clothed. To me, this suggests that your rainstorm is indicative of a serious amount of emotional turmoil or sadness. Here's where it gets really interesting...

You hear your fiance coming after you, but you do everything you can to get away from him. This suggests to me that a part of you is disconnected from him, or is holding back. It seems obvious to me that this part of you (which might be just a little nagging doubt) is still hanging on to the idea of your ex. Not the actual person who he is, as that person is very likely a jerk in reality, but the idea of the person you thought he was when you fell for him.

So in getting away from your fiance, you're forced to slip and slide down a cliff. Dreaming about mountaintops and cliffs is something that a person does when they are facing or have faced a great challenge. It is common to dream about climbing a mountain in times of prosperity and sliding down a mountain in times of peril or trouble. You're sliding. It's scary, and you feel out of control. You don't know if you'll get down safely, but it something that you have to do- and you have to do it all on your own. I would link this idea back to the ideas the struggle you may be having between your past and your present.

You get down to the bottom and you're on a football field. Again, this is a place of public spectacle, a place where everyone is watching- though what is going on is only happening between you, your fiance and your ex. Football, as a competitive sport, can also symbolize challenges. Anyways, you get down to the field with your ex, and he very lovingly slits your throat and lies you down on the grass. The way that he treats you here suggests that this person was someone who may have lulled you into a false sense of security only to betray you.

In dreams, each part of the body contains significant symbolic meaning; the throat is a center of communication. For him to slit your throat is an action in which he takes away your voice. Your means of expression is stripped from you, and you lose your life. It feels incredibly real because in an emotional sense, it's incredibly scary.

The reaction of your fiance suggests that he is aware of the struggle you faced with your ex. He is someone who clearly would not understand why you would hang on to any feelings you may have had for your ex. The dream, all in all, is about the collision of these two relationships and the struggle between your past and your future. Realistically, you may still have some issues or feelings from that last relationship that you have not worked all the way through, but of course, only you know precisely how you feel about that situation.

I hope that this free dream reading has been helpful. Please feel free to post comments here, or email me directly at Thanks again for sending me this great dream!

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