Friday, November 6, 2009

A dream about a wedding

"In my dream, I was getting ready to marry my boyfriend of two years. The day of our wedding I kept wondering if my boyfriend was as excited as I was to marry or if he just did it to please me. I specifically remember wondering if he'd even remember the first time we made love as a married couple.
I remember that on the day of my wedding I was in a place that looked like a basement, then got on an elevator in which my boyfriend's roommate was in. We took the elevator up and it took us to a shopping mall. I walked around the mall and I found my mom crying. She was really hurt because we're marrying so young (we're nineteen) and wasn't ready to let me go. I held her and cried with her.
That's all I remember. I didn't dream the actual wedding but the reason why I asked for my dream to be decoded is because my family always says that if you dream of a wedding, it means a death in the family is coming. I don't know how true that is, but still..."

Thank you so much for sending this dream in for a dream reading. Before I get to it, let me remind all my readers that they can feel free to send me their dreams at; I will read the most unique and fascinating dreams on the blog.

I think it's fascinating that you've been told that dreaming of a wedding is an omen of death. People have a lot of ideas about the meanings of their dreams, none of which I will say are absolutely untrue, but I firmly believe that dreams are not prophecy. There are very rare instances in which a person may dream of something in their future, but typically these dreams are quite literal.

The trouble with omens is that one can take nearly anything for an omen! I once knew a very intelligent young woman who would look up the symbolic meaning of every animal that she came across, intent on the idea that every squirrel she saw was an omen of a wild fun weekend, every type of bird that flew in front of her car was telling her to get away from it all... you get the idea.

Rather than seeing anything as an omen, I think it is more logical to see the symbols in your dreams as visions your mind has generated to tell you about your true thoughts and feelings. As strange as it may sound, the way that you describe your dream means as much or more than the individual symbols in it.

So, your dream is very interesting to me.

Weddings, marriage proposals and the promises of such in our dreams are not harbingers of death. Well, in a sense they are- but not in the literal sense. The implications of getting married are a sort of death, as marriage is the death of the single life. This is particularly true in today's society, where there are virtually no rite of passage ceremonies for adolescents as they come of age.

In your case, I firmly believe that your dream is about transition- the years in which you are living (18, 19, and just down the road, age 20) are times in which we learn much about ourselves. The person that you are becoming now is the person you'll be for the rest of your life. The relationships you're having now are your first adult relationships, you're likely embarking on some sort of career, or perhaps simply studying something in hopes of a brighter future.

During this pivotal time in your life, dreaming about becoming engaged to your boyfriend can have quite a lot of implications. As a 19 year old who has been in a relationship for the last two years, getting married may seem like a favorable and rather likely outcome to you, however, you'd have to extremely secure both in yourself and in your relationship to make a choice like that at such an early age. There are some aspects of your dream which express some concerns you seem to have about growing up, but I'll address those a little further down.

I think that it's important to mention once again that you do not actually dream of the wedding part of getting married in this dream, you merely dream about the promise that you will be getting married. There are definite implications there. First of all, it suggests that you are living on the promise of a big change, rather than living in the midst of the actual change. Additionally, you're dreaming about the emotional reaction of your mother to the news.

As I've written here before time and again, one of the points made by Sigmoid Freud about dream interpretation which I almost uniformly agree with is that we are everyone in our dreams. For this reason, I firmly believe that the portion of your dream in which you cry with your mother is one that reflects your mixed emotions about growing up, and about leaving the nest. Sure, being an adult is fantastic, nobody tells you what to have for dinner, or what time to go to bed. But, you're also stuck doing your own laundry, paying your own bills, and tying your own shoes. The conflict between the good parts of leaving the nest, as well as the scary parts, are likely generating the waterworks in your dreaming life.

The fact that a significant portion of the dream takes place in a shopping mall is also significant. For young Americans, the local mall is a lot more than a place to pick up a new pair of jeans. The suburban mall is a cultural mecca, a place where the material meets the societal. It's the place where you're seen, talked about, and appraised by the public, and not only by your peers, but also by people who are outside of your age group or social circles. Dreaming about coming up from a quiet, underground basement (a symbol which to me reads as an isolated frame of mind) into a noisy, crowded shopping mall is an expression of concern over the public perception of your engagement. You were safe in the basement, where the only thoughts were your own, but once you get out into the mall (or the larger world) you realize that things are not as simple as they may have seemed.

I hope this assuages your fears about dreaming of a wedding as a bad omen. Instead, I think it's safe to say that the dream is about the changes which are coming in your life, as you transition from your teen years into your adulthood. Thank you so much for sending your dream into me for a reading, and I sincerely hope that it helps!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A dream about a cheating boyfriend: Prophecy, Psychic Awareness or Something Else?

"Hey idk I kinda jus woke up and went crazy googlin bc I keep having a recurring dream of my boyfriend who's faithful but my 3rd time dreaming of this girl ( who he slept w in his passd before me) first one was his mom and sister we're telling me he's with someone else and I was like noo and they we're like yes she comes by the house.

second one was at my one aunts house but supossd to be a hair salon (I do hair) and he's ther ( sitting like they don't know eachother) and I had one mor left and he didn't tell me she was coming or anything and I noticed who she was and that's it that I can remember . Random .

Now for my third one which was this morning we we're somewhere I think a different aunts house so random w my aunts houses, but the girl was they're again I was nice to her kinda conversational and then they go outside and I noticed they're making out but wasn't sure until my cousin comes up and says I didn't wanna say anything but and she confirms it for me I'm starting to forget his reaction when I came out but basically he was very egh whatever and he says I told you to go downstairs like get out of here but then I startd to beat them up and neither fought back. They just sat there.

I have been having stupid fights with him where now he's actually yelling back and getting sick of me fighting, please help me! I'd appreciate it!!! Thanks :)"

Thank you so much for sending your dream in for a reading. If you'd like your dream interpreted, please email it to!

A lot of people believe that their dreams are prophetic, or that they are psychic visions which lay before them the realities of the situations in their lives which they are not privy to in their waking lives. In the vast majority of the cases in which a person has a dream which they believe to either be prophecy or psychic warning the dream is neither of these things. Instead, the dream is a call to examine more closely the situations that plague them.

There is yet another possibility in this case: that you have, in your waking hours, gathered some information about your boyfriend which makes you increasingly suspicious of him. You mention specifically that he has been faithful to you, but it sounds like something more than these dreams is eating at you.

