"So, here are a few facts about the dream:
1. I was not in my dream, I'm usually always in there!
2. The people in the dream seemed imaginary or if they do exist I do not remember them (nor their faces now actually.)
3. It makes absolutely no sense.(which is why I contacted you )
4. It seemed like I had been dreaming for very long when I woke up.
Alright, I'll give the character names so it's not too confusing and will give a brief inventory of what are the contents of the dream to make it easy.
1. Stacey (young, about my age)
2. Stacey's mother (well, maybe 40sh?)
3. Stacey's sister.(looks about 12-13 (like my sister!))
The men:
1. Alan (the gunner/psychopath-about my age as well)
2. Eric (the hunted/ main target- same age as them)
3. Steve (the guy stuck with Stacey- same age)
1. Gun
2. little sticks about 6 inches, shaped like ice-cream sticks. They are thick and black.
3. A big strawberry shortcake covered with white icing.
4. Two undone mattresses
1. Huge mansion/tree house.Basically, leaving by the doors/windows leads to the terrace made of wood. It looks a little bit like a fort I guess?
2. The space below the house. There is a lot snow below, the space is rather tight it is limited by a high fence of cement (about the size of two men?) it is not painted. There are faint lights but they seem to be more like "light auras" rather than lights coming from actual torches or light bulbs.
OK now, on with the actual dream!
Part I: The trap
Eric leaves the room. A short while later, Alan pulls out a gun and a phone. He makes Stacey and Steve call him back inside. I don't remember any of the conversation in the dream for some reason. He makes them hide both under one mattress each. They realize they might get shot if Eric decides to sit down so they run to the same one. He covers their mattress with a black coach. Eric comes back and tries to go towards one of the mattresses. He is shot coldly. They escape by breaking the "black sticks" they find. They count the number of times they are breaking the sticks. This stops the guy and he holds his ears in pain before he runs away. However, they lose the sticks in their escape.
Part II: The chase.
They exit on the "wood-tree" outside and run. The police is already here (don't ask) with Stacey's family. They are looking around for the sticks but can't find them. They forgot them inside! Alan comes out with the sticks. I don't remember this part very well. They try to take them back from him but fail. This is where it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Part III: In the snow below
Alan acts like he is trying to help them. They somehow trust him. They look around for it. The mother insists that they eat the cake now. They don't trust her and think she on Alan's side. They shove the cake in her face. While they are arguing he shoots her. They realize(finally...) that he is the killer and he has a really creepy smile on his face. He then shoots the younger sister first, then Steve and finally Stacey. He shoots himself in the throat once but doesn't die immediately so he shoots himself again in the throat.The dreams ends with them all dead in the bloody snow. I hope that you will have time to read and interpret my dream!
Thank you very much."
Thank you, not only for sending such an interesting dream, but also for your patience! I've been in finals for the last two weeks, and I've accumulated quite a lot of work for myself. For all my other readers, please feel free to email me your dreams at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com, and I promise I'll get to you as soon as I possibly can!
I've always been curious about the dreams that I have in which I am not present and I know no one. I don't know if everyone has dreams of this nature, in which a complicated plot unfolds for a group of characters I either know, or suspect are fictional. I believe that these dreams are manifestations of the same sorts of thoughts and emotions that generate dreams that do involve the dreamer, only some element of the dream requires that another character stands in. It may just be your wild imagination (or mine) that generates an entirely different cast of characters, or it may be something more meaningful- I would say that the subject matter of the dream will tell us which we're dealing with.
As I've mentioned before, the houses that a person dreams up are often reflections of their own self-image. In this dream, you've got a very unusual looking mansion, half-buried in the snow. The combination of these images suggests that you may be neglecting your potential, and of course this can be in an emotional sense as well as a professional sense. It's curious that all of your characters seem to have a counterpart of the opposite gender, this suggests that your dream may be expressing the Freudian idea that you are everyone in your dreams.
So in this instance, three various parts of your personality are clashing within your dream- a female aspect of yourself that is as you are, or is as the world around your perceives you to be, a version of yourself that is more like your younger sister, (which may be as simple as a younger version or you or it could be much more complicated) as well as a more mature version of yourself (which is most likely to be your internal sense of right and wrong), as well as various "male" parts of yourself. I would identify the male aspects of yourself as your innate tendency towards violence or aggression, as well as a more naive or trusting aspect of yourself, and a perfect parallel of yourself.
On to the action, so, essentially this violent part of you is lying in wait for the other parts of you. Are you upset about something you've done, or something you perceive yourself to be? Are you your own harshest critic? Do you insist on exacting a type of personal violence against yourself? Just curious. Let's look a little deeper before we decide that this is the situation.
It's possible to distract you from your anger, that we can see because you're able to distract this person who is likely representing your anger. At times, it seems like you're going to be rescued, like some figure of authority is on your side- but in fact, you're in this alone. The fact that the police arrive but "Stacey" still finds herself in danger suggests this.
The confusion over the mother figure, and whither or not she's on the side of the psychopath suggests to me that the violence you perpetuate against yourself is something you do against your own best judgement. For whatever reason, you don't feel you can trust yourself, even when you offer something really comforting. Incidentally, cakes can sometimes signify selfishness- but I don't think that's the case here. I'm fairly certain that the cake symbolizes the things you have to offer yourself- and you refuse it.
Returning briefly to an earlier image, of the mansion buried deep in the snow, I believe that image ties in with the younger sister being the first slain at the hands of the psychopath. A murdered child is the most basic symbol of destroyed potential that can be imaged. The bloody end of the dream furthers this idea, in your rage, you have the capacity to destroy your potential.
Thank you for sending your dream in for a free dream reading, I really hope this sheds some light on the possible meaning of your dream. For all my other readers, please feel free to email me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com and I will read your dream here, free of charge and as quickly as possible!
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