Thursday, May 28, 2009

A dream about a Werewolf Attack

"I was hoping you could help me with my dream:

from what I can remember it's late at night, probably in the early AM. I'm in this strange house, it almost looks like it's underground but not really, I go to the window and I look out, and as I do I see this huge black werewolf running out in the middle of the street heading towards the house.

I shut the curtains and tell the people in the house with me to hide. I have no time to hide so I lay down on the floor- but it seems that the curtains were too short and separated from the window because as I laid down and looked up I saw the black werewolf staring furiously into my eyes.. The werewolf's eyes were a sickly bright yellow.

I'm about to get up and run when the werewolf comes crashing in through the door, which is right next to the window. I quickly realize that my only chance of living is to fight this massive thing so I start fighting with it. I fight back valiantly, the best way I can. But the werewolf bites my finger on my right hand and draws blood. I realize that I am contaminated and that there's no hope left, and in a fit of rage I grab the werewolf by his upper snout and literally rip it's head off! I look at my bloodied hand and at the werewolf's head, in that same hand, and realize that it's too late, soon the disease will take me over and I will become a werewolf myself.

I take a deep ragged breath inward and let out a pained sigh, hard to breathe after the fight, and I look at my left forearm, lift the werewolf's head up and I slice my left forearm open across, slicing a vein as well (the cut felt so real) the blood starts dripping from the wound and out of no where venom starts squirting out from the werewolf's fangs, so I let the venom pour into the open wound. The wound burst into flames, and my arm burns intensely, and in a flash it disappears and the wound along with it. my arm is completely healed with nothing but a light scar, and then I wake up.
This dream is extremely weird for me and everything felt so real from the carpet on the floor, the fur and muscles and teeth on the werewolf to the pain of the wounds and the fire erupting on my arm. Please help me interpret this dream, for even though I'm a dream interpreter as well, I'm somewhat of a novice and this dream has me completely thrown..."

Thank you for sending in this dream for interpretation, I hope that my analysis of these symbols will help you better understand what subconscious forces influenced the development of your dream. If any of my readers out there would like their own dreams analyzed, please feel free to email them to me at for a free dream reading.

The dream begins with you in a house that looks as if it's built underground. In dreams, houses are a symbolic construct of how we regard ourselves, they are a direct representation of our emotional state surrounding the particular situations which manifest themselves through the themes of our nocturnal wanderings. To dream of an underground house suggests then that the dream itself is about the feelings that you may be holding back or repressing, the secret, 'underground' feelings you have about yourself or your situation.

Werewolves can have a few meanings in dreams. They can represent a marriage of the primal, animal self with the civilized, rational self. Additionally, they can be an indication of inner rage, fear or a desire for violence. Linked to this idea is the action of your dream, in which you're attacked, infected and bleeding. Attacks are common motifs in dream imagery, they represent the conflict of our daily lives, and being wounded is also an expression of the pain of that conflict.

In this case, your werewolf breaks in to what should be a safe space, your home, and violently attacks you. Instead of being afraid, you're enraged, you fight back with the same intensity as the animal. The result is a mortal injury to the werewolf, and a deep, painful wound to your own body. This wound is painfully expunged and simultaneously healed by a sort of cleansing fire.

These elements together suggest that you've encountered a painful conflict which has generated feelings of anger and violation within you. While you may have explored these feelings consciously, they are still within you. Dreams of this type are often a call to examine our emotional state, and to reflect on our pain so that we might process it.

I hope that this reading has been helpful. Please feel free to leave any comments that you may have here, or email them to me at Of course, if any of my readers would like to send a dream into me for a free dream analysis, I'd love to decode your dream absolutely free. Thanks again for sending this dream :)!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

a dream about losing eyebrows

"In this dream last night, I was plucking my eyebrows and I plucked them way too thin, I also dropped a bottle of various pills sending the pills to scatter all over the floor and someone was like "wtf, that's a lot of different types of pills, whats up with that?" or something to that effect..."

thanks for sending this interesting little fragment of a dream, let's see if we can get to the bottom of it.

A common theme in dreaming is that a person will either loose all their hair, or their teeth. Most of the better dream books will tell you that loosing your hair or teeth in a dream is an indication that you fear death. Obviously that isn't much of a leap, as we all fear a loss of vitality! But honestly, nearly everyone dreams of loosing their teeth or hair at some point as well.

Here, you're dealing with a slightly different image. Rather than loosing the hair on your head, you're accidentally loosing the hair on your face. But it's not safe to call this an accident- it's more of a case of self-sabotage!

Eyebrows are significant because they provide a lot of information about a person's emotional state. Think about it, you could draw a smiley face :) and easily change the meaning of that smile with a few strategic pen flicks... pointy arrow eyebrows, and he's devious. Straight lines coming together in the center like a point, he's angry. Noticing eyebrows in a dream is often a reflection of the emotion that they're cuing you in on, here, what you're noticing is the sabotage rather than the specific emotion.

The second sequence that you're describing also sounds like one part frustrating accident. You spill the pills and someone remarks on your mistake. The fact that you're spilling a whole bunch of pills, well, it suggest that you're a little careless and you might be unhealthy. So, my dear, I have to ask you, are you sabotaging yourself? Are you holding yourself back? Afraid of making a big mistake, so instead making a smaller one?

As per usual, you are the only person who can decide the meaning of your own dreams. But sometimes having an outside opinion on it can help you see things in a new way! I hope that this reading has helped, and as usual please feel free to email me your dreams for a confidential and free reading at Include all the weird details you can for a more complete response!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A dream about a swarm of bees

"My dream was several people were out in a large open field behind a large white concrete block building...when bees began pouring out of what appeared to be a vent, they then began to congregate in different areas until there were about 4-5 swarms hovering in the air. Once all gathered in their swarms they took flight - I remember beginning to run and then it came to me --- to scream to the others and hit the ground. As we all did that they eventually seemed to go on there merry way."

Thank you for sending me this interesting dream for a free analysis! As usual, please feel free to email me your dreams, all my readers, at; all my readings are free and confidential!