Is he too good to be true? Is there some possibility that you've been pushing him away a little, out of fear that he may betray you?

You also specifically mention a girl who he slept with before the two of you got together, I think that she's perhaps as significant as the cheating itself. First of all, I'm sure you're aware that to really love someone, you must accept who they've been in their past, simply because it's the one thing that they cannot change about themselves. That being said, people bring a lot of outside feelings, thoughts, and behavioral patterns into their relationships. It's unfortunate that we do this, in many situations, because we frequently cause our partners to live with consequences and emotional fall-out that may have nothing to do with them. I suspect that something about this other woman really irks you- she might have a personality flaw, or even an attribute that you feel you may not possess, either way, as a sexual rival, she fills an important place in this dream.

Freud believed that we were everyone in our dreams, and I find that his theory is frequently correct. If you look at this dream through that lens, something very interesting happens...

If you're everyone in your dream, you aren't just the hurt self, catching your boyfriend in various stages of deceit- you're also the concerned cousin, the cheating boyfriend and the other woman. You inflict injury as well as receive it, and you serve as your own messenger of the cold, hard, truth.

There is a distinct possibility that you have lived every role in this emotional drama that you've dreamt up at some point in your waking life. These conflicting feelings have percolated inside you, and have manifested themselves as a series of dreams which allow you to safely express them.

However, both paragraphs of the above interpretation hinge on a single factor: the ability to empathize with the position of the "cheater" within this dream, something I am not convinced that you are doing. It sounds as though you've dreamt up a situation in which you could not possibly understand the motivations behind the actions of your cheating boyfriend, or the other girl. The fact that suggests this is the reaction, or lack thereof, which he shows you when caught.

In the action of this dream, then, your boyfriend and this girl act more as props than as real people. This tells me that it's very likely that the dream is reflective of your emotional state, your fears, insecurities and perhaps your past, than it is a warning of your boyfriend cheating.

That being said, you have a call to make here. One that no one outside of your relationship can really know anything about!

Regardless of whither or not he's cheating on you, it sounds like you may not be happy in this relationship. I would encourage you to think deeply and carefully about WHY you're in this particular relationship. Does this man love you? Does he understand you, emotionally and intellectually? Is he actively looking out for you?

Get to the heart of why you're together, and have some conversations with him about these dreams, his past, your past and your feelings about the recent fights. If you're able to talk these things out, you'll be fine- and if you actually have a problem, these conversations will likely make you aware of that. Pay attention to how he addresses your feelings- and don't allow him to be dismissive. If it's important to you, it needs to be discussed.

I hope you found this interpretation helpful. You've got a lot of work ahead of you, but I think it was smart of you to take these dreams seriously, though they likely aren't warnings of his bad behavior, they are the result of the turmoil in your relationship, and you'll have to get to the root of all of it to make it go away.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A dream about an attack, strange men, fighting, and a talking fog

"lately I've been dreaming about the same thing for about a week
in every dream someone always gives me a different weapon
it started off with me being at the beach and there was a lot of people there
and I'm always with my best friend but when we leave we leave separate
and I'm always leaving with my uncle (that i hardly ever see) and we get to his house
i shower and get ready to leave but as soon as i leave he gives me a hand gun.
and i put it in my back pocket
as i turn around these 3 guys follow me out the door chasing me as i run away
the first guy is wearing all black
the second guy is wearing all red
and the third is wearing all green but he has eyes as blue as the sky
and the style of clothing is more like a ninja
anyways, as i run through the front door. i kick the door to try to stop them
and for some reason the door gets stuck and they cant move it
so i shoot 2 bullets towards them the first kills the man in the red
and the second kills both men because they were standing behind each other.
every time i wake up its in the middle of the night
between 3:25- 4:00 and I'm confused and a little scared
like i was saying in the beginning all the weapons were different and they were given to me at different times
Monday- they gave me the gun (but this is the only weapon that i actually killed someone with)
Tuesday- a Indian that had came up from the sea gave me a sword (kinda like the ones the grim reapers use)
but it was made out of shark teeth.
Wednesday- my best friend gives me a bow and arrow and she tells me "live every day as if it were your last"
Thursday - no dream
Friday- just as i walked out of the shower and about to put my clothes on a gold pocket knife appears on
top of my clothes i get dressed and everything i open the door and the mirror starts to (de-fog its self very quickly)
the fog disappears quickly and the remaining fog says "keep watch"
i really think my dreams are trying to tell me something
it has happened to me several times but i never really payed attention to them until now
please help me thank you."

Thank you for sending your dream in for a dream reading. I agree, your dreams ARE trying to tell you something! If you'd like your dreams interpreted, please send them to!

Recurring dreams are especially significant, as they are reinterpretations of the same messages over and over again. Sometimes a person can have a recurring dream to alert them of a new problem as it increases in severity over time, while on other occasions, like a nagging doubt, the dream can appear and reappear over a period of many years without any marked changes in severity.

It sounds like, in this case, this dream reflects a new anxiety or fear in your life. Let's see if we can't examine these symbolic elements and get a better understanding of the situation.

Dreaming about being at the beach is a pretty common thing; beaches are places of fun and relaxation, but they are also the place where the known (Land) meets the unknown (Deep Blue Sea). Think of it as a place where your reality meets your subconscious.

Big faceless crowds of people in your dreams represent society as a whole. Your best friend is likely there to stand in for an element of yourself that you both share, this could be a common character trait or element. Depending on how often you are together, the best friend can also stand in for you as a whole, almost like a duplicate you. Because you leave separately, I am guessing that the element that this person stands in for is something that is absent in your fight against this fear or anxiety.

Your uncle, on the other hand, is prepared and able to deal with this anxiety! He represents a strong male energy, a paternal figure, but depending on your relationship with him, I'd guess that there is a different slant to that meaning. An uncle you confide in during your waking hours who equips you in this way is looking out for your best interest, while an uncle you don't like might be involved in the issues to come, or might be setting you up in some way.

That handgun, well, it's your protection. Guns are symbols of anger or hatred, and since this is a small gun, I'd guess that this little hateful weapon is something you've held back in the past for whatever reason.

