Wednesday, February 18, 2009


"I've been having strange dreams for the past 2 or 3 nights now and wondered what they mean if anything. Firstly, I had a dream that I was asleep but dreamt that I went to the toilet and got attacked by a ghost, of whom I did not recognise, I don't think the ghost had a face, and then I suddenly woke up for real with a desperate urge to go to the toilet, however I was too scared so tried to go back asleep.

Ive also dreamt that I was at work when a shooting took place and I ran into the back room to try and avoid the danger, yet some how ended up in the middle of it. Then I was in some kind of hilly wasteland with 3 other people, 1 being a woman driving some sort of jeep, one being a woman screaming and one being a big guy slowly walking towards us with a big knife. The woman claimed that he raped her and now he was coming after me. I ended up hiding behind a big empty container, when the woman in the jeep pulled up next to me and told me to get in, I looked at the guy and then ran and jumped into the jeep, to which we drove off with him following and him trying to jump onto the vehicle." - Felicia

Thank you for your fascinating dreams! I think you've got a lot going on under the surface here, so I'll dive right in.

Dreaming of ghosts can signify simply a fear of death, which is a pretty universal fear among the living. Ghosts can also represent a disconnection from society, and since your ghost was faceless I would have to assume that the fear you felt in your dream is a fear of disconnecting with society at large. If you're struck with the need to use the bathroom while sleeping, it's very likely that the sensation of a full bladder will interject itself into your dream and will wake you up. Some very good dream dictionaries will also say that dreaming that you need to use the bathroom can be an indication that you're holding something back in your everyday life- since you actually needed to go, I would assume that we're dealing with the former here rather than the latter.

However, the second dream is both fascinating and terrifying. I suspect that you work in a place that causes a lot of turmoil in your life. Having a dream of being shot at often reflects the feeling that you're being taken advantage of in some way; it can also indicate a painful confrontation. Hiding in your dreams can often indicate that you are withholding something from someone you fear, or that you have a secret you're trying to contain.

In fleeing from the danger of the work place shooting, you wind up in a hilly wasteland. Climbing hills in your dreams is a reflection of struggle in your daily life, and dreaming that you wind up safely on top of a hillside is quite a different outcome than what you're describing here. Simply put, you leave the dangers of the shooting and find yourself in a place of intense struggle, and soon you're being chased by a man with a knife. Knives as often symbols of masculine aggression, and the fact that your are in danger of being raped by the man carrying the knife supports that symbolism.

I think it's important to pay attention to the woman who saves you from that situation. I'm guessing that because you do not specifically mention her identity, she is not a real person. Perhaps, if you think deeply about her you can recall something about her appearance, her attributes or the way that she rescues you that will lead you back to her significance. Perhaps there is a person in your life whom she represents who can help guide you through the difficult situations that are generating the anxiety reflected by your dream.

Again, thank you for submitting your dream for a free analysis, I hope that you've found this helpful!

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