Bees are an interesting symbol in dreams, they work on a few different levels. They are social animals that cooperate with one another to accomplish goals; to that end they can be symbolic of a focus of energy. Because they sting, they sometimes have a negative connotation, and I feel like the fear of the swarms that your dream reflects this. I've written about bees before, and in some instances, bees = trouble.

Here, swarms of bees pour out of a white concrete building. White, as discussed here there and everywhere, can be representative of purity BUT I have a feeling that here, white is more representative of an absence of color. In your mention of a white concrete building, I am visualizing a sort of normal looking building. Often times, buildings are a representation of our subconscious view of ourselves, but here, you're standing outside in a more natural setting, and the bees are coming out of the building- but you don't specifically see (or remember) the interior of this building.

The building is literally a construct; a constructed environment like so many others that we all see each and every day. This particular building is made of a cold, hard and inflexible substance, I suspect that this building is a silent stand-in for the constructs of society. The building is the way you're expected to dress, think, act and behave, as well as a host of other ideas... and those socially constructed ideas are bringing trouble into the natural place that you and several other people are in.

Just as there are several swarms of bees, I suggest that the trouble represented by the bees isn't from one source. As a nation, we're in some troubled times right now, and virtually all of us are experiencing a change to our way of life. This may or may not be the root of what you're contending with in this dream.

So you begin to run (running typically suggests a desire to escape from issues or anxiety) but you realize it would be smarter to hit the deck. You call out to the others around you (suggesting that you're both intelligent and concerned about others) and you flatten out and wait for the swarms to pass, which they do. You know, it's funny, but the more I write about this the more I suspect that your dream about these swarms of bees is a dream about the economic climate- but this might just be one of those things where something is on the tip of our collective tongues, and so we see it, hear it and smell it all over everything.

I hope this was helpful. Please feel free to email me directly at with comments, or if any of my other readers have had any dreams they'd like decoded, send them along! Thank you for sending this dream, and thanks for being the kind of person who'd keep a level head around a swarm of bees :-D !

A dream about cosmetic fillers

"last night I had a dream that I got restyline filler injected into my stomach and my calves. I remember it hurting A LOT. and afterwords thinking wait, um, why would I want to put FILLER in my stomach and my calves (perhaps I was seeking definition?)"

What a weird dream fragment, thanks for sending it! I love it! As per usual, anyone out there who has had a weird dream, or a fragment of a dream, and they'd like it analyzed for free, please email me at

Why would a person want to put restyline filler in their calves????

Well, dreaming about specific parts of the body does mean something. The fact that your brain has generated these images is significant. The stomach is associated with a few things, it can equate to changes in your personal life, vulnerability, or (surprise surprise) repressed emotions. Legs connect our bodies to the world, enable us to move around independently and generally equate to a sense of personal well-being or the ability to get things done.

Now, cosmetic enhancements and surgery are a way in which we seek to improve ourselves through artificial means. For this reason, plastic surgery is typically seen as a process of rebuilding the self within the subconscious. I believe this is one of those instances where a person's individual connotation with the symbol is extremely significant to the meaning of the dream. To have this dream and be someone who does not believe in the use of appearance altering substances like restyline, this attempt at improvement might be a desperate one. If you are someone who might occasionally dabble in a little injectible magic, it might be a more routine set of circumstances- you'll be the ultimate judge.

If you put together these elements, it seems that you may be experiencing some life changes which are enabling you to better understand the way that your personality works to your advantage in the world around you. Essentially, the changes in your life are helping you create a better you, a you that operates more effectively.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A dream about a two headed snake that becomes a kitten and a young girl

"I have many strange and somewhat interesting dreams, some very haunting ones. I have had one that has remained very clearly in my mind over a year ago, and not a day goes by that I don't think about. Now, I do not live at home, and my family relationship is great, I am also an atheist and see no religious link in this dream. I have thought about all things in this dream, but I can't figure it out. So the dream starts.

I am out the back yard of my parents house, and me and my brother are clearing up and cleaning the yard. As we are doing this, my brother notices a 2 headed snake. I look, and being interested in such things, name it as some sort of python. As I look closer at the snake, I realize that it is 2 snakes tightly intertwined, one is dead, the other is alive. Both snakes are quite large. They separate as the live one moves.

My dad comes to the top of the steps and seems panicked by the snake. As the snake moves across the yard, with every movement it compresses, gradually morphing into a small white kitten with striking blue eyes. The kitten looks straight at me, jumps on to the wall, onto the windowsill and through an open window. My dad panics, and demands that I go after it, as it will get my cat, Syn.

As I am the only one with experience with snakes and handling them, no one else will go near, even though it turned to a kitten. I run into the room that the kitten went into and I am shocked to find a young girl sitting on the chest freezer beneath the window. She is dressed completely in white, with platinum blond hair and the same striking blue eyes the kitten had. she speaks to me. Her voice is familiar, and she knows my name. She warns me that she has a message for me, one of great importance and concern.

Now, unfortunately the exact contents of the message is hazy (of course) but I pick up on the severity, and the fact that this is extremely relevant to me and there is something only I can do. The last thing T remember her saying is about a great threat to the arterial planes of existence that is imminent. She stands up, says, it's coming, and to be prepared as she has instructed me. She jumps to the window as a kitten again and by the time I look outside she is gone. Now, this was very strange to me, and I even looked up the term arterial planes of existence, and I can't find anything."

Thanks so much for sending in this bizarre and fascinating dream! I can see why it would stick with you for such an extended period of time, and I hope that by examining its elements bit by bit we can figure out what's at the root of it. Please feel free to leave any comments here, or if any of my readers would like to have their dreams analyzed by me, completely free and completely confidential, please feel free to email them to

Your dream seems to center around a number of dualities, for example, instead of clearing the yard alone, you're doing it with your brother. Siblings appearing within dreams are often stand-ins for another part of ourselves, or a contrary part of our personality. This is typically an aspect of yourself that you also see in the personality of your sibling.