Now on to the three men. I'd guess based on the colors that they are wearing, and their obviously malicious intentions towards you, that these men represent hatred, carnality, and jealousy. The green Ninja, well, his blue eyes are interesting. I would guess that there is someone who you find attractive in your personal life whom you feel has these negative qualities. You might be playing with fire a little, trying to figure out if this person could be a positive force in your life, or if he's as bad as some might think...

The fact that you slay two of these men with a single shot, and that they are unable to make it through the door, suggests to me that you are able to overcome the anxiety that this dream reflects. The different weapons are likely reflections of a changing situation:

Monday, your protector uncle gives you the gun, the most effective weapon
Tuesday, you are urged to trust your instincts, and use whatever is at hand to keep yourself safe
Wednesday, the insight and influence of your friend can help you, but it won't save you!
Thursday, you likely didn't wake up during your REM cycle!
Friday, you are urging yourself to stay aware of the issue, and the gold knife? well, it's phallic. It's a pure, protective influence, a representation of strong male energy in your life.

Thank you for sending this dream for a dream reading!

a dream about a baby

"I saw your name on the site and I just so curious enough to ask you regarding my dreams for past successive for 2 days its all about baby and a girl.
Before that I have one dream which the daughter of my collegue got an accident and I can see the face of my friends was too sad.
Today I DREAM OF 2 INFANTS WHO is pulling the other arm of my aby since im carrying the infant and I was so panic cause the left shoulder was detached and I was trying to fix it and run to hospital."
Thank you so much for sending me these dreams for interpretation. For all my other readers, if you don't find your questions answered here, please feel free to email me at for a dream reading of your own!
In many instances, we are everyone in our dreams. I know that this concept may seem bizarre, but it is often the case. I believe this is particularly true in dreams about children, infants or protecting something younger than yourself. I think that it is significant that you are dreaming about the dangers to these helpless aspects of yourself- the baby you, the young girl you. It makes me wonder if you're under a psychological assault of some kind? Is someone questioning the validity of you? Of something you believe deeply in, or some aspect of your personal identity?
Dreaming about a child of the same gender as yourself is often a reflection of your inner child. Conversely, if the child is of the opposite gender, it's likely that the dream is about a side of yourself which you do not often think about, but that still exists. Often this is your masculine/feminine side in some form; shoulders are a part of our bodies that we use to carry or support a burden. That your child has a detached shoulder makes me wonder if the aspect of yourself being conveyed in this dream by the symbol of the child is being overworked or overused. Are there demands being made on you that draw up old feelings, or bring up issues from your past?
I would suggest that anyone having dreams involving violence towards children look to their lives for the source of the trauma. These dreams are a call to take better care of ourselves emotionally and psychologically.
I sincerely hope that this reading is helpful to you. Thank you for sending in your dream for a dream interpretation.

Monday, September 21, 2009

a nightmare about family, a creepy old white house, a murder and a devil

"My mother had started seeing a new man, they moved into a house together, although it felt like only my mothers house.
I walked inside, the house was very old fashioned.
The whole house was white, but it was an old cracked white colour.
Every room i walked into, had 20 or so windows. But i remember thinking people could break into these windows very easily.

I walked back outside and walked through an old gate.
I saw my dad urinating against the wall and yelled at him to stop because it was wrong.
He stopped, but when i looked where he was urinating, there was blood. But he couldn't see it.
(As far as i know, my dad is OK)

I then had a flash that someone had been killed in this house.
I saw someone had been rolled up in a red/blue persian rug, and there body was at the bottom of a hill.

I walked back up to the fence, there was a list of names on a peice of paper stuck to the fence.
Each name had a symbol beside it (no bigger than a pinky nail). I cant remember what the symbols were.

I walked back inside the house to find my sister.
I walked into a massive empty hall. It was dark, there were no windows in this room.
There was a door at the back of the empty room, so i walked toward it.

I opened the door, and was horrified.
There was a massive pool of fire, and at the back of this black room, there was the devil's face, it was in flames and he was laughing (evil laugh).
I saw my sister near him, she didnt seem to notice him, but she was walking toward another door beside the devils face.
She needed to get to the room behind this door.

I started screaming for her, and then i woke up.

I have also had numerious dreams about being driven (usually in a bus) down a steep rocky mountain.
The edge of the mountain drops down a cliff, and it is always night time.

Any help of understanding of these dreams would be fantastic.
I know it sounds really creepy... it really scared me and i wont forget this dream, it was horrible but i know it has meaning."

Thank you so much for sending in this great dream, I agree, it certainly has meaning.

First of all, I think that is interesting that the dream opens up on this strange house that feels as though it belongs to your mother, even though your mother is absent from the action of the dream itself. As I have written before, houses are often reflections of our emotional state, so dreaming about your mother's house, and having it be in this seemingly dilapidated condition, points to some things you may be thinking or feeling about the way your mother has influenced your outlook on life.

Mothers are the people who are intended to guide us through life, and through their example we learn how to move about the world. Mothers are the ones who remind us to wash our hands, mind our manners and wear our mittens, and their influence on our perception of the world can integrate itself so completely that we cannot distinguish between their attitudes and our own, at times. So to dream about your mother's house may be an indication of some trouble with the way your mother has taught you to think about the world around you.

The fact that the house is white suggests that the things that your mother has taught you have come from a place of love, or that her intentions are pure and innocent. The fact that the finish on this white-washed house is cracked and old is what tells me that these ideas are perhaps a little outdated or behind the times. And all those windows? Well, it means you feel like you're on display, that people (perhaps even your mother) are watching you. The combination of these images seems to make you anxious from the start of this dream, even before the blood and gore begins, and that indicates that you are experiencing some anxiety, or some turmoil, over both the ideas your mother has ingrained in you, and the way that the outside world looks on them.

Similarly, the act of watching another person bleed can be seen as an emotional plea from your psyche, a sort of red alert to pay attention to yourself. In this portion of the dream, you've passed though a gate to find your father apparently peeing blood onto a wall. The fact that you've passed through a gate here may represent some division between your father's mode of thinking, and that of your mother.

Your father urinating out in the open is another reference to a lack of privacy in your life. What he is releasing all over that wall, well, to you it's blood, an emotional cry of distress, but for him, it's just a little pee. I think that this is significant, and I suspect that the anxiety you've developed is over a situation in which the gap between your parents generation and your generation equates to a very different value system. You may or may not agree with your parents over the issue that is troubling you, and at this point, I would be hard pressed to say exactly what that issue is, but whatever it is, I suspect your parents are both poisonously against you on it. That being said, they aren't trying to hurt you, and they don't think that what they're doing is wrong.

