"Would you please decode my dream? It's driving me crazy!
I am a stage performer. I do musical theatre and the last show I was in which took up two years of my life was "High School Musical". I keep having a dream that I am in my old elementary school's stage and every time that show is about to start, I don't remember my lines, or my ques or something ridiculous happens before I go on stage (like a police officer pulls me over and I run from him to get on stage in time).
In my most recent dream, (last night) my old friend from high school played opposite me as the lead and I was in a panic mode because I could not remember the lines. During intermission I took him out to the hallway to try and go over the lines I had forgotten and he was uninterested and kept walking away and would not take it seriously.
Then, for the first time in my dream, I am riding back to a house in a SUV with Bridget, Holly and Kendra from the Girls Next Door and I am telling them my dream when we hit a pot hole and I wake up."
Thanks for sending this great dream in for a free dream analysis! Please feel free, all my readers, to send your dreams into me for a reading at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com.
I love this one, and I think it's hysterically funny. Clearly the situation you're describing would equate to professional disaster for you as an actress, if it happened in real life. I believe that you are venting a little fear here, a little stage fright that you simply do not have room for in your waking life.
For the average person, dreaming of being on stage might indicate some falsehood in your life, for example that you may be putting on airs around others, or manipulating people. The thing about using a dream dictionary that makes it less accurate than a personalized dream interpretation is that dreams are very subjective. Having a dream about being on stage, when you are a professional actress, is more like having a dream about work. And having that dream take place where you work. It's likely to be far more literal, and a way for your brain to recycle your fears, concerns or thought patterns, regarding work.
So to dream about not knowing lines or cues is most likely a great fear of yours showing itself. Similarly, dreaming about being on stage with a useless or inappropriate co-star is an expression of frustration you may have had with the show.
The last part of your dream, in which you are driving home with the Girls Next Door in an SUV, well, that highlights another issue of the subjectivity of dreaming. Your overall impressions of Holly, Kendra and Bridget will tell you more about why they are in your dream than their mere existence. If you, like me, wonder how they wound up with their own show, and why people watch them on TV, you might be having some issues of resentment or professional jealousy towards others. It is also possible that you think they'd be fun to hang out with, and so they've appeared in your dream as a cue to lighten up and enjoy yourself! I will not rule out the chance that you may have dreamt about them because you fell asleep with your TV on E... but I'll leave the final word on what this means to you!
Thank you for sending in this dream for a free reading! I hope I've helped you understand it. Please feel free to post comments here, or email me directly at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Two friends having the same dream
"I saw your blog just recently at the same time me and a friend both found ourselves dreaming the same thing almost. Today, he asked a question, 'would you ever kill me?' I said, "unless you ever asked me to, no, and even then, I would severely object until I absolutely had to."
that's when we got into the dream: 'It's like you were standing there above me, tears in your eyes, I was laying there, pain searing my body as I looked up at you, your cheeks were tear-stained and everything about you was dirty, ruined, scruffy, or bloody. I remember now that everything around us was either on fire or ruined, people were around us, either gathering themselves together or I presume, dead on the scorched ground. There's a wolf beside you, looking just as bad with the same amount of sympathy and horror as you, she's black and a dark red with bright red eyes turning a violet. You looked like you were going to die yourself, maybe it was because of the question I ask, maybe not, but either way, you look at me with sheer horror and disbelief as I ask you, "kill me."
I know you can't take much more and you burst into tears again, it pains me to see you like that, crying over me, but I know I can't go on much more, it's all coming to an end and I know I surely won't survive it, it's been rough, finding ourselves, all of us, but in the end worth it I guess. You look at me for a moment, blue eyes dull as you pull the dear old xacto knife out of your pocket, when you first took it out that night, I'd know all along you'd had it, hiding it somewhere, presumably in your jeans pocket, and I was right. You look at it for a moment, " I won't do it." you say, closing your eyes and shaking your head. The wolf looks at me, stepping towards something on my left, I manage to turn my head slightly to see the brown mass, chest barely moving to show life.
" -----, I won't last much longer, I can't go on, please." I rasp, looking back at you. You drop the knife and come to kneel beside me, managing to get me into your lap. Sheer darkness after that, I feel pain, stabbing pain and at first, a lone, sorrowful howl, soon becoming a chorus, yet, I see nothing but black soon becoming a red mottled few of what I think is probably blood, it smells, feels, and looks like blood, but it might not be, either way, I know I'm dead.'
It was the same thing for me, but It was from my point of view, the killer, It hurt, and he says when he woke up, he was breathing hard and he had a cut on his hand from something on his bed, but, I know when I woke up, I was crying."
Thank you for sending me this fascinating dream, and I have to say, I'm a little floored. What is being described here, for all my readers, is something quiet unusual, two people dreaming essentially the same dream at the same time. In previous entries, I've mentioned that I do wonder about astral projection, and whither or not a person can astrally project, and 'visit' another person to whom they are deeply connected, as they sleep.
Further, I've dreamt of recently dead friends, who have sent messages to siblings or loved ones. The experience of having a simultaneous dream is something I suspect I have had, but sadly, the dreams I've had which I believe might have been experiences of astral projection have been with people I have lost physical contact with. I suspect, further, that those people know precisely who they are.
In my humble opinion, I do believe that it is possible for the minds of two people to commune while dreaming. I don't need any physical evidence or scientific support to back this up, as it is something that I have always believed in and likely will always believe in- but the important questions of how and why this happens have never been answered for me.
I suspect that a close relationship or intense feelings play a key role in the formation of a common dream. I suspect that if anyone has done a scientifically based study of this phenomenon, they would find that best friends, lovers, twin sisters and people who share a dream are all groups of people who spend a lot of time together, and who are subjecting their minds to similar images throughout the day. For example, if my best friend and I watched Revenge of the Nerds together late at night, we may both dream about making out with someone in an old school Moon Bounce room (again, another one of my weird ones!!). This wouldn't suggest that my friend and I are psychically linked or astrally projecting, but more likely that we were both effected by the strange images from the film.
I think it's painfully clear, though, that the experience that you are describing in this dream is vastly different from the one I'm equating it to. While I cannot say precisely WHY the two of you were able to have this same dream from opposing points of view, I will say that I absolutely believe that it's a very real situation, especially if you're close.