The two of you are in a rather normal place, though you don't live with your parents, their yard is the last place you'd expect something this crazy to happen. Fathers are typically symbols of protective nurturing and authority- but in this case, his behavior doesn't adhere to those ideas. Rather than attempt to protect you from the snakes, he sends you after them! He's even afraid of them after they suddenly change into a white kitten. I suspect that the communication between the two of you isn't as good as you might want it to be- does he misunderstand you? At the time of this dream, was something happening in your life that he wasn't OK with?

A few words now on the color white, and baby cats. An object in a dream being white can hint to a sort of benign quality in that object; similarly, white can equate to a sort of perfection. This is dependent on the adherence to certain binaries that I personally don't always adhere to, but in terms of the collective unconscious it's often the case. A kitten is a little mischief maker, both in life and in dreams. One of my favorite online resources for dream symbolism is, and there I see that a white kitten is a symbol of deception!

The roots of dream interpretation are split into various fragments, as I've mentioned, a lot of the symbols that we recognize today are from Freud, but in my research I find almost an equal number of symbols that seem to be rooted in superstition of some kind. Occasionally, while researching I'll find an entry like this, and while I won't disregard it completely, I'll take it with a grain of salt, so to speak. I'd also consider your personal feelings regarding kittens when determining this little cat's place in your dream. Personally, human babies and dog babies are 100% interchangeable in the meanings of my dreams. Since you have a cat, I suspect that you may have similar attachments to the species...

This may also be true in the matter of the snakes. There are many differing theories as to what the appearance of snakes signifies in dreams. As a child, I frequently dreamt that snakes littered the ground I was walking on. As soon as I got my filthy little child hands on a dream book, I looked up snakes... and I was disappointed and confused to find only the Freudian explanation of snakes. Freud believed that a snake was a representation of repressed sexuality. OK, I can see it, I get it, but what about in the dream of an 8 year old?? What about in this dream?

Well, here you have one dead snake and one living, their bodies twined together. Because you profess a little experience with snakes, and because of the actions of your father, who seems to think only you can handle the animal, I believe that the meaning of these two snakes has a more positive connotation. Snakes can be phallic, snakes can be dangerous, OR conversely, a snake can be a symbol of a unique kind of wisdom or knowledge.

Dreams were people or animals shift their shapes often reflect a period of transition, or a shifting of another kind. They can also be a call from your subconscious to create change in your life. In this case, what your brother thinks is a two headed snake (note this perhaps as two kinds of wisdom) you soon realize is actually two pythons, one living and one dead (read: one representing a current or new attitude, the other, a mode of thought that's over) as the living snake moves, it uncoils itself from the dead one (just as you're shedding that old way of thinking).

Diving back into the action here for a second, you're sent after the kitten that everyone thinks is a snake set to devour your real kitty, Syn. Nobody seems to realize that you're after a harmless little fluff ball, but you don't bother to argue with them. When you find her, the kitty is a woman. A rather glamorous sounding one at that- all dressed in white, with platinum hair and striking blue eyes. She delivers a message to you- and you don't remember the exact message, because it's a dream after all! The messages here are encoded, they don't make any sense on the surface! It's often true that any message sent to you in a dream is directly from your subconscious, but how subconscious could your subconscious be if it told you explicitly what it was up to???

So instead, she "warns" you of a serious threat to a place that doesn't exist!

The real warning behind all this? Well, by weaving things together a little, symbols of innocence (like a kitten) beside things understood to be dangerous combined with a little miscommunication, I'd have to say the real danger is that you were probably feeling misunderstood at the time your brain concocted this crazy dream! The way that you were thinking about things was changing, and you were leaving some old ideas behind- but that might have caused some communication problems with your family. In this time of turmoil, you were consciously working on preserving the way your life was, but that life was in serious danger of being forever altered.

Time waits for no man. And we're all growing and learning and changing all the time. At least most of us are! Sometimes there can be fall out. I am fairly certain that this is a manifestation of that fall out.

I hope that this dream reading has been helpful. Please feel free to email me any additional dreams or comments at, and thank you for submitting this gem :)!

A dream about being chased, the occult, a pool and a chubby girl

"I had a dream that me and my brother were trying to get a hold of a friend. We had an idea of where he lived so we drove to the neighborhood. We couldn't find his house so we gave him a call and apparently he'd moved. (He actually moved in real life as well) He told us where he lived but he wasn't home, he told us he was at a gym. We decided to go and meet him, check out the gym as well.

When we got there, he was glad to see us, we met some of his friends and had fun. Then the dream goes into an outdoor area, we are still with our friend, having fun, chilling, swimming in a swimming pool, but it didn't look like one, instead it looked like a water reservoir but had clean water in it. Very clear clean water and everyone was swimming in it. Then a group of people show up, all dressed up in goth gear, and there leader was a chubby type of girl, her bf was chubby as well with a bold head, and kind of whipped by her.

She came up to my bro and gave him a hug, but didn't give me one. We introduced ourselves, hung out with them a little bit, and then something happened. They all got together in a circle, she pointed at a boy and he came up to her, she told him that he is to be punished for something that he has done against them. Me and my brother were confused and were wondering what was going to happen. Without asking us if we would like to stay or not the chubby girl walked in the middle, the boy following her (and the interesting thing was, the boy wasn't even scared, he knew well what he did and he knew that he was going to be punished for it, so there was no retaliation in him against her at all) So. the boy laid down, and the chubby leader starting writing something on the ground, it looked as though she was drawing symbols or words of some sort, I couldn't get a clear view, even though I was standing right there.

As she was writing these words, letters on the ground I looked up at the sky and prayed for protection and help. To me this was an occult act, whether satanic or not I don't know. But I wasn't scared. Actually i wanted to stick around and see what happens.

As we were standing and watching all of this the boy started leaking weird goo from his stomach, he started screaming and yelling. Apparently it was painful. They all started chanting and praying and at that moment my brother was shocked. He told me lets run for it because this is not something he would like to stick around and watch. We counted down and ran. Also there were other people who ran with us.