At this point, where your father fails to see the blood he's left on the wall, you get a mental picture of a murder in the old house. In this case, what you remember best is a body concealed in a rug. Murders in dreams are often centers of unresolved anger, and in this instance, I can't help but wonder if your parents attitudes aren't "killing" some aspect of your self, or your life; it also seems possible that the center of the anxiety that produced this dream has to do with those attitudes destroying a relationship that is important to you. The fact that the body has been wrapped in a red and blue rug suggests that they are concealing their attitudes, prejudices or opinions under the guise of wisdom, qualifying these attitudes as coming from a higher authority than themselves, perhaps?

The list of names on the fence, well, it seems likely that this is a list of people being affected or judged by the ideas in question. It is also possible, because these names are "on the fence" that the individuals listed there have not yet been judged. The symbols just add to the mystery of the whole thing, indicating a sort of secret language only understood by the person who wrote them in.

So you walk back into the house to find your sister, and you end up in a dark, massive, windowless room. I suspect that this room is indicative of your own opinions surrounding this group of issues. Without your parents, would you be left in the dark regarding this subject? Maybe not. The door leads you to somewhere even more sinister than the white house, a version of hell that Dante couldn't have dreamt up.

The funny thing is, again, you're apparently the only one affected by the swirling fire, and the face of the devil. What resonates with me throughout this dream is that you seem very isolated from your family, as they repeatedly are not able to see the things you see, and that you are the only one who is afraid. This suggests to me that the crisis that you've been facing is one in which you have to trust your own value system, regardless of the things that you've been taught to believe. Behave with integrity, be cautious with your health and your emotional needs, and you have nothing to be afraid of.

The last thing I'd like to address is the dream about riding a bus down a mountain. Dreaming about driving around is generally a straight line metaphor from our waking lives to our inner thoughts. This means that if you're dreaming about driving a car yourself, and it's going well, you're doing well in your life. In this case, you're being driven around, presumably against your will, as virtually no one is excited about getting onto a school bus, and you're being driven through dangerous places. You're anxious because you may not feel you have the measure of control over your life that you'd like to have.

Thank you again for sending these dreams in for a free dream reading. I hope that you've found my thoughts on your dream helpful.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Recurring dreams about tornados

"For about a year, I have been having recurring dreams about tornadoes, especially within the past couple of months. Sometimes there is only 1, that passes and just keeps going, sometimes, like last night, there were many in a row. They don't do damage to the place where I am hiding at whether it be a storm shelter, or house. It just goes over, I can hear the noise and rumbling, but it doesn't cause destruction where I am. As the tornado(es) go(es) by, it becomes clear. When I see the tornadoes, I am always with 1 or both of my children, and we are running frantically to seek shelter. I am always scared in the dreams. Sometimes it takes a long time for them to get closer and sometimes they get close fast."

Thank you so much for sending this group of dreams in for a reading, and if you'd like your dreams interpreted by me, please send them to

This set of dreams is a perfect way for me to discuss my theory on the significance of the tornado in dreams because it's not a single dream, and the symbol of the tornado doesn't always appear the same way in each of the individual dreams. I've actually thought seriously about placing a moratorium on any further discussion of tornado dreams in this blog, similar to my reluctance to discuss any more dreams about werewolves, because such a large number of the dreams that I read are about either of these two symbols. I hope that by facing this set of dreams I can answer multiple emails that have been sent in to me.

A tornado is a violent force of nature which tears through an environment, destroying everything that winds up in it's path. Personally, I wonder if the folks who tend to dream about tornadoes are typically those who live in areas effected by them- as a native Californian, I've dreamt about tsunamis, forest fires and earthquakes, but I've never had one about a tornado or a big storm. It stands to reason that the existence of a violent weather event in the waking life of a person may create the fear that would cause the same event to exist in their dreaming lives; while the natural inclination may be to believe that these dreams are prophetic, it is more likely that they are just manifestations of fear rather than harbingers of destruction.

So really, if you're dreaming about a tornado, you're dreaming about a force larger than yourself that is destroying homes and lives around you. In the case of a string of dreams such as yours, it doesn't have to be the same fear that causes the dreams in all instances. The specifics regarding the speed, duration and number of tornadoes is most likely a reflection of your real-life stresses. Perhaps the things that were beyond your control a year ago generated a dream where a single tornado was after you, perhaps in these recent months you've had more to worry about, more factors that you cannot control that are directly threatening you.

That the tornado(es) do not actually do anything to you, but merely pass over you with rumbling and noise, implies that while these forces scare you, they haven't yet torn your life (or house) apart. You have always been able to find shelter from the violent storms of life, and I sincerely hope that you are always able to do so.

I hope that you've found this reading helpful, thank you so much for sending your dream into me for a reading.

Monday, September 14, 2009

a dream about a shooting, a tuna fish sandwich and an old friend

"I had a dream that I was in a room - I shouldn't have been there but I don't remember why. I ate a tuna sandwich and I went to the bathroom but didn't flush it. Someone I didn't know came into the room with a gun and moved the curtains - across the street was a shooting. I was afraid that whoever was across the street would see the curtains moving so I ran across the hallway to another room.
Eventually the police came and they were going to determine what the person that went to the bathroom had for dinner and it was going to be found out that I was in that room. I had told them I was across the hall the whole time.
Thanks so much Rachel. It was a very vivid dream...I woke up remembering that dream but also that I was in a field feeding some small animals with some water on crackers and saw a friend and her daughter who I am no longer friends with, looking at me as they got into their car."

Thank you so much for sending this dream in for a free analysis! I'd like to thank you sincerely for waiting so patiently for me to get back to you on this one. Be forewarned, I've received a lot of emails recently and it may take a month or more for me to get to everyone- but rest assured, I'm doing my best.

In this dream, you start out by going about the mundane details of a normal day- except for the fact that you are somewhere that you don't belong. Overall, I believe that this dream is about being exposed; in this case you would not be exposed for anything you have actually done wrong, but exposed none the less.

So your mind has set up the dream in such a way that you are anxious from the start, finding yourself eating a boring lunch in a place where you wouldn't expect to find yourself. Eventually, a specific danger presents itself, both in terms of the entrance of a man with a gun, and also in the possibility of your being falsely accused of being involved in the shooting simply because you found yourself in this strange place.

