Friday, May 1, 2009

Dreams about Tornadoes

"So lately I've been having dreams with tornadoes in them. I'll either be at my high school or outside in the wilderness. But the weird part is I ALWAYS have either my ex boyfriend in it or some weird kid from one of my classes in it. Can you tell me what they mean?"

Thank you so much for sending in this dream for a free reading, I hope that my analysis of your dream will help you understand it. Of course, if you have any additional questions or comments, or if any of my readers would like their own dreams interpreted, please feel free to email me directly at

Tornadoes, as one can imagine, are an unpredictable force of nature. They can strike with little to no warning, and they leave vast devastation in their wake. Because of the violent nature of this type of natural disaster, tornadoes in dreams are often symbolic of being swept away by your emotions. This can mean that you personally experiencing some out of control emotions, or the tornadoes in question can be standing in for a tumultuous relationship. Because of the specific mention of your ex-boyfriend, and the weird kid in one of your classes, I have a feeling that the emotional situation your dreaming about is in reference to your feelings about these people, rather than your specific relationships with them. Is there a parallel between the way you feel about these two people? Is it possible that the way you dislike them is similar? Do you even dislike them, or are the emotions involved more complex than that? Or, more intense than that?

I have a feeling that at the eye of that tornado is your feelings about the people who are in this dream with you. It sounds like this is a recurring dream, and if it is, it's possible that it's not always about the same emotional situation. Being a teenager is complicated and difficult; my teen years were full of a lot of wild emotional highs and lows. I believe that the tornadoes that you're dreaming about are influenced by similar ups and downs, but of course, you'll have to be the one to judge for yourself.

Again, if you have any comments, or questions that you'd rather not post here, please feel free to email me at I would also be happy to do a more specific, longer reading if you can remember more details of this sort of dream in the future.


  1. i seriously don't get this sight at all because dreaming about tornadoes is wierd,plus is't like a nightmare.nightmares are scary and can cause a nother one to appear in your mind.dreams are basicly a alusion in your head that u picture out of knowhere,and thats creepy because it's like it's real but it's not so.......that's whta makes it

  2. I dreamed about tornado's last night. I was at my aunts house and I saw one form and then several. Everyone was calm and collected and I was really excited to see it..but we did calmly seek shelter in a small room in the home.

  3. Oh what a relief! I thought I was the only one. Last night, I dreamed of a tornado that sprouted off into two fierce vortex that were coming at me in a high rise building. As I saw them approaching, I tried to open the office door to escape but could not manage to unlock the door! The weird thing is that my ex-husband was right behind me.