As we were running ( we were running down a street at this moment ) I felt as though I was slowing down for some reason, and that all the other people who ran were way ahead of me. The Chubby chick sent some henchmen to catch us. My brother and the others who ran all disappeared and I was left alone running from the henchman, at this moment I forgot how to get back to our car or even how to get out of the neighborhood. Also at that moment I realized I was dreaming, ( usually this is what happens) when I realize that I'm dreaming I instantly get a "alright, now its my turn to show you what your up against feeling" and I disappeared to the henchmen ( apparently I went into stealth mode ) :P

I walked away from them, they were confused and didn't know where I went but I was right there by them. I walked to a parking lot, stole a car ( it was a nice dodge charger ) and I drove to the freeway so I can get back home. As I was driving down the free way, I saw hand like shadows following me, and they were huge, at least 3 times bigger than the car, they were swimming through the highway like dolphins, but they were trying to grab me. I escaped, got out of the car and stealth back.

At that moment I heard a voice, " why are you running away?" It was the chubby chick. I then stood and thought for a bit, and I decided to go back because deep inside I knew they couldn't harm me. So I got back to there house and they were very deep in the occult practice, to me it looked like satanism. She asked me " why did you run away" I told her that my brother got scared of what you were doing and I wasn't just going to stand here and watch this as well. She said that the boy is OK but it was necessary to teach him a lesson.

All in all I made friends with them, we started talking about the occult (as i would normally do to fit in and not cause any trouble, even if I don't care what they had to say to me) Me and her husband sat down, he started showing me some books, telling me stories and apparently they wanted me to join their group, As always I am either solo or I belong to some group already.
I wasn't sure about what this dream meant. But you never know..."

Thanks for sending this interesting dream to me for a free dream reading! As always, please feel free to email me your dreams for a confidential, 100% free and anonymous dream interpretation- just email and be sure to give as many details as possible- those details, as you'll see in this case, are often the key to a better understanding of your dreams, no matter how odd or nonsensical they seem.

This dream starts by mirroring reality, the day to day stuff that life is made of- looking for a friend, and experiencing a little trouble in finding him. When you do finally find your friend, he's at the gym, and you and your brother go to see him there. Let me start by mentioning that seeing your brother in your dream can be one of about three things- it might be a literal representation of your brother, if this is a person you see and hang out with all the time, or he might represent aspects of your personality that you don't always acknowledge (as I think may be the case here) or the person whom your brother seems to be in the dream represents conflict within your relationship with your brother. It may even be a little of all three of these factors, but I suspect it's mostly the second aspect.

The setting of the gym can be seen as significant, as gyms are places where we build muscle and learn focus, the time a person spends in the gym assists them in their daily lives. Dreaming that you're working out can be a call to work the things you've learned about yourself into your daily practices. Interestingly, a swimming pool can be a call to achieve greater emotional intelligence, and the two things combined suggest that a greater understanding of your interior emotional life will enrich your daily life. I think it's interesting that the more placid portion of your dream occurs here, among friends and of course, your more sensitive, fearful, brother!

So here's where things shift and become more surreal. The coven of occultist goths! I have to mention a few things quickly about the occult. I can't help myself. First of all, the trend in media in recent years towards fantasy films and books about occult topics like demon slayers, vampires and the like have brought some very unreal things to the forefronts of the minds of the collective unconscious, particularly in the case of the youth of the era. That being said, real occult practices do exist- but they're quite different than the perceptions you'd get of them by reading popular fiction or watching the Twilight series.

Most of what can be considered occult practice is misunderstood ritual that dates back thousands of years to early Earth worship Pagan religions. The link between Paganism and what is considered Satanic comes from the acquisition of Pagan symbols (like the horned God, Pan) into devices needed by Christianity to convert people (like the similarly portrayed image of Satan). Satanism can only be practiced by people who essentially believe in the Christian message of reality, because Satan only exists in the Christian tradition, so it is not possible to worship Satan unless you also believe in Christianity. Most dissenters of the dominant religious concept of Christianity dissent completely and therefore do not practice the worship of Satan. Satanism is, in a sense, another scare tactic employed by those whose interests lie in the protection of Christianity- Satanists are a sort of "boogie man" whose violent practices are, in reality, pretty tame.

That's not to say that Satanism doesn't exist- just to say that Satanism is likely more benign than the common perception may acknowledge. And, you can dress Goth, practice occultist ritual and even like to flog folks without believing in Satan or worshipping the devil!!

Back to your dream! The occult is a group of largely misunderstood or misrepresented practices, so again, dreaming about occult practice is often a call to understand the aspects of yourself that you've been ignoring. The leader of their group is a figure opposite you, a woman, whom you don't understand- and I think that's significant. Women are a sort of mystery to most men, and further, this woman is chubby, which is a subconscious indication of her success, both within this group and elsewhere. It seems clear that you don't understand her, how she's become the leader of this group, or their practices, and I believe that all of this is symbolic of a side of your own personality.

The sequence of torture is also interesting. The boy being tortured is totally complacent, but once the pain begins he does make a little noise. However, while there are several of you who run away screaming, he does not attempt to escape. This suggests that he's a stand in for the part of you that isn't afraid of the 'lessons' you have still to learn. Your brother, on the other hand, is the first to flee.

While running away, you feel abandoned by the others. This seems to be an acknowledgement of the fact that what you're running from is an issue all your own. What you're describing, about being capable of slipping into stealth mode once you realize you're dreaming, is called lucid dreaming. In a sequence of lucid dreaming, the dreamer realizes that they are dreaming and then is able to control and influence the dream to their desire.

An easy way to learn to lucid dream, and the way that I learned to do so as a child, was to get in the habit of asking myself if I am wake several times everyday. Basically you want to work that silent, internal question into your waking life, and link it with other patterns of thought. If you practice that while waking, eventually you'll ask yourself while you're sleeping! Then the fun begins.

Since you begin to lucid dream, you're able to evade the feelings that are quite literally chasing you down. But the dream is sending you a clear message, a call to get to know yourself better, and so this chubby chick, being an opposite aspect of you, speaks to you directly, asking you essentially why you're so afraid.