What I can do is take this apart for you, in hopes of translating the imagery into a cohesive statement that the dream can make. So it opens with one of you lying on the ground, bleeding, torn, trampled and ruined. The person on the ground begs to be put out of their misery, and the person in the position of murderer notices a black wolf, also in bad shape, beside the person who is lying prone on the ground.
Wolves, as I've discussed elsewhere, are misunderstood animals. Once vilified as killers of men and livestock, they were hunted to the brink of extinction by the humans who colonized this land, covering what seems to nearly every square mile of it with strip malls, purposefully planted gardens and golf courses, and of course, highways.
In reality, the wolf is a kind parent, a cooperative and intelligent pack animal and the forefather of our greatest animal ally, the dog. Many people feel a kinship with the charismatic wolf, and to these people, dreaming of the wolf is symbolic of the beauty and savagery of nature. The wolf is the truth about the world- that occasionally somethings must be killed in order to allow other things to live.
This dream is focused centrally around the act of murder, which is something that you can barely bring yourself to do. When you do kill your friend, it comes from a place of kindness and loyalty. You do it with the explicit understanding that any life after these sorts of injuries is a life your friend would not want to live. The act of murder, in this context then, becomes a statement of total loyalty to your friendship. Regardless of the consequences, you will stand by this person. The howl that you heard is also interesting, as the sound of the howls of a pack of canines is often misinterpreted by humans as a mournful or forlorn sound, but among the animals it is actually a rallying cry. Wolves howl to mark their territory, or to unite members of their pack who may have become separated from them. It's the wolf equivalent of calling your friend from your cell to theirs when you get separated at the supermarket. "Hey, I'm over here by the frozen stuff, where are you?"
Further, the destruction of the physical bodies in this dream suggests to me the belief that strong friendships can guide you through any disaster. This is an idea that I share with the two of you.
I hope that my impressions of this dream, and this phenomenon have been helpful to the two of you. Please feel free to post comments here, or to email them directly to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. Thank you for sending this into me, I really enjoyed doing your free dream reading.
that's when we got into the dream: 'It's like you were standing there above me, tears in your eyes, I was laying there, pain searing my body as I looked up at you, your cheeks were tear-stained and everything about you was dirty, ruined, scruffy, or bloody. I remember now that everything around us was either on fire or ruined, people were around us, either gathering themselves together or I presume, dead on the scorched ground. There's a wolf beside you, looking just as bad with the same amount of sympathy and horror as you, she's black and a dark red with bright red eyes turning a violet. You looked like you were going to die yourself, maybe it was because of the question I ask, maybe not, but either way, you look at me with sheer horror and disbelief as I ask you, "kill me."
I know you can't take much more and you burst into tears again, it pains me to see you like that, crying over me, but I know I can't go on much more, it's all coming to an end and I know I surely won't survive it, it's been rough, finding ourselves, all of us, but in the end worth it I guess. You look at me for a moment, blue eyes dull as you pull the dear old xacto knife out of your pocket, when you first took it out that night, I'd know all along you'd had it, hiding it somewhere, presumably in your jeans pocket, and I was right. You look at it for a moment, " I won't do it." you say, closing your eyes and shaking your head. The wolf looks at me, stepping towards something on my left, I manage to turn my head slightly to see the brown mass, chest barely moving to show life.
" -----, I won't last much longer, I can't go on, please." I rasp, looking back at you. You drop the knife and come to kneel beside me, managing to get me into your lap. Sheer darkness after that, I feel pain, stabbing pain and at first, a lone, sorrowful howl, soon becoming a chorus, yet, I see nothing but black soon becoming a red mottled few of what I think is probably blood, it smells, feels, and looks like blood, but it might not be, either way, I know I'm dead.'
It was the same thing for me, but It was from my point of view, the killer, It hurt, and he says when he woke up, he was breathing hard and he had a cut on his hand from something on his bed, but, I know when I woke up, I was crying."
Thank you for sending me this fascinating dream, and I have to say, I'm a little floored. What is being described here, for all my readers, is something quiet unusual, two people dreaming essentially the same dream at the same time. In previous entries, I've mentioned that I do wonder about astral projection, and whither or not a person can astrally project, and 'visit' another person to whom they are deeply connected, as they sleep.
Further, I've dreamt of recently dead friends, who have sent messages to siblings or loved ones. The experience of having a simultaneous dream is something I suspect I have had, but sadly, the dreams I've had which I believe might have been experiences of astral projection have been with people I have lost physical contact with. I suspect, further, that those people know precisely who they are.
In my humble opinion, I do believe that it is possible for the minds of two people to commune while dreaming. I don't need any physical evidence or scientific support to back this up, as it is something that I have always believed in and likely will always believe in- but the important questions of how and why this happens have never been answered for me.
I suspect that a close relationship or intense feelings play a key role in the formation of a common dream. I suspect that if anyone has done a scientifically based study of this phenomenon, they would find that best friends, lovers, twin sisters and people who share a dream are all groups of people who spend a lot of time together, and who are subjecting their minds to similar images throughout the day. For example, if my best friend and I watched Revenge of the Nerds together late at night, we may both dream about making out with someone in an old school Moon Bounce room (again, another one of my weird ones!!). This wouldn't suggest that my friend and I are psychically linked or astrally projecting, but more likely that we were both effected by the strange images from the film.
I think it's painfully clear, though, that the experience that you are describing in this dream is vastly different from the one I'm equating it to. While I cannot say precisely WHY the two of you were able to have this same dream from opposing points of view, I will say that I absolutely believe that it's a very real situation, especially if you're close.
What I can do is take this apart for you, in hopes of translating the imagery into a cohesive statement that the dream can make. So it opens with one of you lying on the ground, bleeding, torn, trampled and ruined. The person on the ground begs to be put out of their misery, and the person in the position of murderer notices a black wolf, also in bad shape, beside the person who is lying prone on the ground.
Wolves, as I've discussed elsewhere, are misunderstood animals. Once vilified as killers of men and livestock, they were hunted to the brink of extinction by the humans who colonized this land, covering what seems to nearly every square mile of it with strip malls, purposefully planted gardens and golf courses, and of course, highways.