Being in a situation where you feel you need to hide in your dream is often a reflection of a fear of being exposed in some way. The addition of the police investigation obviously adds to that idea, and your fear of being caught in that strange room of course cements it.

The thing that interests me is that you lied to the police in the first place. I suspect that the root of this dream is in some deception that you may have created in your waking life. This may be something small, or it may be something larger, only you can be sure. It's possible that rather than telling some specific lie, you may have simply mislead someone to think you were something that you're not, or you might have held back some information because it was not advantageous to say anything about it. This has become some sort of dirty little secret (not unlike the floater you left behind in the bathroom of that small room) or a source of shame, and you're anxious about being misunderstood when found out.

Although it may sound very literal, I believe that this is what the first part of the dream is laying out before you. The second portion is also interesting, and quite possibly related, as an old friend sees you doing something rather benevolent. Feeding baby animals in your dream suggests that you are nurturing something, or someone, as best you can. Depending on your impressions of this former friend, and perhaps more importantly, their feelings about you, this action may be seen simply for what it is. Conversely, this might be something quite different. If this person is someone who you stopped being friends with because you argued, their appearance in your dream might indicate some personal growth on your part. It might also mean that you have been critical of yourself where you did not deserve it; it could also just reflect a pattern in waking life, if you have thought of this person recently while awake.

Only you can be sure what your dreams mean, but I hope that my thoughts help you come to some conclusions on them. Thank you again for being patient and waiting for an embarrassingly long time for me to finish your dream!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A dream about a T-Rex, and a dream about bunnies!

"I had two different dreams last night which I just can’t shake. Keep trying to figure it out! J

1. The first dream was about a tyrannosaurus rex. Very “Jurassic Park”. He was destroying things and killing everyone. I was running through a building, trying to hide from him around corners. Finally his head broke through one of the hallways where I was hiding and when he saw me he didn’t kill me. I was actually the only one he liked. So I guess I befriended the killer T-rex!

2. The second was the complete opposite. I was walking through the water, what I first thought was a ocean, but now it seems like it could have been a really large lake (no waves). The water was only about ankle deep and I was only about 8 feet from the shore. I noticed as I was walking that there were rocks that protruded out of the water. I look over at the shore and see a few white adult rabbits sitting on the shore looking out at the water. When I look back out at the water ahead of me I notice that there are about 10 white baby bunnies scattered among the protruding rocks. They were small enough to fit in my hand but their ears were as long as their bodies. They are alive but limp/partially conscious. Somehow in the dream I recognized that they were stranded out there when the tide came in. Even though the water was only ankle deep they could not get back. One by one I picked up the bunnies, washed them off in the water (they were covered in dirt/debris) and returned them to the shore with the adult rabbits (I think it may have been their mothers). The adult rabbits & bunnies never seemed alarmed by me, just sat and waited quietly."

Thank you for sending me these fantastic dreams, I can't wait to get to them. Additionally, thank you for waiting and being patient while I got my act together this summer. I am back to the blog, fully recharged and ready to attack my burgeoning inbox!

Alright, so this first dream just makes me laugh. I've had a few dreams like this, where people are running and screaming, and even I'm running and screaming, but in fact, there is little or no actual danger. For instance, I once had a dream that I was being chased by a man in a bear costume- but of course, I really believed he was a bear while I was running!

Of course, your dream is very different, as the Tyrannosaurus Rex is a pretty dangerous character. In dream lore, a dinosaur is often symbolic of old ways, old habits or outdated ideas, and being chased by one could be seen as a fear of becoming obsolete. However, with the emergence of the T-Rex in popular films like Jurassic Park, Land of the Lost and a million others, I think that lore needs to be restructured. T-Rexes are voracious, massive predators, and very few are able to escape from them. Your dream reflects these ideas in it's action, focusing mostly on the violent nature of the creature. I would suggest instead that the Tyrannosaurus Rex you're dreaming about is something more like a natural disaster, he's an unexpected catastrophe that endangers everyone around you- yet somehow, you find yourself immune. Lucky you! He likes you, and just wants a belly rub. Start scratching, sister, because whatever situation he represents, (and again, I stress, this is a dangerous, sweeping scale situation in your immediate surroundings that has passed you over despite the fact that he has massacred others) is a situation you may still need to tip-toe around. Be careful, be observant, and rub his big scaly belly until he falls asleep- then sneak out quietly!

The second dream suggests that resolution to this situation has already come, however. As you mentioned, you are standing in a calm body of water, which you initially thought was much bigger than it actually was. Innocent little baby bunnies are stranded on rocks, and you very graciously collect them and return them to their mothers. These docile little animals are emblematic of good fortune, renewal and fertility. Further, these animals have giant ears, which suggests that they have listened too closely to some over-spun hype, creating a situation in which they are unable to help themselves. Though the two dreams may at first seem very different, I think it is likely that they are closely related.

Qualities that you possess make that big scary T-Rex want to be your buddy, and I suspect these same qualities enable you to wade through the water to rescue those little bunnies. One dream is a notification of the truth behind a problem that others are fighting, and the other is a reassurance that while other people are telling you that there are big waves in the ocean, and that the high tide is coming, you will be able to rescue your hopes from the rising waters.

I hope that this analysis of your dream is helpful! Thank you for sending your dream in for a free dream reading.

a dream about random parties at random houses, pot, and cute guys

"I was at a party in an unfamiliar house. I knew a few people but the rest were strangers. I wasn't seen until the end of it, I went into this room to find one of my friends from my old school. She usually is very cautious and wouldn't really try anything daring. I walked in on her smoking pot. she asked me "Hey Jess, wanna try it? Just once" I said nothing and walked out the room and found myself in a gym class that I had never been in. I sat down in the group of students like I would any other day. I saw this really attractive guy sitting next to me, listening to the teacher talk. Suddenly the guy turn to me and said "We're gonna be dancing soon, I hope you don't have a partner already." One of his friends said something that I don't remember and before I knew it, the attractive guy's arm was around me, like we knew each other. I believe it was my first day at a new school (in the dream) but in real life I recently finished off the year at a new school. He just kept staring like he was in love with me, and I felt a strange connection as well...IN THE DREAM.

and then i woke up, very confused and sad
This dream barely make sense but I think it means something"

I agree with you, I think this dream means something as well!