And when you go back, you realize that there's nothing to be afraid of at all. You don't particularly care about this group of people, and you're entirely safe there. I think it's as simple as learning to get to the heart of your feelings. But as usual, you'll have to be the final judge!

Thank you so much for sending me this great dream. Please feel free to post comments here, or to email me at and to any other readers who have a weird, funny, strange or distressing dream, I'd love to decode it for you here, free of charge and completely anonymously!

A dream about a cave, beautiful women and adventure

"I was swimming through a lake, big one. It was deep in the middle of a crater, as I was swimming I saw a cave opening, I went inside and started looking around. A lot of people who lived or worked there, I'm not sure which, but they had the means to leave and come back as they chose.

This cave was like a house, broken down into different rooms, apparently it was part of the occult as well. So I guess I fit in there as well, made friends, there were women that were trying to get with me ( wink wink...not going to go into explicit detail :P ) but I woke up in the middle of something going on and that was that.

So there is a very noticeable theme in all of these dreams, occult, people chasing me, trying to recruit me, blah blah. But I always come out safe and more powerful then them to the point that they want me because of something I can do that they can't. When I realize that I'm dreaming and I get full control, these dreams become more then dreams after that point, they become an adventure that I enjoy and I don't want to wake up!

I believe in astral projection and all that cool "hocus pocus" that most people don't believe in, and I have read the dreaming is a part of astral projection and travel to other dimensions..."

Thanks for sending me part three of your series, I think that you're bringing up some points here that we have touched on in previous blog entries, but also some others that are entirely new to this blog. As per usual, if any of my readers would like to have their dreams analyzed by me, absolutely 100% free of charge, please feel free to email me at and I'll get them out as quickly as possible.

I've developed a bit of a backlog, with all kinds of crazy things happening in all of our minds, and in my daily life, it can't be avoided, but do not fear, I have not forgotten any of you !!

On to this dream. I think it's safe to say that Freud would call this first bit, about the cave, some sort of vaginal reference- but generally speaking, Freud seemed to think that basically any hole was vaginal and basically any rod, a phallus. I don't say this with the purpose of devaluing the theories of Freud, or to imply that my skills are somehow superior to his, merely to remind of his point of view.

I have a theory that you, nice young man who has send me three fascinating dreams all with themes of the unknown, the beautiful ladies and a little occult action, you are a young man with a wild imagination. Which is a good thing, because your dreams would be boring without it! I also am going to say, in a rather rare instance, that on some level I'm going to point to Freud for the solution to the meaning of this dream... but I feel I'm getting a little ahead of myself here.

OK, so you start out in a big lake. Lakes and large bodies of water can be seen as baptismal vessels of a sort, a place where we are washed clean of the lives we've lead so that we can emerge brand new. In a way, the action you're describing is almost like a birth- from the waters of the large lake, down through a cave, into a new world.

In this new world, you make friends quickly. This is another situation where you find yourself faced with something that you don't quite understand but quickly pick up. You find it easy enough to wow your new friends with you abilities, due in no small part to your ability to lucid dream, thereby influencing some of the action of the dream.

This dream seems to present a sort of promise to you: change who you are on the inside and experience a rebirth, a strength that others will envy. I believe that the parallels between this dream and your others is the call to become more emotionally aware of yourself- your feelings, what you really want and most importantly, WHY you want the things that you want! These are lessons that you're learning, work that you're doing.

Let's talk about astral projection. The concept of astral projection was something I stumbled upon when I was about eleven. At that age, with an imagination like yours, there was no stopping my little spirit from leaving my little body and visiting all kinds of places, day or night, waking or dreaming. Seventeen years later, I'm a little more skeptical- was I imagining another plane of existence, or was I making friends there.... these are the big, unanswerable questions in life. I'll never know if astral projection is real, and I doubt you'll find any solid proof either, but what we both know is that sometimes, it feels damn real!

Like every woman my age, I have an ex-boyfriend. We dated when I was just graduating high school, more years ago than I'd like to admit, and NO, I'm not planning on going to the reunion. Anyways, this boyfriend was several years older than me and certainly not a high school student, nor did we have many mutual friends. In my first year of college we parted ways amicably, but did not see each other for a few years, then only once, and I moved away for awhile. When I came back, I had no idea what had become of this person. One night, after not seeing nor hearing from him for about seven years, I found him at every corner of about every third dream I had for nearly a year.

Seriously, nearly the entire year. I'm dreaming about running from a mob and BOOM, there he is, helping me escape. I'm dreaming about eating a giant pizza covered in bugs and oh look, he's cutting me the next slice. It got to the point in which I'd have a dream, I'd run into him, and I'd start telling him about all the other dreams in which I'd run into him. "Oh my gosh, that's so funny to see you here in this meadow full of puppy dogs and daisies, I just had a dream about you the other night that we were at the mall, naked."

To say I became obsessed with running into him in my actual life wouldn't be quite accurate, but I was increasingly aware of his absence. On a daily basis, I found myself scanning faces in crowds looking for him. Peering into car windows. Talking about him to friends who'd never met him. Googling his name, putting it into social networking sites.

Then I had a dream that felt so incredibly real, it was like we were really hanging out. There were very few elements of the bizarre. I could smell him, feel his presence in a very real way, hear his voice perfectly, the whole nine. I woke up the next day completely at peace with the situation and fairly convinced that somehow, where ever he is, his spirit heard mine writhing around and searching for him, and he responded. Did we actually astrally project, and meet up while sleeping to have what was essentially a rather mundane conversation (seriously boring stuff, like"how's your mom? does she still have her horses?")? Or did my brain generate the emotions that I needed to feel resolved about the situation of simply not finding that person in my waking life?

There's only one way I'll ever know. If he reads this and tells me he was there too!

I don't know how to define the spirit, or how to ascertain the truth about the hocu pocus that creative, imaginative types often gravitate towards. Here's what I do know, the galaxy is a big, infinitely vast place. I know that I can tell what my dog is doing in the next room without being to see him, hear him etc- cause I can feel his energy. That energy, that life force that's in all living things, from plants on up, it's powerful stuff, and I don't really see any reason why it can't travel a little. Just because we don't understand astral projection as a part of THIS reality doesn't mean it absolutely doesn't exist.

