Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A dream about a car accident, a little girl and a violent murder

"At the beginning of my dream, I seem to be driving on the freeway to school. My mom in the passenger side and I think one of my sisters in the back. I merge right to pass a car and some car looks like it was going in the opposite direction right into me and we collide. After the accident, the car is facing forward and in the dream I thought that I had hit him in the back.

My mom got out the car and talked to the other driver for a bit and then gave him money, I saw that he was looking into the backseat of his car so I went over and asked if everything was alright, he said yeah. He was an older gentleman. He said that I had only damaged a part of his car and he patted the dashboard. I'm guessing that that reinforces that he did go in the opposite direction and we collided head on. In the dream I wondered for a bit why the front was damaged but then dismissed it.

I then said that I thought he had a child in the backseat because he was looking there and he chuckled no. We then get to a conversation about a little girl, he said the name but I forget now, he said something about her, I forget, maybe that he respected her. Well, he told me that the girl's family had been killed in their own home and the killers told her that if she told anybody, they would kill her too. It was on the news before and I suddenly remembered about her and said that I heard about it, thinking that I did so in a song from Emineme. Then I started to get anxiety because we were in the freeway and talking. I felt the want to end the conversation and be on my way but I didn't want to be rude. We continued talking about the girl.

After the murder, she set out to kill her family's murderers and succeeded. I have an image of a little girl with a bloody knife in her hand. The cops found her and it was all over the news. After that, me and the man parted ways, and I rode in the passenger seat while my mom drove.

Then it went to me in some Asian coffee / tea shop. I'm reminded that the Thai Tea is bad there or something. I pass through it and walk out the other side. Then it goes to some Asian mobster in there with his bodyguard and his son. His son poisoned his drink and he offered it to his dad. His dad motioned to the bodyguard to drink it first and he took a fast, fake sip. The dad knew, and told the bodyguard to drink it all. Then, the bodyguard and the son held the dad down on the table and tortured him. They cut him up, it was like a movie. He got all bloody, and they cut off his dick and hung it on a string over him.

Then it went to some hospital, a group of doctors and nurses we looking at this little girl, whose skin looked really loose, like she was really fat and lost weight. She was bulging, and the doctors moved her genital area and the whole skin moved like it wasn't attached. The girl was bloody, like dried blood. Then after moving the skin around, they found a hole, sliced open. When they opened it, two decapitated heads feel out and everyone screamed and panicked. It was obscene, the hair and everything on the heads, and after they fell out, the inside of the girl could be seen. All red, and her face was cut off too. I saw that she was still breathing very slightly too and I was just shocked and felt tremendously sad that she had to go through all that. It was like they skinned her and put a grown person's skin on her and put the heads in.

After I pass through the shop, it was like I was watching a movie, I wasn't really directly in the dream after that. Except maybe at the very end at the hospital. I woke up after. I felt just plain shocked and speechless. I closed my eyes again and I felt words, either see or hear, and it felt like it was gonna keep going so I got up. I was shook up about it for a while, startled easily."

Thank you for sending me this bizarre and complex dream! As per usual, if any of my readers would like their dreams read by me, free of charge, please email them to me at Without further ado, let me dive into the images that have so troubled you.

Dreams about driving a car are usually references to the management of your daily life. In your case, the fact that you are driving the car suggests that you are taking on a certain amount of responsibility on behalf of your mother and sisters. You're doing a decent job at it, until some idiot comes at you going the wrong way, completely catching you by surprise. I believe that the accident is a manifestation of the anxiety of the unknown, or the unforeseen, disaster. It's possible that the accident is in reference to a specific problem that may have arisen from your role as caretaker, or it may be a simple anxiety of the possibility of a problem.

The next set of images is particularly interesting to me. You're speaking with an older gentleman, and an older man is likely a symbol of authority. In your conversation, he drifts into the talk about the little girl who avenges the death of her family. I suspect that as you were having this "conversation" within the dream, you were partially experiencing the primary image of the two of you talking to each other on the freeway, and partially experiencing the secondary images of the murder being described.

Murders are often an indication of a sort of death of the self; in that sense, the details of exactly whom is killing whom and how can be helpful in determining the deeper significance of the action within a dream. In this case, your brain is generating an image of a person whom society would normally consider somewhat helpless- a little girl. Rather than being the victim of a violent crime, this little girl has taken matters into her own hands and become an aggressor. Is it possible that someone is underestimating your desire to protect yourself, or your family? Is your personal struggle with this being 'broad casted' in some way, to those who know you? Similarly, it could also indicate that the part of you that is sentimental, or tender, is learning to be less forgiving. It could certainly be both- or either- only you can be certain.

At this point, the logical side of your brain realizes that you are doing something kind of stupid, and kind of dangerous, in having a conversation in the middle of the freeway. So, you get back in the car, allowing your Mom to drive you, and you move on to a local coffee/tea shop. There isn't really anything of interest to you there, so you keep moving. You're then confronted with the situation in which the mobster is being murdered by his son.

Dreams which involve violent subject matter, like murder or torture, often point to issues of anger, or the desire to punish oneself for their negative behaviors. Here, you witness a graphic instance of murder, torture and dismemberment- but it's more complex than just that, as it is also an instance of patricide, or the murder of a father by his children. Fathers are symbols of authority, but dreaming about abusing one's father (or having sex with one's father, incidentally) are often indicative of a desire to be closer to one's father. I notice that you dream does not provide any mention of your father, while the dream suggests that you may be taking on additional responsibility in your family; the combination of the lack of mention of your father and the type of emotional turmoil that your dream is expressing, I can't help but wonder if you are experiencing issues of anger, resentment or abandonment towards your father.

The next portion of your dream may seem somewhat unrelated, but it continues to suggest that you may have some emotional pain that is lurking below the surface of your mind. Doctors, nurses, hospitals and the images of illness are often veiled calls to seek out the 'cures' to the things that ail us. In this case, these symbols have come together to help a strange little girl. Again, little girls are usually representations of a softer side of humanity, a part within us that wants little more than to be loved.

This little girl has some weird issues- her skin is saggy and loose. The skin is the body's largest organ, and it is what separates our delicate insides from the elements. In this instance, some horrible person has encapsulated this little girl in the skin of someone else, suggesting that the little girl is being asked to be a different person out in the world than who she actually is. When the doctors try and help her, they soon find decapitated heads rolling about in all that skin. The head is the center of wisdom and knowledge, it is where we as humans make our plans, store our memories and live our lives. To see a decapitated head in a dream can indicate a sense of being out of control, just as the expression "loosing one's head" can mean.

Looking at these symbols and the way that they play together, I would invite you to nurture yourself emotionally. Take a look at the larger issues of your life, and find a way to make some of the disadvantages you may have had into positive influences in your life. This advice comes as a result of nothing but a little instinct and analysis, and of course, you are the only one who can ultimately say what the meaning of this dream is. At any rate, I hope that this free dream reading has been helpful. Please feel free to post any comments here, or to email me at

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, it was really helpful. I can relate to a lot of the analysis, they are really spot on!