In reality, the wolf is a kind parent, a cooperative and intelligent pack animal and the forefather of our greatest animal ally, the dog. Many people feel a kinship with the charismatic wolf, and to these people, dreaming of the wolf is symbolic of the beauty and savagery of nature. The wolf is the truth about the world- that occasionally somethings must be killed in order to allow other things to live.
This dream is focused centrally around the act of murder, which is something that you can barely bring yourself to do. When you do kill your friend, it comes from a place of kindness and loyalty. You do it with the explicit understanding that any life after these sorts of injuries is a life your friend would not want to live. The act of murder, in this context then, becomes a statement of total loyalty to your friendship. Regardless of the consequences, you will stand by this person. The howl that you heard is also interesting, as the sound of the howls of a pack of canines is often misinterpreted by humans as a mournful or forlorn sound, but among the animals it is actually a rallying cry. Wolves howl to mark their territory, or to unite members of their pack who may have become separated from them. It's the wolf equivalent of calling your friend from your cell to theirs when you get separated at the supermarket. "Hey, I'm over here by the frozen stuff, where are you?"
Further, the destruction of the physical bodies in this dream suggests to me the belief that strong friendships can guide you through any disaster. This is an idea that I share with the two of you.
I hope that my impressions of this dream, and this phenomenon have been helpful to the two of you. Please feel free to post comments here, or to email them directly to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. Thank you for sending this into me, I really enjoyed doing your free dream reading.
A dream about losing a tooth, pretty blond hair and planes, trains and a lack of documentation
"I actually have 2 dreams that have really been bugging me. My first one occurs every now and then. I'm standing in front of a round mirror and i smile... one of my teeth feels weird so I touch it and then next thing I know my teeth are falling out!!!!!!!! What does that mean??
My second dream actually happened this morning. I was sort of awake but not fully. I remember it reallyy well like it was a movie! I was doing a play and I played the queen or something because I was sitting on a thrown with a crown on my head but a candle in the crown. A guy sitting next to me but I couldn't see his face. I was pretty into myself which is weird.
Anyways in real life i have black straight hair, but in my dream i have light brown with gold streaks and they're curly. So someone goes to light he candle on my head. At first it shows a grown person but then it ends up being like a 6 year old girl and she puts MY HAIR ON FIRE INSTEAD.. they put it out RIGHT away so i didn't lose any hair it's just really burnt. So I'm freaking out and I'm telling a woman off who was holding the 6yr old girl and she ends up being my GODMOTHER! (I'm Greek so a godmother is the person who baptises u when Ur a baby.) and she's ignoring me.
I'm crying like crazy and then next thing i know I'm in line to get on a plane back to where I live and I realise i don't have the right papers or something. So a nice man in front of me tells the people that someone robbed me and the only papers i have is my passport and a ripped ticket from my last flight. They end up putting me on a boat on the docks outside, and it's raining and I'm crying and then all of a sudden a guy who I actually do know in real life but cannot STANDD comes to me with a hot cup of tea and sits next to me ... then all of a sudden he sneaks me into the boat and to a hairdressers where she fixes my hair and he pays for it and then it switches to us being outside off the boat walking together in like.. slush or something holding hands and he sees another girl he knows so he leaves me and i end up back in line at the airport or something but he meets me there.. that's when i woke up... the funny thing is .. i bumped into him a couple of days ago while I was job searching and he was too! what does that mean?"
Wow, I have to mention quickly that I love when I'm sent a dream for a free reading which is written in such a style that makes me feel like I'm having a direct conversation, rather than just reading an email. Reading this, I felt like I could hear your voice! Funny.
If any of my other readers would like to have their dreams read, please feel free to send them to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com and I'll get to them ASAP.
Dreams about teeth falling out are reported incredibly commonly. I've personally had four or five different types of recurring dreams that center around losing a tooth, or all my teeth. In my dreams, I've brushed holes in my teeth, I've dreamt about a pain in my mouth that causes me to pull a tooth from my mandible, etc. The common assertion is that if you dream about losing your teeth, what you are expressing is an anxiety over a loss of virility, or a fear of your own morality. I would argue that dreaming about losing your teeth, or your hair, for a woman, particularly an American woman, is an expression of a fear of being ugly.
I can not overstate the pressure that I have felt, as a 28 year old woman who grew up in the Los Angeles area, to be not only pretty but thin, not only thin & pretty but well-dressed, not only thin, pretty and well-dressed but done up. I could go on for a long time. The point is, I know a great number of young woman who would rather be dead than fat. It sounds preposterous, but unfortunately, the pressure placed on women to be beautiful in our society is both shocking and disturbing. Also unfortunate is that our standard of beauty is rather bizarre- stick thin with magically large breasts, this type is typically Anglo, despite the proliferation of beautiful, amazing and brilliant women of all ethnicities, shapes, sizes etc.
Even if you don't find the models in the latest runway shows attractive, at 5'10" and 125 pounds, I think you can agree that a woman with no teeth is far less attractive than even the most emaciated model. Similarly, losing your hair is just as devastating. Think of the outcry when Britney Spears so famously took a pair of clippers to her skull, in order to free herself from an itchy set of hair extensions. Again, don't misread me, it's a pretty unusual thing for a woman, let alone a celebrity, to shave their head, but if you've ever had hair extensions, I'm sure you can relate to Britney's actions. The thing that keeps us, as women, from shaving off our hair extensions, is the ridicule that Britney faced after that incident.
This transitions me straight into your second dream. So you are dressed like a queen, sitting on a throne with golden curls in your normally dark hair. Dreaming that you are a queen is a reflection of a desire for high rank or status. Back quickly to the silly standard of beauty I was talking about... open any fashion magazine, and count the number of blonds you find there. Then do the same thing with brunettes- I'm guessing you'd find a ratio of between 1 Brunette to 2 Blonds, or 1 Brunette to 3 Blonds. Maybe even higher numbers, if you're dealing with a spring or summer season magazine. What's the point in me telling you this? Well, I believe that dreaming that your hair is lighter may be a reflection of a desire to adhere to the standard of beauty I was discussing above.
So the guy in your dream who sits beside you (who I'm tempted to call the King) has virtually no memorable features. He passes the a candle to a little girl, who lights your hair on fire. Why would that happen?!
Well, the reality is, guys don't want you to be perfect blond beauty queen. Sure, they like to mess around with girls like that, but they don't want to deal with all the drama of those chicks. The cost of highlights, Sephora trips, Jimmy Choos, acyclic nails and hair extensions alone is enough to bankrupt just about any man! Trust me. I'm shallow. I know first hand ;) !