The power of the human mind is as vast as the universe. We create a perception of the world around us through our senses, and our interpretation of the data that they draw in. If you believe you're projecting, then you might as well be. That's the ultimate message on that topic, in my humble opinion.

I hope you've found this long tirade of mine to be interesting, and of course feel free to email me directly with comments or post them here! For any reader of mine who'd like their dreams read fast and free, please email them directly to me at and please include as many details as possible, even the weird stuff that makes no sense often means something :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

A dream about being drunk, an uncle and a handsome man in uniform

"Hoping you can analyse this dream for me:

I am in the town I live in but it's quite empty and looks different. I walk into a store, which is spacious and scarcely filled and venture upstairs knowing I will find books there. I see a person I went to high school with, who in real life is pursuing a stand-up comedy career. In the dream she is so small and child like and when I approach her she doesn't respond, she is like a frightened child or just pretending not to know me.

Somewhere in the dream I become drunk and meet many people, but then I become sober and I cannot remember anything that happened. My wallet, keys and passport are missing and instead I have 2 mobile phones belonging to other people and the wording in them is French. I have someone else's wallet and passport, which is torn and I cannot tell which country it originates from. There is a small picture of an Indian or European looking man and I suppose I must have met this person while drunk. I am then trying to get home but am filled with frustration at not remembering what happened. I have also lost the books I bought, which upsets and frustrates me.

On my way home, a carload of trouble makers frighten me and I run into a store but the store people don't sympathise with me and instead, they appear to know the gang and greet them in a friendly manner. On my way home, I jump through the window of some one's parked car and realize once inside that I cannot get out of the back window and so open the door, hoping not to be seen, and make my way home.

For some strange reason, I end up at the train station speaking to police and explaining I may not find my ticket. I am having trouble locating it in my bag and explain the events of the night. A female officer says I need to learn about gluttony, that over indulging oneself is considered disgusting by one of her colleagues. She introduces me to this colleague, who is a handsome young man.

I eventually find my ticket and find myself with my uncle (who in real life lives over seas). He is smoking and offers me a cigarette but I cannot smoke it and look for more, but they are all impossible to smoke - either smoked to the butt or just covered in ash.I explain my situation and start to look through my bags and find that I must have been home throughout the course of the night because I have picked up a large number of belongings, and I begin to think that perhaps I left my lost items at home. Among these items is make-up, books, and a couple of packs of cigarettes. My uncle is very understanding and doesn't seem to think it an issue that I have become so inebriated and lost my memory.He does make a remark that the job I am in is a dead-end job and I tell him he has no idea, that I have been writing articles for a magazine and he becomes impressed and proud of me.

This is about all I can remember. It was such a vivid dream, and I feel blown away by it. Hopefully you might be able to shed some light on it..."

Dreams that center on realities but display them through the lens of the human imagination are always of particular interest to me. Thank you so much for sending this fascinating dream, and please feel free, all my readers to send your dreams as well, my direct email is and I'd love to do an analysis of your dreams absolutely free. Without further ado, let's dive into the surreal.

The books will tell you that dreaming about your hometown can be an indication of repressed emotions. I believe these themes are sometimes the cause, but additional ideas spring to mind- if you're dreaming about a place you've been before, your mind tends to recreate it incorrectly. Rather than duplicate the place, the mind tends to add rooms where rooms don't belong, or geographic differences, like hills where there are no hills, etc. This could be a matter of what I like to refer to as "brain goo," the nonsensical stuff that's merged in with the more obviously meaningful stuff in your dreams. Conversely, the changes made to a familiar place can be excessively meaningful, for example, if you were attempting to get home and somehow couldn't find your way...

The two emotions that I am reading here are confusion and frustration. More accurately, you spend a great deal of the dream frustrated over being confused, which makes it possible that you might be dealing with some repressed anger. However, I think the larger issue overarching all the images is something different.

You walk into the bookstore, and you see a friend, who behaves in a fearful way and seems to not know you. Then you buy books, a symbol of knowledge, information and learning, which you lose. Being drunk in a dream is often symbolic of a loss of control or irresponsible behavior- I think here, it's a sign of frustration, simply because of the events that it causes. Next you're greeted by authority figures, a woman who is critical of you (and clearly doesn't quite understand you) and then a handsome man. Finally, someone does know you, but you don't know why he's in town, and he doesn't know what you're up to. Through this chain of events, I have to wonder if the core issue here is one of personal identity. Are your ideas about yourself changing? In flux? Are you re-examining your goals in life? An uncle who appears in a dream has been known to be a harbinger of new ideas.

The items of personal property that you've mentioned, cigarettes and make-up, each have associations as well. Make-up is something we use to redesign our appearance. We do this more for the sake of ourselves than for the outside world, take for example the woman who plucks her eyebrows down to nothing only to pencil them back on in a slightly different shape. Do you think her boss cares what her eyebrows look like? Her neighbors? Her boyfriend? Cosmetics go beyond basic grooming, which of course society would like to see from all its citizens. Cosmetics are a mask women apply every day, a tool we use to make ourselves more like the best self we could hope to be.

And the cigarettes, well, if you smoke, this might be your own way of pointing out your dependence on them. It might be a repressed emotional thing as well, if there is something specific that you need in your life that you do not have access to. I would weight the relative importance of the sequence of looking for a cigarette in the dream to the thing you feel is missing. If you spent twenty minutes looking for a stogie in the dream and never finding it, it's not about the cigarette!

I hope that this interpretation of your dream was helpful. Please feel free to leave comments here, or email me at with any dream you'd like analyzed fast, free and totally confidential, as always.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A dream about joining a werewolf army

"The dream goes like this. Its a little foggy but ill try my best.

I woke up in a middle of a forest. I realized that I was in a middle of a shoot out between a group of soldiers and werewolves. My first instinct kicked in to pick up a gun. As I did that, I went to load it, put all accessories on it and I began my fight. It all went down the hill as the werewolves took us over. Most of the soldiers were killed except for a handful of us. Apparently we were given a chance to decide to either live or not. But our lives would change as we would become part of their"Wolf" Pack. I decided to do exactly that.