Thank you so much for sending your dream in for a free dream reading, and thank you for waiting patiently while I was getting my act together this summer.

One thing that you've mentioned here, and that is running all through out the images of your dream, is being in unfamiliar circumstances. As "the New Kid," everyone, and everything, can seem a little unpredictable and unsure, and hopefully, as the new school year rolls around, you'll find yourself among friendly faces again.

This dream seems to shift from some situations in which you'd be understandably uncomfortable, like your conservative friend suddenly experimenting with weed, to one which more closely resembles a sort of wish fulfillment, like a cute boy who clearly likes you in gym class :)

I think the sadness and confusion that you're describing upon waking is the same sense you'd have if that cute boy was suddenly transfered out of your class or school. Remember when Cinderella said that a dream is a wish your heart makes? Well, it's not a false statement. Our dreams will often provide things to us that we deeply want in our waking lives, and love is no exception. If I had a dollar for every dream I had (prior to age 15 or so) in which some beautiful young man looked into my eyes and we fell instantly in love, I'd be dreaming on a giant mattress stuffed with dollar bills! The only thing I did in my teens more than actually fall instantly in love with some beautiful young man whom I'd only just met was dream about falling instantly in love with some beautiful young man! I know it sounds silly, but it's the absolute truth. I suspect the hormones are to blame!

At any rate, I hope that this reading was helpful, and I'd like to thank you for waiting patiently while I got it together and started working my way through my inbox again.

A dream in which someone is about to die, in which the dreamer is late for an interview and running on ice

"So in my dream, I was living in a very large mansion with an elderly couple and a few other girls (none of which I know in real life). While it was extremely lavish, I had an eery feeling the entire time I was there - I sensed that someone had died somewhere in the house. I decided to go exploring in each of the rooms.

When I went into one room it turned into a huge new hotel and I was at the check-in desk. It was a beautiful hotel and looked like I had suddenly gone to Japan. I checked in and realized that my graduating class was all there and finding their rooms upstairs. I saw my current boyfriend (real life) walking across upstairs and he was dressed very business like; a suit, suitcase, talking on a blackberry.. the whole deal. I tried calling his name but he was too busy talking on his phone to notice.

I found my hotel room and there was already a note that I needed to attend an interview for a job in 30 minutes. Figuring I should get ready, I went into my bathroom in the hotel. Immediately upon entering the bathroom the eery feeling that I had in the mansion I began the dream in returned. I felt really scared and looked into a full wall mirror to see an asian man and woman (never seen before in my real life) looking at me from the shower. I quickly turned around and slowly walked towards them with my arm extended to see if they really existed. In my dream I felt like they were maybe ghosts or I was just seeing things. They gently touched my hand and pulled me closer to them as they stepped out of the shower.

They both looked at me and then at each other and smiled before my "mother" told me "we've missed you for so long". My heart was beating really fast and I thought "I've never seen you before, who are you?". They led me back to my room and sat me at the head of the bed. My "father" stood behind my "mother" who was sitting in front of me and my "mother" told me "we are your real parents. we are so sorry". While I never spoke to them, I still thought "what do you mean?" And without me saying that, they answered the questions I thought directly.

I glanced at the clock beside the bed and noticed that I really needed to leave for my interview. I thought that I had to leave soon and my "mother" said "We will see you later, we love you so much and we are so sorry". She leaned in to hug me and I became more scared and felt very trapped. She began crying and hugging me tighter and then I felt a burning pain on my upper right ribs. I looked down and realized that she was pulling my rib out and making it poke out of my side. I was shocked and felt more scared than I had throughout the entire time; I kept trying to push her off but she was immovable. I was thinking "what is she doing? please make this stop." In which she answered "this is the asian tradition". They both left my room quietly and I remained confused and frightened.

In order to make it to my interview on time, I ran through the hotel trying to find my interview room. While running I noticed a teacher from high school that I had a crush on sitting at a table eating lunch and laughing. I did not stop to talk to him but continued running. I ran to a night club within the hotel and it was a complete obstacle course - it was an ice rink with large glaciers and even ice slides. I tried running through but was thrown down multiple times. When I finally reached the interview door, I opened it only to be returned to the room I originally had entered from the mansion. I ran through the mansion attempting to find the elderly couple who had let me stay there but the mansion was completely empty.

I'm sorry this dream description was so long, this dream has just really scared me and I've been dying to get some insight on it. I hope you can help."

Thank you so much, dreamer, for taking the time to write out this "long" description of your dream, for sending it to me, and for waiting for so very long while I got myself together in order to respond to it! I will be in the process of catching up on the dreams I've been sent over the summer, so if you've sent me one, don't worry, you're in the pipeline!

As has been discussed before in the blog, dreams in which a house plays a key role are simply expressions of the self. The characteristics of the house correspond to the feelings that the dreamer has about themselves- so in this case, I'd venture a guess that overall, your self-image is fairly good. That the house is a mansion, and that you describe it as lavish suggests that you at least like the way the world perceives you. Additionally, the elderly couple and the young girls in the house are again reflections of aspects of yourself. Elderly people tend to take on roles of wisdom in dreams, while young girls tend to reflect naivety, impulsivity and emotionality.

Interesting that you feel that someone has died in the mansion, and that this sense is what sends you on a trip through all its various rooms. That a presence remains in the rooms of your mind, so to speak, makes me believe that what has "died" is some aspect of your self, or of your self image. What that aspect is, I cannot say for sure, but there are some other details of this dream that suggest possibilities.

So you enter into a room and suddenly find yourself in a rather exotic hotel. Hotels are places of transition, change, motion and public image, and the fact that you mention the appearance of your graduating class furthers this idea. Graduation is also a time of shift, transition and in this economic climate, uncertainty. You also see your boyfriend, but he's too wrapped up in "business" to pay you any mind. Just from these few lines alone, I would suggest that the entire dream may be a reflection of your fear of not finding a purpose or occupation post-graduation. Since I have just recently graduated college myself, it is certainly possible that I am merely projecting my fears onto your dream- only you can know for sure! However, this idea of your boyfriend not hearing you call his name, well, it seems clear cut to me that you're anxious that his professional life will divide the two of you.

