Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dreams about Cars, Dreams about Teeth

"I have a reoccurring nightmare that I am driving a mountain road, and go off the side. It is always an accident, like the car slips or something stops working in the car, or the driver is just not paying attention and is driving stupidly, then the car just goes off the cliff. I am always extremely scared up to that point that something is going to happen, and then it always happens.

My wife has been having a strange one too. She is pregnant, and keeps dreaming that she is giving birth, and the baby has teeth! One time it was a full set of razor sharp teeth like fangs. The other times it was just a full set of teeth. So weird, I really hope my baby isn't born with teeth ;) " - Anonymous, Los Angeles

Thanks for submitting these recurring dreams, I think they are both very interesting and they are likely related to one another. Dreams about teeth and dreams about driving are two very common sorts of dreams that virtually everyone will have in some form.

Before I start, congratulations on your baby! It's a big, wonderful journey that the two of you are going on together. New parents are often nervous about their new roles and responsibilities, and rightfully so. I think the dreams that the two are you are experiencing are references to that anxiety.

Most often, dreams in which a person finds them self in a car are metaphors for how they are operating in their lives. Having a dream in which you find yourself unable to control a car is then a reflection of a fear of loosing control of one's life. In a sense, dreams about careening vehicles represent the concern that you'll loose your way. With the paticulars of the dream come the paticulars of the anxieties, so going off the side of the mountain would equate to failing to ascend a major obsticle. Being at the mercy of a bad or stupid driver is simply being at the mercy of a careless person or a moron in some area of importance within your life. Malfunctions of the car may simply read as a fear of things not going the way that they should go.

As for your wife's dream, I can say that I've been plagued with dreams about teeth. Some of the better dream dictionaries and guides will tell you that dreams about teeth are exceedingly commmon, as teeth are generally a symbol of health and verility. Some people will have dreams in which their teeth fall out or wear thin, generally these dreams are pretty creepy and unwelcome. In this particular instance, I think that this definition likely applies, the dreams about the baby being born with teeth may reflect fears about the changes in responsibility.

Specifically, the picture of any animal with razor-sharp teeth has some obvious meaning. Sharp teeth are intended for one thing, tearing flesh. Having dreams in which teeth fall out is typicaly thought to be a fear of a loss of virlity, but this case is precisely the oppisite- the baby is born with a full set of teeth that it really shouldn't have grown yet! I suspect that the fear reflected here might be the fear of the impact that having a baby will have on your lives. It may even be a concern for the long term impact of raising a child- will your little one be a monster? If the dreams are tinged with fear, it's likely that this is the case.

Conversely, if the dreams are not fearful, it's possible that she's simply dreaming about having a healthy new baby, a baby who's a little ahead of the curve from a developmental standpoint. The subjective nature of dreams means that your wife will likely be the only person who knows for sure! Thank you for submitting for a free dream reading, I hope this helps!

1 comment:

  1. i dreamed my mum dead,i am pragnant,raped n a dreamed a fren for various time in a year.what does that mean?