Then I woke up and I realized that I had a smile on my face and so I went back to sleep.

I got back into the dream. This time I was part of the pack. I joined there ranks, I was taught all that I needed to know. Along with all the other people that were there. But I did not feel like a prisoner, I felt like this is where I belong. In fact this group of werewolves weren’t the "bad" guys apparently they were disliked for the fact that they were a rebel group of werewolves, or some weird outcasts. They were a separated branch because they saw things differently.

I decided that I will rise up in there ranks and that no one would stand in my way. I sucked up as much of there knowledge as I could. I did missions with them, and no one could stand in my way. I had all the power I ever wanted. The thing is that not only could I change into a werewolf, though it was the form that I preferred, I could change into anything I wanted, if the situation arose to do so.

So then I woke up again, though I didn’t want to so I went back to sleep to return to my dream.

I come back to my dream. our haven, it was hidden in a forest far far from the city. We lived in a victorian/italian style building. It was so awesome because we had a bar there ( all the drinks I ever wanted ). No one messed with me except for my teacher or trainer who ever he was. He was then much stronger then I. He taught me that my anger, my frustration all needed control, and that without that control I would be my own worst enemy. We went through many training session, some were tough, some were just ridiculously funny. I spotted a girl, this girl had long wavy brown hair, a definite book nerd, she had a very beautiful body. Something about her caught my eye, but I never saw her turn into a werewolf, and I never bothered to ask why she doesn’t.. We became friends, she had a little brother, and little by little I started falling for her, Though I was never able to tell her that in words. Not sure why. I tried to show it to her with my actions. Being a gentleman, standing up for her, in general just being there for her.

Then my dream jumps into a different situation. We were sitting and talking on some bleachers and a group of guys show up. It looked like they were part of some very high sector of occultists or something, but they were also werewolves. Now at this point I was very head strong, I did not let anyone stand in my way, and when the situation arose that I was threatened or picked on I didn’t give anyone a chance to even explain themselves.

So one of the guys gets out of the car He had a black suit on, his hair was short, black and spiked and he comes up to the bleachers, he then tries to recruit us, Telling us that we would have much more power if we joined them, asking why are we wasting our time with these losers, we are being held against our own will, that we would have much more freedom if we joined them. As he is talking I'm looking into his eyes, not saying anything and then he tries to recruit the girl that I liked. I stood up and I told him to leave. I always gave people a chance before I either ruthlessly rip with apart or show them agonizing pain they have never thought existed. During our time talking, my teacher walks up and tells me that I don’t want to mess with this guy, That they are very powerful and dangerous. But my head strong instincts told me different. I turn into a werewolf and I warned him a second time. But he didn’t leave still, and he turns into his form. taunting me, telling me what am I going to do, without giving him a third chance ( at this point apparently I had unimaginable power, my teacher didn’t even expect it ) I appeared behind the dude, I grab his neck and throw him towards the bleachers, he doesn’t even have enough time to get up when I appear by him again and grab him by his legs and just start bashing his face and neck area on the bleachers, to the point that he didn’t even have a chance to strike me. Then I stop and I tell him to leave, he gets up and tells me that I will pay for this and that this isn’t the last time I will see him, I smirk at him and tell him “we'll see“.

Dream ends here as I had to wake up already- Its a little choppy but I will appreciate any insight that you might have from all this info."

Thanks for sending this very detailed account of a very interesting dream for analysis! In the event that you have any questions or comments, or if any of my readers out there would like a free dream reading, please feel free to email me at Before I get into the meaning of this dream, let me say a thing or two about the process of remembering dreams. For whatever reason, the details of our dreams tend to fade within a few minutes or a few hours of waking up. In my personal experience, only the weirdest and most emotionally involving dreams stay with me for hours at a time... in fact I personally had one last night. The best thing to do when you have an odd dream that you'd like to remember is to write down the details of the dream. The sooner you do this after waking, the more you'll be able to recall about your dream... I'm going to take a minute to do just that right now!

I feel better now. I think I'll start posting some of my own dreams from time to time, so you can see how crazy my dreams are too- that's pretty much the reason why I started this blog! While there are plenty of dictionaries to tell you meanings of specific symbols from your dreams, and forums where people can post replies to your dreams IF they want to, or if they can even find them, there didn't seem to be any sites devoted to reading people's dreams for free. Well, now I've completed strayed from the original topic- this fascinating dream about battle, werewolves, beautiful women and the occult.

Wolves are commonly considered to be symbols of violence or repressed anger, some of the better dictionaries will interpret them as a representation of a self-destructive tendency. Now, that may be the case here, in light of the arrogance you're expressing in the later part of the dream, but honestly, because of the feelings you're expressing in the rest of the dream, I believe that the werewolf is a symbol of your natural aggression. To some extent, human beings are still animals- though we wear dress shoes and ties Monday through Friday, we say please and thank you to our grandmothers, we're still carnivorious animals who have a drive to maim, murder and consume other animals. Don't believe me? Turn on your TV, and see how many stations you have to flip through before you find a show about murder, rape or war.

Because we live in society, we have to repress the urge to exact our physical power over other beings. For that reason, we look for 'healthy', 'normal' or socially acceptable places to channel these primal urges. I believe the werewolves in your dream are this type of channel. To that end, joining their army may seem at first to be an either do or die proposition (either be violent in our social group or perish from both your social group and ours!) but you quickly acclimate and become a warrior.

Beyond simply learning the ways of the primal werewolf, you excel at it. You begin to feel unstoppable, and the only person who questions you is a trusted teacher. Learning processes in dreams are often linked to self-discovery in real life, perhaps you are learning how to cope with a difficult situation, or picking up a new skill set in some area of your life? At any rate, your teacher is an advisor who doesn't always see things your way, and he clearly has your best interests in mind. He may represent a person that you know, or he might be a figure of a higher self that you are hoping to achieve someday. The reason I believe this is that he does not simply allow you to throw your weight around and act like a jerk- he questions you. He tries to protect you from making a stupid mistake and jumping into a fight you likely won't win. The fact that he is wrong, and that you easily win this first leg of the fight indicates perhaps a little wish fulfillment in the dream- you're dreaming about being outrageously powerful, and look! You are!