The next set of images reinforces the idea that the dream may be about a fear of a loss of identity, or a confusion of identity, surrounding the complex issue of what to do post-graduation. You arrive in your place of transition (aka your hotel room) and you receive a note that says you have a job interview that you need to get to. When you go to prepare yourself for the interview, you find a couple whose ethnic/national identity presumably does not match your own, yet these people claim to be your biological parents. The confusion comes with the fact that if they are your parents, you must now question the most basic things that you know about yourself, from your lineage forward.

That these people appear, and that your eerie feeling returns, as you are supposed to begin your job hunt suggests to me a definite link between questions of personal identity and questions of employment or occupation. On a social level, this link makes perfect sense, after all, one of the first things a new friend will ask any of us, after our names, is "what do you do?" And the response that you give them says something about who you are!

Here's where it gets really interesting, at least to any readers who may also be horror fans: your "mother" begins to pull a rib out of your body! Let's think about the implications of this injury for a moment, on both the literal and figurative levels. I wouldn't be a good literature graduate if I didn't mention that in the Christian version of the Creation Myth (big EMPHASIS on the MYTH part) God pulled a rib from Adam and used it to create Eve. In this instance, your "mother" (person you should be able to trust with your life, confide in, etc) is a God-like figure, so I couldn't help but bring this myth up. She is someone whose appearance changes your mental landscape, she is a mysterious figure who claims to have brought you to life; yet when you succumb to her embrace, she injures you. Not only is this injury physically painful, in real life, this could be a life-threatening injury. The ribcage of a human being contain ones most vulnerable, and vital, internal organs. The ribcage is the protective housing for the parts we cannot live without.

To have a rib pulled out, then, by a mother figure, suggests that the changes you are facing are ones in which you have been left in the hands of a mysterious force which you cannot control, and that there is a good possibility that you will be in great peril. Again, this act is a reflection of a deep-rooted fear.

You escape from your "parents", and you see another figure whom you have trusted, a high school teacher whom you have previously admired. Rather than being able to consul you, or help you, this teacher is oblivious to your needs and goes on talking and laughing. Is it possible that the people whom you used to look to for guidance no longer have the answers that you need?

Finally, you attempt to get to the interview. In this portion of the dream sequence, you are working as hard as you possibly can to regain control of your fate, or, if you prefer, to make it to your interview. You're running on ice, again, metaphorically this is a dangerous situation, an seemingly impossible situation, but you do everything you can to get there. Additionally, glaciers and ice are symbols of winter, a time in which the ground is frozen, and historically, food is scarce. The inclusion of this imagery suggests to me that perhaps you don't think that your efforts in finding work, and defining yourself socially, will be rewarded right now. Incidentally, the high rates of unemployment suggest that you may be right, but I would advise you to do exactly what I'm doing- tap your contacts, and think about what you really want in a job. Not just the end result, but think about the kind of job you'd like to live your life around, and then figure out how to get it.

I realize that my response to your dream is coming months later, and I do wish I would have kept plugging away at the blog over the summer. With all the craziness of graduation, moving, breaking up, and just plain living I lost my way, but I'm back now and I hope you'll both forgive me, and find some value in this dream reading.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Hiatus

Hi guys! I am sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you over the last, well, month or two.

There are a lot of reasons why I've been slacking on my blog- mostly, life has gotten in the way in some form or another. Over that time, I've been receiving a great deal of email from a great number of people who have questions regarding their dreams. I feel it is important for me to get my head right, and get centered, before I go about the task of getting back to the blog.

Now, I don't know exactly how long this will take, this finding my center business. But I wanted to say thank you, for all of you who have patiently waited for me to get back to you regarding that crazy dream you've had. I promise, I have NOT forgotten about you!

So thank you for waiting. I'll be back very soon!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A dream about a party, a ritual at church, a goldfish and a day at the beach with worms...

"Last night I had a dream I was at a party (at the same place my cousin had her sweet 16. dark room. dark blue carpet and lots of big windows) and my friend wanted me to go into another room with her and her dad. I was a bit apprehensive because I felt like I wasn't supposed to be there with them.

In the other room was a church. (I've gone with her to church before). We stood behind the altar and there was an old, hunched over man with a long white beard performing this ritual thing. I don't think there was anyone else in the pews. He was tracing this symbol that looked like this: MM, except they were connected. He was having trouble, so I went outside (it was now a school hallway) and got a piece of glass out of a fish tank and handed it to someone. I stayed out there and talked to the fish, who was my old goldfish, Mr. Beebe, who died. I was talking to him about icky water plants.

At first I had my face to the glass and was poking at the plants inside, and then I felt like I was in the fish tank with him. And when I looked underwater, it was dark with a giant butterfly formation made out of sand. And then the scene switched and I was walking along the beach with people who I'm not sure if I know. It looked like a storm was coming. It looked like a movie scene.

We were all walking with rags on, hair all crazy. I remember someone saying something about the last wave was three hours ago (there were people there as if it were a regular day at the beach) and I heard something about a war. Then we walked to the far side of the beach and there were these giant black worms. They were barely moving and we were dodging them. Some of them ate frogs and left a checkered pattern in the sand when they slithered, and the ones who ate people left a different pattern."

Wow, thank you for sending me such a bizarre dream, I just love the weird ones!! For all my other readers, please feel free to email me your weird dreams at The more detail (and the weirder) the better!

Dreaming that you are at a party can occasionally be a call to get out more and enjoy yourself, but I think in this case we should consider the room rather than the event taking place in the room, as the details you remember seem to pertain more to the room itself. The color blue is often considered to be a hopeful color, and rooms with a lot of windows are often places from which a person could see a bright future. I would suggest that this portion of the dream is directly referencing your optimistic outlook, or your dreams of a grand future.

From here, your friend and her father lead you into another room, which looks like a church. Friends (like relatives) often appear in our dreams to symbolize another side of ourselves, often a side that we do not immediately identify as typical of ourselves. Churches are places of spirituality, and guidance, and the additional appearance of an old man performing a ritual furthers this suggestion. This portion of the dream may reflect a need to get right, or get on a spiritual path that can guide you to greater fulfillment. This is, of course, assuming that you like going to church! It is entirely possible, if this portion of the dream made you nervous or uncomfortable, that you need to seek that spirituality out for yourself, independent of churches, friends, family or organized religion. Your relationship with whatever higher power you believe in is a very personal thing, don't let anyone bully you into a faith you don't feel good about.

