"I saw your blog just recently at the same time me and a friend both found ourselves dreaming the same thing almost. Today, he asked a question, 'would you ever kill me?' I said, "unless you ever asked me to, no, and even then, I would severely object until I absolutely had to."
that's when we got into the dream: 'It's like you were standing there above me, tears in your eyes, I was laying there, pain searing my body as I looked up at you, your cheeks were tear-stained and everything about you was dirty, ruined, scruffy, or bloody. I remember now that everything around us was either on fire or ruined, people were around us, either gathering themselves together or I presume, dead on the scorched ground. There's a wolf beside you, looking just as bad with the same amount of sympathy and horror as you, she's black and a dark red with bright red eyes turning a violet. You looked like you were going to die yourself, maybe it was because of the question I ask, maybe not, but either way, you look at me with sheer horror and disbelief as I ask you, "kill me."
I know you can't take much more and you burst into tears again, it pains me to see you like that, crying over me, but I know I can't go on much more, it's all coming to an end and I know I surely won't survive it, it's been rough, finding ourselves, all of us, but in the end worth it I guess. You look at me for a moment, blue eyes dull as you pull the dear old xacto knife out of your pocket, when you first took it out that night, I'd know all along you'd had it, hiding it somewhere, presumably in your jeans pocket, and I was right. You look at it for a moment, " I won't do it." you say, closing your eyes and shaking your head. The wolf looks at me, stepping towards something on my left, I manage to turn my head slightly to see the brown mass, chest barely moving to show life.
" -----, I won't last much longer, I can't go on, please." I rasp, looking back at you. You drop the knife and come to kneel beside me, managing to get me into your lap. Sheer darkness after that, I feel pain, stabbing pain and at first, a lone, sorrowful howl, soon becoming a chorus, yet, I see nothing but black soon becoming a red mottled few of what I think is probably blood, it smells, feels, and looks like blood, but it might not be, either way, I know I'm dead.'
It was the same thing for me, but It was from my point of view, the killer, It hurt, and he says when he woke up, he was breathing hard and he had a cut on his hand from something on his bed, but, I know when I woke up, I was crying."
Thank you for sending me this fascinating dream, and I have to say, I'm a little floored. What is being described here, for all my readers, is something quiet unusual, two people dreaming essentially the same dream at the same time. In previous entries, I've mentioned that I do wonder about astral projection, and whither or not a person can astrally project, and 'visit' another person to whom they are deeply connected, as they sleep.
Further, I've dreamt of recently dead friends, who have sent messages to siblings or loved ones. The experience of having a simultaneous dream is something I suspect I have had, but sadly, the dreams I've had which I believe might have been experiences of astral projection have been with people I have lost physical contact with. I suspect, further, that those people know precisely who they are.
In my humble opinion, I do believe that it is possible for the minds of two people to commune while dreaming. I don't need any physical evidence or scientific support to back this up, as it is something that I have always believed in and likely will always believe in- but the important questions of how and why this happens have never been answered for me.
I suspect that a close relationship or intense feelings play a key role in the formation of a common dream. I suspect that if anyone has done a scientifically based study of this phenomenon, they would find that best friends, lovers, twin sisters and people who share a dream are all groups of people who spend a lot of time together, and who are subjecting their minds to similar images throughout the day. For example, if my best friend and I watched Revenge of the Nerds together late at night, we may both dream about making out with someone in an old school Moon Bounce room (again, another one of my weird ones!!). This wouldn't suggest that my friend and I are psychically linked or astrally projecting, but more likely that we were both effected by the strange images from the film.
I think it's painfully clear, though, that the experience that you are describing in this dream is vastly different from the one I'm equating it to. While I cannot say precisely WHY the two of you were able to have this same dream from opposing points of view, I will say that I absolutely believe that it's a very real situation, especially if you're close.
What I can do is take this apart for you, in hopes of translating the imagery into a cohesive statement that the dream can make. So it opens with one of you lying on the ground, bleeding, torn, trampled and ruined. The person on the ground begs to be put out of their misery, and the person in the position of murderer notices a black wolf, also in bad shape, beside the person who is lying prone on the ground.
Wolves, as I've discussed elsewhere, are misunderstood animals. Once vilified as killers of men and livestock, they were hunted to the brink of extinction by the humans who colonized this land, covering what seems to nearly every square mile of it with strip malls, purposefully planted gardens and golf courses, and of course, highways.
In reality, the wolf is a kind parent, a cooperative and intelligent pack animal and the forefather of our greatest animal ally, the dog. Many people feel a kinship with the charismatic wolf, and to these people, dreaming of the wolf is symbolic of the beauty and savagery of nature. The wolf is the truth about the world- that occasionally somethings must be killed in order to allow other things to live.
This dream is focused centrally around the act of murder, which is something that you can barely bring yourself to do. When you do kill your friend, it comes from a place of kindness and loyalty. You do it with the explicit understanding that any life after these sorts of injuries is a life your friend would not want to live. The act of murder, in this context then, becomes a statement of total loyalty to your friendship. Regardless of the consequences, you will stand by this person. The howl that you heard is also interesting, as the sound of the howls of a pack of canines is often misinterpreted by humans as a mournful or forlorn sound, but among the animals it is actually a rallying cry. Wolves howl to mark their territory, or to unite members of their pack who may have become separated from them. It's the wolf equivalent of calling your friend from your cell to theirs when you get separated at the supermarket. "Hey, I'm over here by the frozen stuff, where are you?"
Further, the destruction of the physical bodies in this dream suggests to me the belief that strong friendships can guide you through any disaster. This is an idea that I share with the two of you.
I hope that my impressions of this dream, and this phenomenon have been helpful to the two of you. Please feel free to post comments here, or to email them directly to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. Thank you for sending this into me, I really enjoyed doing your free dream reading.
I had a dream several years ago, that I met this woman, whom was my lover (Woman A).... she was very skinny. And, I had to chose her or another woman, also my lover (Woman B). In my dream, I was frustrated and was undecided for a was while, then I chose the woman B. Woman A was very, very hurt and moved out of the country. A few months later, I met Woman A and I have been dating her for about 2 years (I know she is Woman A because she is very skinny. Last year, she had the same dream that I left her and she woke up crying feeling very, very sad/hurt. I have not meet woman B and I have never cheated in any of my past relationships. And, recently, Woman A has just broken up with me, although I believe this relationship is not over yet... as we have broken up several times in the past. My question in my mind is since we both had the same dream, could this be a premonition to be come? Has anyone had the same dreams with their lovers and it came true?