Even further, YOU don't want to be that person. I'm sure you've heard the adage before that you are everyone in your dreams? Well, there is a very real, emotional center of your self that some like to call the inner child. I would assess that the little girl who sets your gorgeous goldie locks aflame is a stand-in for your inner child, and she's not having any of that nonsense. The little girl is then associated with your Godmother, a woman who I'm guessing has a good head on her shoulders. She's ignoring you because, I'm guessing, she might think that the type of vanity reflected in this dream is a little silly. After all, she loves that inner child of yours as much as you do. And I'm sure she sees you for the beauty that you really are, and wouldn't want you any other way.
So then you're crying, and waiting to board a plane back home. In our dreams, planes are often symbols of transition, or of a rise in mental elevation. From the comfy seat of a 747, you can literally see the bigger picture of your life, and I believe that most people associate planes in this way. Both what you are feeling (as you cry) and what you are experiencing in this dream are types of frustration. By not being able to board the plane, you find yourself stuck in a situation that you don't really know a way out of. I suspect that there is a situation in your waking life that mirrors this one that your brain has generated as you sleep.
Similarly, dreaming of being on a boat in rough weather can suggest that the dreamer may be dealing with a difficult emotional situation. I believe that the situation that keeps you off the plane puts you squarely in sad boat territory- your mind is arranging these images in this way for a reason!
Things seem really bad, until a guy you absolutely hate in real life brings you some seriously good fortune. He gives you a cup of tea, which is symbolic of contentment or satisfaction, and he gets you on to the boat, as well as getting your hair done. It is interesting that this person is someone you don't like, you may want to think about the reasons why you don't like him- do the two of you possess any similar qualities, or personality traits? Perhaps you have good reasons not to like this person, I suspect that the root of those reasons is something you should consider carefully, as it may help you understand the larger situation that is causing turmoil in your life.
Regardless of what this person means to you, he is supportive of your need to pretty up your hair, which I think is interesting. Then the two of you walk together through some bad weather (read, emotional troubles) and then he seems to ditch you. He comes back, and finds you at the center of your frustration again.
In re-reading the last lines of your email, I can't help but wonder if he's in your dream because of frustrations regarding job hunting... have you been having trouble finding a job, or finding the right job? Was there some sort of misfortune that has caused you to job hunt in the first place? I have a feeling that this may be the situation that has you so concerned about other aspects of your identity, or your appearance.
At any rate, I hope that this reading of your dream has been helpful. Please feel free to post comments here, or email me directly at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. Thanks for sending your dream in, and I hope you find the perfect job!!
My second dream actually happened this morning. I was sort of awake but not fully. I remember it reallyy well like it was a movie! I was doing a play and I played the queen or something because I was sitting on a thrown with a crown on my head but a candle in the crown. A guy sitting next to me but I couldn't see his face. I was pretty into myself which is weird.
Anyways in real life i have black straight hair, but in my dream i have light brown with gold streaks and they're curly. So someone goes to light he candle on my head. At first it shows a grown person but then it ends up being like a 6 year old girl and she puts MY HAIR ON FIRE INSTEAD.. they put it out RIGHT away so i didn't lose any hair it's just really burnt. So I'm freaking out and I'm telling a woman off who was holding the 6yr old girl and she ends up being my GODMOTHER! (I'm Greek so a godmother is the person who baptises u when Ur a baby.) and she's ignoring me.
I'm crying like crazy and then next thing i know I'm in line to get on a plane back to where I live and I realise i don't have the right papers or something. So a nice man in front of me tells the people that someone robbed me and the only papers i have is my passport and a ripped ticket from my last flight. They end up putting me on a boat on the docks outside, and it's raining and I'm crying and then all of a sudden a guy who I actually do know in real life but cannot STANDD comes to me with a hot cup of tea and sits next to me ... then all of a sudden he sneaks me into the boat and to a hairdressers where she fixes my hair and he pays for it and then it switches to us being outside off the boat walking together in like.. slush or something holding hands and he sees another girl he knows so he leaves me and i end up back in line at the airport or something but he meets me there.. that's when i woke up... the funny thing is .. i bumped into him a couple of days ago while I was job searching and he was too! what does that mean?"
Wow, I have to mention quickly that I love when I'm sent a dream for a free reading which is written in such a style that makes me feel like I'm having a direct conversation, rather than just reading an email. Reading this, I felt like I could hear your voice! Funny.
If any of my other readers would like to have their dreams read, please feel free to send them to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com and I'll get to them ASAP.
Dreams about teeth falling out are reported incredibly commonly. I've personally had four or five different types of recurring dreams that center around losing a tooth, or all my teeth. In my dreams, I've brushed holes in my teeth, I've dreamt about a pain in my mouth that causes me to pull a tooth from my mandible, etc. The common assertion is that if you dream about losing your teeth, what you are expressing is an anxiety over a loss of virility, or a fear of your own morality. I would argue that dreaming about losing your teeth, or your hair, for a woman, particularly an American woman, is an expression of a fear of being ugly.
I can not overstate the pressure that I have felt, as a 28 year old woman who grew up in the Los Angeles area, to be not only pretty but thin, not only thin & pretty but well-dressed, not only thin, pretty and well-dressed but done up. I could go on for a long time. The point is, I know a great number of young woman who would rather be dead than fat. It sounds preposterous, but unfortunately, the pressure placed on women to be beautiful in our society is both shocking and disturbing. Also unfortunate is that our standard of beauty is rather bizarre- stick thin with magically large breasts, this type is typically Anglo, despite the proliferation of beautiful, amazing and brilliant women of all ethnicities, shapes, sizes etc.
Even if you don't find the models in the latest runway shows attractive, at 5'10" and 125 pounds, I think you can agree that a woman with no teeth is far less attractive than even the most emaciated model. Similarly, losing your hair is just as devastating. Think of the outcry when Britney Spears so famously took a pair of clippers to her skull, in order to free herself from an itchy set of hair extensions. Again, don't misread me, it's a pretty unusual thing for a woman, let alone a celebrity, to shave their head, but if you've ever had hair extensions, I'm sure you can relate to Britney's actions. The thing that keeps us, as women, from shaving off our hair extensions, is the ridicule that Britney faced after that incident.
