Friday, January 23, 2009

a dream about childhood things, summer time and a tsunami

"OK - you get a dream. Let me warn you first - mine are always weird and very detailed.

I'm driving a stranger's car (Oldsmobile type/faded gold color) in a beach-type town. It's a summer day (feels like a summer holiday weekend), the air kinda feels like when I was a kid. I was just on the phone with my mom telling her that I just made this really stupid purchase. I was convinced by the salesman to buy an old school blackberry (it's this huge looking/old school looking phone) for work. I didn't know why I needed a separate work phone but I got it anyway. I explained it was only $100, not a big deal, but I felt guilty getting it for some reason - no need for me to have 2 phones. Then I tell my mom I'm going to visit my childhood friends Brian and Darren in this apartment building before they leave for vacation (in my dream I'm picturing them as kids).

I turn the corner and park across the street from the apartment on a corner. Caddy-corner to the street is a gated in area of sand. It kinda looks like a small park or a vacant lot. In that area, I'm focusing on what looks like cases of beer and chairs for laying in the sun, and towels that some people left behind. It looks like the left over of people chilling out have a bunch of beers.

Suddenly I'm in the backseat of the car, looking out the back window at the apartment building that I want to go into, when I hear my name. I turn around and my aunt is standing outside of the car. She says, "what are you doing in there?" I ignore her question and tell her to look at the beers and towels across the street. Then 2 very tan and tall guys in speedos approach the car with keys, walk in front of my aunt and open the door.

I ask, "Oh is this your car?" They look annoyed with me and say yes. I tell them I was just using it to change into my bathing suit. I get out of the car and when I try to take my stuff now there are 2 small dogs in the car. Suddenly, my stuff is turned into some stuffed animals and the dogs won't let go. I'm only able to take a few of my belongings. As I'm grabbing my things HERE'S THE CRAZY PART - as I'm grabbing my things to leave, I look at the apartment complex again and behind it I see this enormous tidal wave headed for us. It's a tsunami. I remember it looking really shiny and, tall and sparkling. It is huge.

Suddenly, there is all this summer holiday traffic and there's no place for them to drive their car. I panic and don't know where to run. Then, I just tell the guys in the car I need to get to the top floor of the apartment building and I start running across the street toward the tsunami - THEN MY REAL PHONE RINGS AND WAKES ME UP!" - Shannon, Los Angeles

What a fantastic dream! I love when I remember this many details from my dreams, and I suspect you do to. Now, the key to understanding your dreams isn't just doing a lot of research in dream dictionaries, as I've mentioned before. Dream dictionaries do a great job of interpreting the various symbols in your dreams, but the emotional impressions and subjective meanings can be just as important in unearthing the true meaning behind your dreams.

Let's start with the setting and time of year. Some dream dictionaries will say that dreaming about the summertime is a reflection of maturity and productivity, which may be true. However, combined with the other symbols in your dream, as well as your impression of the time, I would suggest that perhaps this dream about the summer is more of a recollection or a yearning for previous and more carefree times. Summer time memories of sleepy beach towns are precious to everyone; a person can't help but yearn for a long, lazy day slumbering in the sand, particularly in the middle of January.

I think it's interesting that your dream begins with the scene of a summer holiday weekend, something you may well be longing for, and then it continues with your phone conversation with your mother. Here is another instance of the subjective meaning of dreams, you're oddly frustrated with the fact that you've bought this weird old blackberry for two reasons. The first reason is that you don't feel you should have spent the money. In today's economic climate, I think the vast majority of people are feeling that sensation every time they buy anything. The second subjective meaning you may be assigning here is to the blackberry itself- you don't really understand why you need that second phone... but now you're stuck with it.

Let me note that generally speaking, our generation seems to believe that things that are old, be they cars or technology, tend to not work well. This is paticularly true for phones, so I'd suspect that whatever this phone is tethering you to is a little outdated, or isn't working properly in your opinion.

Think about the people that you know that have a dedicated phone line for work. They're a lot like the people you know who have eighty-four thousand keys on their key chain- both types of person have an enormous amount of responsibility! Having a phone line specifically for work calls means that you're work needs access to you regardless of what time of day it is or where you are. You'll have to tell me if this rings true for you, but is your professional life invading your personal life? I'd guess that's what that weird blackberry is all about.

Moving right along, cars are often seen as the way we see ourselves moving through the world, so a person driving a car well will often be someone with ambition, or a clear life plan. In your dream, you're driving someone else's car, and the car is kinda janky at that. The suggestion here is that instead of being yourself in some area of your life, you find yourself operating under some one else's rule set. Interestingly, you are driving this Old-mobile to go see your childhood friends, whom you believe are still children, and thus are living more carefree lives than you are.

As you realize that they are still children, though you're in an adult world, you look over to a vacant lot and see what looks like the reminantes of some one else's party. A party you're not invited to, in other words. Have you missed out on something? The vacated party seems to suggest doubt of some kind.

I would guess that you're experiencing this sensation of missing out as you find yourself no longer in the driver's seat of someone else's car. Read into that basically that you're no longer in control of the "car", in this case, the plan of someone else. That person has now returned, and they're asking what you're doing in their car. You offer a strange and rather lame excuse (changing into your bathing suit... which you don't mention that you are wearing at that time... weird, right?) and that suffices and allows you to get out of the car without any major confrontations. If you are wearing your bathing suit, you are likely attempting to get back to that carefree summer time feeling, by the by. You'd be shedding some of that doubt and adopting the appropriate fashions of the season you'd rather be in.

But I digress. When you go to gather your things, there are two small dogs in the car, and your things have become stuffed animals. Ready for this? A common interpretation of a dog within a dream is as a symbol for all the lovely things dogs are, loyalty, fidelity etc. However, a growling dog is a symbol for a deep inner conflict. So in this case, your things have become childhood things, toys intended to comfort you. Instead of being able to take these things with you, your inner conflict has claimed them. Interesting... if I knew you better, I could probably figure out precisely where the roots of that conflict are. Maybe I'll get lucky and you'll email me about that :)

So you're struggling to get your childhood comfort away from that inner conflict, and you see a tsunami headed right for you. The car is trapped, and you seem to be the only person effected by the danger of the wave, I assume this because you have to tell the guys you've been talking to that the danger is coming. For this reason, I believe this tsunami is a disaster headed expressly for you, one that's been sent down to change your life, and your life alone.

Tsunamis and tidal waves in dreams are likely to represent one of two things: either a major conflict that can presents a great danger to you, OR a massive clearing away of old beliefs, ideas or issues. I would dig down deep and try to remember the way that the dream made you feel. Were you scared when you saw it coming? Would you characterize the emotion as concerned, or as terrified? Only you know for sure what your dreams mean, but I hope this analysis helps.

Please please please feel free to comment here, or to email me directly at with any more dreams you have, or any notes on this free dream reading! Thank you for submitting, I hope this was helpful!

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