"I actually have 2 dreams that have really been bugging me. My first one occurs every now and then. I'm standing in front of a round mirror and i smile... one of my teeth feels weird so I touch it and then next thing I know my teeth are falling out!!!!!!!! What does that mean??
My second dream actually happened this morning. I was sort of awake but not fully. I remember it reallyy well like it was a movie! I was doing a play and I played the queen or something because I was sitting on a thrown with a crown on my head but a candle in the crown. A guy sitting next to me but I couldn't see his face. I was pretty into myself which is weird.
Anyways in real life i have black straight hair, but in my dream i have light brown with gold streaks and they're curly. So someone goes to light he candle on my head. At first it shows a grown person but then it ends up being like a 6 year old girl and she puts MY HAIR ON FIRE INSTEAD.. they put it out RIGHT away so i didn't lose any hair it's just really burnt. So I'm freaking out and I'm telling a woman off who was holding the 6yr old girl and she ends up being my GODMOTHER! (I'm Greek so a godmother is the person who baptises u when Ur a baby.) and she's ignoring me.
I'm crying like crazy and then next thing i know I'm in line to get on a plane back to where I live and I realise i don't have the right papers or something. So a nice man in front of me tells the people that someone robbed me and the only papers i have is my passport and a ripped ticket from my last flight. They end up putting me on a boat on the docks outside, and it's raining and I'm crying and then all of a sudden a guy who I actually do know in real life but cannot STANDD comes to me with a hot cup of tea and sits next to me ... then all of a sudden he sneaks me into the boat and to a hairdressers where she fixes my hair and he pays for it and then it switches to us being outside off the boat walking together in like.. slush or something holding hands and he sees another girl he knows so he leaves me and i end up back in line at the airport or something but he meets me there.. that's when i woke up... the funny thing is .. i bumped into him a couple of days ago while I was job searching and he was too! what does that mean?"
Wow, I have to mention quickly that I love when I'm sent a dream for a free reading which is written in such a style that makes me feel like I'm having a direct conversation, rather than just reading an email. Reading this, I felt like I could hear your voice! Funny.
If any of my other readers would like to have their dreams read, please feel free to send them to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com and I'll get to them ASAP.
Dreams about teeth falling out are reported incredibly commonly. I've personally had four or five different types of recurring dreams that center around losing a tooth, or all my teeth. In my dreams, I've brushed holes in my teeth, I've dreamt about a pain in my mouth that causes me to pull a tooth from my mandible, etc. The common assertion is that if you dream about losing your teeth, what you are expressing is an anxiety over a loss of virility, or a fear of your own morality. I would argue that dreaming about losing your teeth, or your hair, for a woman, particularly an American woman, is an expression of a fear of being ugly.
I can not overstate the pressure that I have felt, as a 28 year old woman who grew up in the Los Angeles area, to be not only pretty but thin, not only thin & pretty but well-dressed, not only thin, pretty and well-dressed but done up. I could go on for a long time. The point is, I know a great number of young woman who would rather be dead than fat. It sounds preposterous, but unfortunately, the pressure placed on women to be beautiful in our society is both shocking and disturbing. Also unfortunate is that our standard of beauty is rather bizarre- stick thin with magically large breasts, this type is typically Anglo, despite the proliferation of beautiful, amazing and brilliant women of all ethnicities, shapes, sizes etc.
Even if you don't find the models in the latest runway shows attractive, at 5'10" and 125 pounds, I think you can agree that a woman with no teeth is far less attractive than even the most emaciated model. Similarly, losing your hair is just as devastating. Think of the outcry when Britney Spears so famously took a pair of clippers to her skull, in order to free herself from an itchy set of hair extensions. Again, don't misread me, it's a pretty unusual thing for a woman, let alone a celebrity, to shave their head, but if you've ever had hair extensions, I'm sure you can relate to Britney's actions. The thing that keeps us, as women, from shaving off our hair extensions, is the ridicule that Britney faced after that incident.
This transitions me straight into your second dream. So you are dressed like a queen, sitting on a throne with golden curls in your normally dark hair. Dreaming that you are a queen is a reflection of a desire for high rank or status. Back quickly to the silly standard of beauty I was talking about... open any fashion magazine, and count the number of blonds you find there. Then do the same thing with brunettes- I'm guessing you'd find a ratio of between 1 Brunette to 2 Blonds, or 1 Brunette to 3 Blonds. Maybe even higher numbers, if you're dealing with a spring or summer season magazine. What's the point in me telling you this? Well, I believe that dreaming that your hair is lighter may be a reflection of a desire to adhere to the standard of beauty I was discussing above.
So the guy in your dream who sits beside you (who I'm tempted to call the King) has virtually no memorable features. He passes the a candle to a little girl, who lights your hair on fire. Why would that happen?!
Well, the reality is, guys don't want you to be perfect blond beauty queen. Sure, they like to mess around with girls like that, but they don't want to deal with all the drama of those chicks. The cost of highlights, Sephora trips, Jimmy Choos, acyclic nails and hair extensions alone is enough to bankrupt just about any man! Trust me. I'm shallow. I know first hand ;) !
Even further, YOU don't want to be that person. I'm sure you've heard the adage before that you are everyone in your dreams? Well, there is a very real, emotional center of your self that some like to call the inner child. I would assess that the little girl who sets your gorgeous goldie locks aflame is a stand-in for your inner child, and she's not having any of that nonsense. The little girl is then associated with your Godmother, a woman who I'm guessing has a good head on her shoulders. She's ignoring you because, I'm guessing, she might think that the type of vanity reflected in this dream is a little silly. After all, she loves that inner child of yours as much as you do. And I'm sure she sees you for the beauty that you really are, and wouldn't want you any other way.
So then you're crying, and waiting to board a plane back home. In our dreams, planes are often symbols of transition, or of a rise in mental elevation. From the comfy seat of a 747, you can literally see the bigger picture of your life, and I believe that most people associate planes in this way. Both what you are feeling (as you cry) and what you are experiencing in this dream are types of frustration. By not being able to board the plane, you find yourself stuck in a situation that you don't really know a way out of. I suspect that there is a situation in your waking life that mirrors this one that your brain has generated as you sleep.
Similarly, dreaming of being on a boat in rough weather can suggest that the dreamer may be dealing with a difficult emotional situation. I believe that the situation that keeps you off the plane puts you squarely in sad boat territory- your mind is arranging these images in this way for a reason!
Things seem really bad, until a guy you absolutely hate in real life brings you some seriously good fortune. He gives you a cup of tea, which is symbolic of contentment or satisfaction, and he gets you on to the boat, as well as getting your hair done. It is interesting that this person is someone you don't like, you may want to think about the reasons why you don't like him- do the two of you possess any similar qualities, or personality traits? Perhaps you have good reasons not to like this person, I suspect that the root of those reasons is something you should consider carefully, as it may help you understand the larger situation that is causing turmoil in your life.
Regardless of what this person means to you, he is supportive of your need to pretty up your hair, which I think is interesting. Then the two of you walk together through some bad weather (read, emotional troubles) and then he seems to ditch you. He comes back, and finds you at the center of your frustration again.
In re-reading the last lines of your email, I can't help but wonder if he's in your dream because of frustrations regarding job hunting... have you been having trouble finding a job, or finding the right job? Was there some sort of misfortune that has caused you to job hunt in the first place? I have a feeling that this may be the situation that has you so concerned about other aspects of your identity, or your appearance.
At any rate, I hope that this reading of your dream has been helpful. Please feel free to post comments here, or email me directly at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. Thanks for sending your dream in, and I hope you find the perfect job!!
wow you're amazing!