This transitions me straight into your second dream. So you are dressed like a queen, sitting on a throne with golden curls in your normally dark hair. Dreaming that you are a queen is a reflection of a desire for high rank or status. Back quickly to the silly standard of beauty I was talking about... open any fashion magazine, and count the number of blonds you find there. Then do the same thing with brunettes- I'm guessing you'd find a ratio of between 1 Brunette to 2 Blonds, or 1 Brunette to 3 Blonds. Maybe even higher numbers, if you're dealing with a spring or summer season magazine. What's the point in me telling you this? Well, I believe that dreaming that your hair is lighter may be a reflection of a desire to adhere to the standard of beauty I was discussing above.
So the guy in your dream who sits beside you (who I'm tempted to call the King) has virtually no memorable features. He passes the a candle to a little girl, who lights your hair on fire. Why would that happen?!
Well, the reality is, guys don't want you to be perfect blond beauty queen. Sure, they like to mess around with girls like that, but they don't want to deal with all the drama of those chicks. The cost of highlights, Sephora trips, Jimmy Choos, acyclic nails and hair extensions alone is enough to bankrupt just about any man! Trust me. I'm shallow. I know first hand ;) !
Even further, YOU don't want to be that person. I'm sure you've heard the adage before that you are everyone in your dreams? Well, there is a very real, emotional center of your self that some like to call the inner child. I would assess that the little girl who sets your gorgeous goldie locks aflame is a stand-in for your inner child, and she's not having any of that nonsense. The little girl is then associated with your Godmother, a woman who I'm guessing has a good head on her shoulders. She's ignoring you because, I'm guessing, she might think that the type of vanity reflected in this dream is a little silly. After all, she loves that inner child of yours as much as you do. And I'm sure she sees you for the beauty that you really are, and wouldn't want you any other way.
So then you're crying, and waiting to board a plane back home. In our dreams, planes are often symbols of transition, or of a rise in mental elevation. From the comfy seat of a 747, you can literally see the bigger picture of your life, and I believe that most people associate planes in this way. Both what you are feeling (as you cry) and what you are experiencing in this dream are types of frustration. By not being able to board the plane, you find yourself stuck in a situation that you don't really know a way out of. I suspect that there is a situation in your waking life that mirrors this one that your brain has generated as you sleep.
Similarly, dreaming of being on a boat in rough weather can suggest that the dreamer may be dealing with a difficult emotional situation. I believe that the situation that keeps you off the plane puts you squarely in sad boat territory- your mind is arranging these images in this way for a reason!
Things seem really bad, until a guy you absolutely hate in real life brings you some seriously good fortune. He gives you a cup of tea, which is symbolic of contentment or satisfaction, and he gets you on to the boat, as well as getting your hair done. It is interesting that this person is someone you don't like, you may want to think about the reasons why you don't like him- do the two of you possess any similar qualities, or personality traits? Perhaps you have good reasons not to like this person, I suspect that the root of those reasons is something you should consider carefully, as it may help you understand the larger situation that is causing turmoil in your life.
Regardless of what this person means to you, he is supportive of your need to pretty up your hair, which I think is interesting. Then the two of you walk together through some bad weather (read, emotional troubles) and then he seems to ditch you. He comes back, and finds you at the center of your frustration again.
In re-reading the last lines of your email, I can't help but wonder if he's in your dream because of frustrations regarding job hunting... have you been having trouble finding a job, or finding the right job? Was there some sort of misfortune that has caused you to job hunt in the first place? I have a feeling that this may be the situation that has you so concerned about other aspects of your identity, or your appearance.
At any rate, I hope that this reading of your dream has been helpful. Please feel free to post comments here, or email me directly at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. Thanks for sending your dream in, and I hope you find the perfect job!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
A dream about an earthquake, a skyscraper falling down
"I had a dream that I was in a building that was fairly high up, a brick building, the kind you find on the east coast, but there wasn’t a ceiling/roof on the building so I could see the other buildings that were higher than us.
All of a sudden the earthquakes began, and pieces from other buildings started falling all around me, and I remember moving back and forth in this huge room, oddly enough, as if I could avoid one of the objects from falling down on our building. I really thought I could escape the objects even though other people were getting hit in different parts of the room. There were huge pieces of other buildings and god knows what crashing down. I could hear people screaming everywhere.
Well finally, half of a nearby sky scrapper comes plunging towards us, it was positioned right on top of our building. I sized it up and thought it’s the same size as our building. I remember feeling that I could’t dodge this building and get around it. So I stayed still and braced myself for the hit. And I remember praying that it would be instant and over in a second and hoping I wouldn’t feel anything. And then when it hit, I felt really warm, quiet and peaceful; there wasn’t any pain. And I woke up, like kinda surprised that I wasn’t dead but still alive."
Thank you for sending this great dream in for a free reading, and thank you so much for your patience- I'm running more than a little behind at this point, but I hope to be back to normal soon enough. If any of my other readers would like a dream interpreted, please feel free to email it to me at Rachel.beezy88@gmail.com, I'd be more than happy to take a close look at it for you!
Dreams about tall buildings or skyscrapers are often reflections of our highest ideals or greatest ambitions, an idea that is particularly interesting considering that a ceiling is often considered a sign of limitation. In your dream, you are perched high in the sky, with a clear view of buildings even larger than yours, when disaster strikes.
I seriously doubt that anyone living in Southern California, as this dreamer does, is free of the occasional worry of earthquakes. Most earthquakes aren't really a big deal, a little bounce, a little roll, a little shake, and then it's all over. Sure, your chandelier might be swinging and your dog a little confused but other wise it's not anything memorable.
What we live in fear of, as Californians, is the Big One, the mythical quake over a 7.0 that causes widespread devastation, loss of life and personal property. Some people believe it could happen at any time, while others refuse to think of it at all. Adding to the psychological tension of this dream is the addition of the images of the 9/11 tragedy, an event that defines all of our lives as a time of intense crisis.
I mention these facts because I think that this dream is something quite different than what it appears to be at first glance. Some might have a dream like this and fear that they were prophecized disaster, and while I cannot divine the future, I can see some very real sources of this sort of anxiety or imagery in your waking life.