Let's discuss some of the other figures in the dream as well, the high ranking occultists and the hot girl. The occultists, like the teacher, seem to represent a higher authority. At every stage, you are rejecting the authority of these figures, first by questioning your teacher, and then by fighting the occultist who tries to convert your girl. Is there conflict in your life with an authority figure, or nameless group of figures? If you're a student, this would likely reflect a resentment of the authority of parents, teachers and administrative staff at school. In a career, this could be a board of directors, or shareholders, bosses or even the bosses of your boss. This theme ties in easily with the repressed primal urges that might manifest themselves as a dream of being a lawless beastie like a werewolf. The fact that you so enjoy the power you experience within the dream suggests that in your waking life, your personal power is compromised in some way. Either that, or you've just got a ton of testosterone!

Now the girl. There always seems to be a pretty girl in a dream like this. I'd have to say, I think this might be because of the strong links to carnality. Falling in love in your dreams can be a mirroring of feelings you're having in real life, or it can be wish fulfillment. If you're not getting what you need on an emotional level, your mind may create scenarios within your dreaming life to provide you with emotional outlets- this is the same principal that applies to the violent tendencies.

If I had to sum this dream up in just one sentence, I would say that it's an expression of unexpressed emotions. I hope this free reading of your dream has been helpful, and if you have any others please feel free to email me at Thanks again for sending me such a great dream :)!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Dream about Cliff Diving

"I keep having this dream where I'm at some beach and all of a sudden like 20000 people come outta nowhere and look up to a high cliff, and on top of this high cliff is this like 30 year old survivor looking chick. And then I ask someone whats all the fuss about and they tell me that they're trying out some experiment regarding magnetic energy and so this girl needs 20 of the 20000 people to focus on her fully with all their attention and the rest are just watchers . . . and if she jumps off the cliff, instead of falling to her ultimate death, she'll reappear swimming in the ocean. Anyways, she does it and she falls, disappears and reappears in the ocean outta nowhere and then they leave and I try to gather up everyone so I can do it and I try it and wake up before I see if it works! I keep having this same dream..."

I love this dream! I think its meaning is quite inspirational- I'll get into that shortly. Let me first remind all my readers, and this particular dreamer as well, that if one has any questions, comments or if you'd like your own dream read for free, please feel free to email me directly at

When decoding dreams, I believe it's important to sort of dismantle the imagery, and hold it up against the common cultural context of meaning. Then, as individuals we have to consider any additional meaning that these symbols may hold for us, based on our own impressions or associations. So without further ado, let's take these images apart.

Beaches are a borderland between worlds, in a sense. They are an adapted space, where the ocean and the land equally influence one another- because of this, beaches are often seen as places of transitions when they appear in a dream. A beach can also be a place where two states of mind can meet, and sometimes clash.

So, while standing on the beach, a large mass of people materialize out of nowhere. Groups of nameless, faceless people can be indicative of a sort of conformity; I believe that in this case, the group of people is serving as a sort of audience, placing the woman in the center of the dream in full public view. This implies that she is the object of scrutiny.

Now, it sounds like she's a tough chick. She stands up on this cliff (keep in mind here that cliffs and mountains in dreams are often symbols of accomplishment, or, literally a climb to success) and convinces this crowd that if they believe she can dematerialize, then she can. Then she does the most amazing thing a person can imagine- she takes a massive leap of faith, and things go precisely as planned!

I think there is a good chance that this young woman is a stand-in for a very determined side of your personality. You are likely in a period of transition, perhaps you're facing a major value shift or a big life change. The reason why I label this dream as inspirational, is that this woman does the thing that we all know we can do- if we believe in ourselves, we can do anything we set our minds to... except perhaps dissolving and re-materializing at will!

It may be time for you to make a leap of faith as well. This dream may be indicating that the most important thing you can do is to roll with things as they come, and remain positive. Good things are coming :)

If you have any additional questions, comments or if you'd like your own dream read, fast and free, please feel free to email me directly at And thank you for sending this great dream!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Dreams about Tornadoes

"So lately I've been having dreams with tornadoes in them. I'll either be at my high school or outside in the wilderness. But the weird part is I ALWAYS have either my ex boyfriend in it or some weird kid from one of my classes in it. Can you tell me what they mean?"

Thank you so much for sending in this dream for a free reading, I hope that my analysis of your dream will help you understand it. Of course, if you have any additional questions or comments, or if any of my readers would like their own dreams interpreted, please feel free to email me directly at

Tornadoes, as one can imagine, are an unpredictable force of nature. They can strike with little to no warning, and they leave vast devastation in their wake. Because of the violent nature of this type of natural disaster, tornadoes in dreams are often symbolic of being swept away by your emotions. This can mean that you personally experiencing some out of control emotions, or the tornadoes in question can be standing in for a tumultuous relationship. Because of the specific mention of your ex-boyfriend, and the weird kid in one of your classes, I have a feeling that the emotional situation your dreaming about is in reference to your feelings about these people, rather than your specific relationships with them. Is there a parallel between the way you feel about these two people? Is it possible that the way you dislike them is similar? Do you even dislike them, or are the emotions involved more complex than that? Or, more intense than that?

I have a feeling that at the eye of that tornado is your feelings about the people who are in this dream with you. It sounds like this is a recurring dream, and if it is, it's possible that it's not always about the same emotional situation. Being a teenager is complicated and difficult; my teen years were full of a lot of wild emotional highs and lows. I believe that the tornadoes that you're dreaming about are influenced by similar ups and downs, but of course, you'll have to be the one to judge for yourself.

Again, if you have any comments, or questions that you'd rather not post here, please feel free to email me at I would also be happy to do a more specific, longer reading if you can remember more details of this sort of dream in the future.