The symbol that you're talking about, a connected series of M's, sounds like a continuously swiggling line, almost like a crude drawing of a mountain range. To me, it sounds like the kind of spiritual fulfillment you are looking for will be the result of something personal, and fundamental to your personality. Its roots are in your earliest memories, your most basic understanding of the world around you.

The next sequence is very interesting. Dreaming about living in a fish tank is often an expression of a sense of "swimming in circles." This indicates that you may feel like some aspects of your life aren't progressing as quickly as you'd like them to. However, in light of the big blue room, and the windows in the early part of your dream, as well as the appearance of your childhood friend, Mr. Beebe, I think that this part of the dream is more about self-discovery than something more negative. Koi fish are symbols of prosperity and good luck, and I'd have to say goldfish aren't much different than that, at least not to me. Again, I think this portion of your dream is about your optimism, good luck and desire to become a more emotionally aware person. This is further influenced by the symbol of the butterfly that you see in the sand- butterflies being a symbol of beautiful transformation.

Finally, you find yourself at the beach. At this point, things look pretty bleak for you, you're surrounded by people whom you don't know, you're dressed in rags and your hair is a total mess. There's talk of a big storm, and even a war, but ostensibly you keep on moving.

The last major image that you have in this dream are these big, slithery disgusting worms that are slowly moving along the sand, eating frogs and people. Well, worms these worms are nasty things, living underground and looking to destroy all that comes into their path. In this instance, I believe these worms represent some nagging doubts, some of which may be serious concerns, which plague your internal picture of your bright future. Luckily, you've evaded them thus far. I believe that you may be able to reconcile some of those doubts if you are brave enough to do some of the spiritual or emotional discovery that your psyche seems to call for in the earlier sequences of your dream.

Thank you for sending me this great dream, please feel free to let me know what you think, either by emailing me directly at or by leaving a comment here!

Recurring dreams about running late & Having accidents

"I have this reoccurring dream that I am always running late - in school, at work, in a date. In the dream I am always in a hurry to the point that I feel chest heaviness and cold clammy skin. I also had this dream that I witness a bus accident wherein babies/children were thrown off the bus into a ditch. Me and a couple of friends ran over and tried reviving them. Every time I pick up a child, they become conscious. Could you please tell me what my dreams mean?"

Thank you for sending in your dreams for a free reading! I hope I can help you better understand them. As usual, please feel free to email your dreams to me for a reading at; for anyone who has not sent a dream to me before, the more detail the better! As you'll see from this short reading, the more information you give me, the more complete a picture I can create for you.

Dreaming about running late may simply be an expression of pent-up anxiety or panic. The physical feelings of having clammy, sweaty hands or a heavy chest reflect that idea as well. Dreaming that you witness an accident involving children reflects a fear that you may have of not reaching up to your full potential, or not realizing your dreams. The fact that the children come back to consciousness when you pick them up implies that it's not too late for you to do the things in life that you've always dreamt of doing!

I hope this brief reading was helpful! Please feel free to post comments here, or to send them directly to me at

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A dream about going all the way with an old friend...

"I've known this guy since we were 18 months old, right? Out of nowhere, I have this dream, and it goes like this:
The first thing i see is my dad and his dad (who are best friends) and their like making a movie or something.. it was really weird.

They tell me and this guy...we'll call him Bob. They tell me and Bob to go get something from this place..
When we get to this room, its like filled with memory foam pads that you would put on your mattress.

Before i know it, bob puts his arms around my waist..(in real life, we are not attracted to each other, I don't think)
Anyways, he starts kissing my neck.

Then, we go all the way. ALL the way... like, sex.

And I'm like.. so confused about it because like I dont love him or anything.
But, the dream made me feel like really happy when i woke up...Help?"

Thank you for opening up the interior of your mind to me, and to my readers. As per usual, please feel free to comment here, or to email me directly at To this particular dreamer, I'd also like to say thank you for your patience, I have been running very behind on my dream readings lately- but I promise, if you send me a dream, I'll get to it as soon as I can.

I believe there are a few elements at work in this dream, some of which I never expected to discuss here on this blog, but all of which I'm glad to reflect upon. The first major point in this dream is the presence of your father, and his best friend; fathers are figures of authority, people that we (hopefully) trust and respect, and for a young teen such as yourself, fathers are people who protect us from making decisions about our bodies and our sexuality that could have serious consequences in our futures.

The type of dream that you are describing probably has biological origins in your brain. During puberty, our bodies release a large number of hormones which generate all sorts of things that you probably know all about, and in addition to the obvious physical stuff, like boobs and hair and hips, those hormones also cause a serious spike in a person's sex drive.

In your waking life, you may have a lot of conflicted feelings about sex, knowing that it's something that you're supposed to do after your married, or only with someone that you love, but hearing stories about everybody else doing it. I'm sure you've heard people in your life tell you that not everyone is doing it, even though it may seem like you're the only person who isn't, and as a successful survivor of adolescence, I can confirm it- you are not the only one not doing it. I can also confirm that everyone who's around your age is thinking about doing it, at least once a day they're thinking about it, if not 1938478 times per day- regardless of whither or not they've done it!

As I mentioned, this is largely biological. Your body is getting down to the serious business of readying itself to reproduce, and there are few things as important to the survival of the human race as reproduction. So while your mind is very logically thinking "I'm going to wait until I'm married/in love to have sex" your body is generating hormones that create an interest in, and strong desire for, sex. Regardless of whither or not you're having sex, you are going to have dreams like this, and some of the time, they are going to be freaking awesome. I can't even begin to think about the number of absolutely wonderful dreams I've had about having sex with various people whom I have no interest in or feelings for- these dreams are a psychological response to the physiological situation inside your body.

Now, that being said, your dream involves someone whom may be a very reasonable person for you to have sex with. As the son of your dad's best friend, this is someone who you know well and probably trust. Of all the people you could have dreamt about, you dreamt about someone who might actually be a trust-worthy partner, and I think that this speaks to the fact that you've been brought up well, and you're smart.

It would be a mistake to see this dream as a sort of "call", "reason" or "premonition" about actually having sex with this person. If you don't have any specific feelings for this guy, or you're not attracted to him, I wouldn't pay too much attention to your dream, as it's likely that he is your partner in this dream because of the qualities that he has- some of these qualities are things you want in a partner, but that doesn't mean he's "the Guy."

I hope that this analysis of your dream helps! Please feel free to email me directly at with any comments or questions!