Rather than simply reflecting a fear of a massive earthquake, however, I believe that this dream reflects either a personal, professional or perceptional disaster that you may have recently occurred. Again, back to the images, you find yourself in a skyscraper, a symbol of high achievement or lofty ambition, and there is no limit to how high you can go, as there is no roof on the building and you can see a great number of other buildings (or, other successful people) around you. Because of the specific mention of brick buildings, by the way, I would assess that the success you had was a type that could be traditionally or conventionally defined. Rather than, say, being fulfilled emotionally by this success and having a well-rounded life, you may have just been making a lot of money. I wouldn't say that I absolutely know that to be the case, as I am not a psychic, but the images suggest that the success you either had or were reaching for wasn't what it was cut out to be.
Then the earthquake comes along and shakes you (and everything) up. The earthquake represents something bigger than you, something you may not completely understand and something over which you certainly have no control. The sense of peace that you describe when you realize that you're going to die is very interesting to me. I believe it suggests that you realize that the change that has occurred is a good thing, even though it seems to be a bad thing. The fact that you don't actually die, or feel any pain, reinforces this idea.
The beauty of destruction of any kind is that the ruins of the old are the birthplace of the new. Essentially, I believe that this dream, while it may have been terrifying at the time, is a harbinger of better times to come. Through the destruction of these old ambitions you can build a new life, a life in which you can find the satisfaction you may have lacked.
I sincerely hope that this reading resonates with you, particularly since I kept you waiting. Again, my sincerest apologizes! Life gets a little crazy at times for us all. Please feel free to email me directly with comments, or post them here, and if any of my other readers would like a free dream reading, email me all your details to Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. And again, thank you, thank you, thank you!
All of a sudden the earthquakes began, and pieces from other buildings started falling all around me, and I remember moving back and forth in this huge room, oddly enough, as if I could avoid one of the objects from falling down on our building. I really thought I could escape the objects even though other people were getting hit in different parts of the room. There were huge pieces of other buildings and god knows what crashing down. I could hear people screaming everywhere.
Well finally, half of a nearby sky scrapper comes plunging towards us, it was positioned right on top of our building. I sized it up and thought it’s the same size as our building. I remember feeling that I could’t dodge this building and get around it. So I stayed still and braced myself for the hit. And I remember praying that it would be instant and over in a second and hoping I wouldn’t feel anything. And then when it hit, I felt really warm, quiet and peaceful; there wasn’t any pain. And I woke up, like kinda surprised that I wasn’t dead but still alive."
Thank you for sending this great dream in for a free reading, and thank you so much for your patience- I'm running more than a little behind at this point, but I hope to be back to normal soon enough. If any of my other readers would like a dream interpreted, please feel free to email it to me at Rachel.beezy88@gmail.com, I'd be more than happy to take a close look at it for you!
Dreams about tall buildings or skyscrapers are often reflections of our highest ideals or greatest ambitions, an idea that is particularly interesting considering that a ceiling is often considered a sign of limitation. In your dream, you are perched high in the sky, with a clear view of buildings even larger than yours, when disaster strikes.
I seriously doubt that anyone living in Southern California, as this dreamer does, is free of the occasional worry of earthquakes. Most earthquakes aren't really a big deal, a little bounce, a little roll, a little shake, and then it's all over. Sure, your chandelier might be swinging and your dog a little confused but other wise it's not anything memorable.
What we live in fear of, as Californians, is the Big One, the mythical quake over a 7.0 that causes widespread devastation, loss of life and personal property. Some people believe it could happen at any time, while others refuse to think of it at all. Adding to the psychological tension of this dream is the addition of the images of the 9/11 tragedy, an event that defines all of our lives as a time of intense crisis.
I mention these facts because I think that this dream is something quite different than what it appears to be at first glance. Some might have a dream like this and fear that they were prophecized disaster, and while I cannot divine the future, I can see some very real sources of this sort of anxiety or imagery in your waking life.
Rather than simply reflecting a fear of a massive earthquake, however, I believe that this dream reflects either a personal, professional or perceptional disaster that you may have recently occurred. Again, back to the images, you find yourself in a skyscraper, a symbol of high achievement or lofty ambition, and there is no limit to how high you can go, as there is no roof on the building and you can see a great number of other buildings (or, other successful people) around you. Because of the specific mention of brick buildings, by the way, I would assess that the success you had was a type that could be traditionally or conventionally defined. Rather than, say, being fulfilled emotionally by this success and having a well-rounded life, you may have just been making a lot of money. I wouldn't say that I absolutely know that to be the case, as I am not a psychic, but the images suggest that the success you either had or were reaching for wasn't what it was cut out to be.
Then the earthquake comes along and shakes you (and everything) up. The earthquake represents something bigger than you, something you may not completely understand and something over which you certainly have no control. The sense of peace that you describe when you realize that you're going to die is very interesting to me. I believe it suggests that you realize that the change that has occurred is a good thing, even though it seems to be a bad thing. The fact that you don't actually die, or feel any pain, reinforces this idea.
The beauty of destruction of any kind is that the ruins of the old are the birthplace of the new. Essentially, I believe that this dream, while it may have been terrifying at the time, is a harbinger of better times to come. Through the destruction of these old ambitions you can build a new life, a life in which you can find the satisfaction you may have lacked.
I sincerely hope that this reading resonates with you, particularly since I kept you waiting. Again, my sincerest apologizes! Life gets a little crazy at times for us all. Please feel free to email me directly with comments, or post them here, and if any of my other readers would like a free dream reading, email me all your details to Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. And again, thank you, thank you, thank you!
A dream about a chase, and an amputated leg
"I had a dream that my husband and I were being chased. I could not see the people chasing us I just felt they wanted to kill us. We continue to run trying to escape – We were running when a truck stopped and offered to help – We got a ride only to find out they were family members of the people who were chasing us. We were then driven back to the village where my husband leg was amputated from the knee down. We tried to escape again only to find our selves back in the village. We seem to be in a maze and could not get out. I woke up and the dream ended. Could you please tell me the meaning of my dream?"
Thank you for sending in this dream for a free dream reading. Please feel free to email your dream into me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com for a reading of your own.
Dreams in which a person, or persons, are being chased are usually a reflection of anxiety. In this case, you and your husband are being chased together by a group of people whom you can't see. At your best opportunity to escape, you instead find yourselves in the den of the beast, and your husband's leg is amputated.
Legs are the objects which keep us standing, and as the phrase suggests, being able to stand on your own two feet is something most people take for granted until they can't do so anymore. Your husband's leg being amputated at the culminating point in your dream suggests that you fear a loss of the autonomy of your family, or a loss of your Independence. Similarly, dreaming about an injury to the leg can be reflective of an imbalance within your lives.
That you find yourselves in a sort of inescapable maze suggests to me that the problems that you are facing are more complex than you can solve in a day or two. It also suggests to me that these issues may be physical or material, rather than simply emotional issues. That's mostly my gut speaking, so of course I certainly could be wrong, but what you are describing sounds like a classic "us versus them" situation.
Thank you for sending this dream in, I hope that my examination of it was helpful. Please feel free to post comments here, or to email them to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com.
Thank you for sending in this dream for a free dream reading. Please feel free to email your dream into me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com for a reading of your own.
Dreams in which a person, or persons, are being chased are usually a reflection of anxiety. In this case, you and your husband are being chased together by a group of people whom you can't see. At your best opportunity to escape, you instead find yourselves in the den of the beast, and your husband's leg is amputated.
Legs are the objects which keep us standing, and as the phrase suggests, being able to stand on your own two feet is something most people take for granted until they can't do so anymore. Your husband's leg being amputated at the culminating point in your dream suggests that you fear a loss of the autonomy of your family, or a loss of your Independence. Similarly, dreaming about an injury to the leg can be reflective of an imbalance within your lives.
That you find yourselves in a sort of inescapable maze suggests to me that the problems that you are facing are more complex than you can solve in a day or two. It also suggests to me that these issues may be physical or material, rather than simply emotional issues. That's mostly my gut speaking, so of course I certainly could be wrong, but what you are describing sounds like a classic "us versus them" situation.
Thank you for sending this dream in, I hope that my examination of it was helpful. Please feel free to post comments here, or to email them to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com.
A dream about twins, a frozen cat and a big dress
"I am sitting on a large gone-with-the-wind-type staircase wearing a ball gown, complete with crinoline and corset. It feels rigid and tight and I am uncomfortable. I am also sad, rest my head on my hand like I am waiting for someone. There are horse hoofs beating the ground in the distance and I look up to see a carriage approaching. A footman steps out, who I recognize as my brother-in-law, and he hands me an open-faced sandwich, topped with peanut butter and shredded carrot.
“No thank you,” I say and he walks away. Then he comes back and now a second self is sitting beside me and he offers the same sandwich to her. She also declines. I look at her and she looks at me. We think it curious, but are not alarmed by the duplicity.
“Shall we,” I say, and then take her hand and walk over to our mutual brother-in-law standing by the carriage. It is a warm summer night yet the outside of the carriage is covered in ice.
“Can we look inside?” I ask.
He answers gruffly, “Can if you want.” The carriage is shaped like a large pumpkin, perhaps similar to a drawing in a Cinderella book I saw as a child. I move the heavy fabric curtains to the side. It is so cold I can now see my breath. My other self is standing behind me, also trying to peer inside. I squint to see but it is remarkably dark. As my eyes slowly focus, I make out a woman. She appears frozen solid. On her lap curled is a frozen cat. Her hand is wrapped around it as if cuddling in sleep. I look at her face and recognize that it is me in old age. My other self lets out a gasp. We turn and face each other. Then I wake up."
Thanks for sending me this dream- it's strange and I love it! If any of my other readers have a weird dream they'd like decoded, free of charge, email it to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com.
Looking at the symbols of your dream on a cursory level, I notice that there is a distinct pattern in objects your brain has generated for this dream: an old fashioned ball gown with a corset and crinoline skirt, a footman, a carriage and of course, the big, sweeping Tara staircase. All these items belong in an old movie, and because of their presence, I'm tempted to suggest that these items represent tradition, or the 'old' ways our lives were supposed to go. Of course, this isn't all they mean!
A staircase is a place of change or transition, you are sitting on the stairs as the dream opens, and obviously the fact that it is an 'old fashioned' staircase is a little problematic. I suspect that you are in a place of transition, but you are feeling restricted by tradition. The presence of your ball gown and corset suggest that some rigidity around you is making you uncomfortable- and I would guess that the transition has something to do with it.
Your brother-in-law plays a role here, as a footman. He is a servant to you in the dream, and so when he offers you something pretty gross to eat (a peanut butter and carrot sandwich!) you are free to decline- and so is your twin. Before I move on to the twin, let me mention that this is one of those instances where a person's personal impressions will have a vast impact on the meaning of their dreams. If you love and respect your brother-in-law (as I am lucky enough to) then his presence is likely authoritative and reassuring to you, even if he's offering you something that you don't want. If he's someone that you don't particularly like or respect, his offer of the gross sandwich might be a little condescending, demeaning or unwelcome. Further, a sandwich (as a meal most people eat on the go, and one that is frequently slapped together) is indicative of stress, or a high pressure situation.
I can't help but wonder if the issues that you're dealing with are a clash between the role of a woman in years past and the flexibility of the role of a woman today. It used to be that a woman could be little more than a mother, wife, school teacher, nun or whore; the women's movement did much to open up the options for modern women, but it has significantly complicated matters for some women. We're now expected to make as much money as our male counterparts, as well as having kids, staying fit and beautiful, and a host of other responsibilities. It's hard enough "just" being a mother, or "just" having a career, but the pressure that so many women feel to do it all, well, it seems impossible to live up to all that.
Getting back to the images in your dream, dreaming that you have a twin is a typical way in which your mind draws attention to a part of your psyche that you may have been overlooking or ignoring. Your twin agrees that a peanut butter and carrot sandwich is NOT for her, and the two of you head outside for a carriage ride. Carriages are symbols of outdated ideas; the fact that it is frozen suggests that those ideas have been repressed or rejected by you. Interestingly, what you face within the carriage is a frozen (again, read, repressed or denied) version of yourself curled up with a cat.
Again, personal feelings can have a big impact on the message your dream is sending, but personally, when I see an old lady with a cat, I usually think she's an old maid. Conversely, cats are frequently chosen as symbols of feminine freedom and sexuality, so the addition of the cat seems likely to change the reason why you may have rejected a particular life path, rather than the outcome you feel you may have found there.
I hope that this reading of your dream is helpful, thank you again for sending it in. Please feel free to email me directly with any comments you may have, or for any of my other readers, with dreams for analysis, to Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com.
“No thank you,” I say and he walks away. Then he comes back and now a second self is sitting beside me and he offers the same sandwich to her. She also declines. I look at her and she looks at me. We think it curious, but are not alarmed by the duplicity.
“Shall we,” I say, and then take her hand and walk over to our mutual brother-in-law standing by the carriage. It is a warm summer night yet the outside of the carriage is covered in ice.
“Can we look inside?” I ask.
He answers gruffly, “Can if you want.” The carriage is shaped like a large pumpkin, perhaps similar to a drawing in a Cinderella book I saw as a child. I move the heavy fabric curtains to the side. It is so cold I can now see my breath. My other self is standing behind me, also trying to peer inside. I squint to see but it is remarkably dark. As my eyes slowly focus, I make out a woman. She appears frozen solid. On her lap curled is a frozen cat. Her hand is wrapped around it as if cuddling in sleep. I look at her face and recognize that it is me in old age. My other self lets out a gasp. We turn and face each other. Then I wake up."
Thanks for sending me this dream- it's strange and I love it! If any of my other readers have a weird dream they'd like decoded, free of charge, email it to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com.
Looking at the symbols of your dream on a cursory level, I notice that there is a distinct pattern in objects your brain has generated for this dream: an old fashioned ball gown with a corset and crinoline skirt, a footman, a carriage and of course, the big, sweeping Tara staircase. All these items belong in an old movie, and because of their presence, I'm tempted to suggest that these items represent tradition, or the 'old' ways our lives were supposed to go. Of course, this isn't all they mean!
A staircase is a place of change or transition, you are sitting on the stairs as the dream opens, and obviously the fact that it is an 'old fashioned' staircase is a little problematic. I suspect that you are in a place of transition, but you are feeling restricted by tradition. The presence of your ball gown and corset suggest that some rigidity around you is making you uncomfortable- and I would guess that the transition has something to do with it.
Your brother-in-law plays a role here, as a footman. He is a servant to you in the dream, and so when he offers you something pretty gross to eat (a peanut butter and carrot sandwich!) you are free to decline- and so is your twin. Before I move on to the twin, let me mention that this is one of those instances where a person's personal impressions will have a vast impact on the meaning of their dreams. If you love and respect your brother-in-law (as I am lucky enough to) then his presence is likely authoritative and reassuring to you, even if he's offering you something that you don't want. If he's someone that you don't particularly like or respect, his offer of the gross sandwich might be a little condescending, demeaning or unwelcome. Further, a sandwich (as a meal most people eat on the go, and one that is frequently slapped together) is indicative of stress, or a high pressure situation.
I can't help but wonder if the issues that you're dealing with are a clash between the role of a woman in years past and the flexibility of the role of a woman today. It used to be that a woman could be little more than a mother, wife, school teacher, nun or whore; the women's movement did much to open up the options for modern women, but it has significantly complicated matters for some women. We're now expected to make as much money as our male counterparts, as well as having kids, staying fit and beautiful, and a host of other responsibilities. It's hard enough "just" being a mother, or "just" having a career, but the pressure that so many women feel to do it all, well, it seems impossible to live up to all that.
Getting back to the images in your dream, dreaming that you have a twin is a typical way in which your mind draws attention to a part of your psyche that you may have been overlooking or ignoring. Your twin agrees that a peanut butter and carrot sandwich is NOT for her, and the two of you head outside for a carriage ride. Carriages are symbols of outdated ideas; the fact that it is frozen suggests that those ideas have been repressed or rejected by you. Interestingly, what you face within the carriage is a frozen (again, read, repressed or denied) version of yourself curled up with a cat.
Again, personal feelings can have a big impact on the message your dream is sending, but personally, when I see an old lady with a cat, I usually think she's an old maid. Conversely, cats are frequently chosen as symbols of feminine freedom and sexuality, so the addition of the cat seems likely to change the reason why you may have rejected a particular life path, rather than the outcome you feel you may have found there.
I hope that this reading of your dream is helpful, thank you again for sending it in. Please feel free to email me directly with any comments you may have, or for any of my other readers, with dreams for analysis, to Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com.
Recurring dreams about flying, little sisters, and fast cars
"here are the details of a recurring dream that I have been having most nights (in some form) for the past few years.
In all my dreams I can fly (but not very high). Sometimes I struggle to get off the ground and need to do treading water like motions to get higher. I also have to jump off very tall buildings to gain height. I am the only one who can fly in any of my dreams and it is almost as if flying is my party trick.
Another common feature of my dreams involves stealing cars. I often go into car parks and take the fastest car I can find (cars are never locked). However, the cars often shrink in size as soon as I get into them and often end up the size of a child's electric car.
Finally in most of my dreams my younger sisters who are 21 and 9 years-old are always small children in my dreams. My 21-year-old sister is usually around 5 years old, while my younger sister usually takes the form of a small doll that I carry around in my pocket and often lose, leading to feelings of panic and worry. Any analysis or feedback that you could give me would be very much appreciated!"
Wow, thanks so much for sending these in, they're really funny and enjoyable, as I can relate to all three of your recurring dreams! If any of my other readers have recurring dreams they'd like analyzed, please feel free to email me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com for a free reading.
I've always had dreams in which I could fly, and like you, often times I have to get a running, fighting or leaping start. Being able to fly in your dreams is a representation of a sense of freedom, in some cases (like when you have to really work at it) you may be desirous of freedom. In other situations, where you just lift off with ease, you are likely experiencing a great sense of personal freedom. I firmly believe that one of the reasons I've always been a heavy sleeper, and a chronic over-sleeper, is because of dreams about flying, and the intense joy that comes with them.
Sometimes stealing something in your dreams is emblematic of a desire for something you can't have. In this case, what you want so badly is a fast car, presumably to get you the heck out of where ever you are. Instead of being able to drive off into the sunset, the cars shrink down around you, presumably closing you in. I think it's interesting that two of the dreams you've sent in are reflecting a desire for freedom, and that this desire is often partially or fully frustrated. I would be hard pressed to say precisely what is missing in your emotional life, but clearly you have some goals, whither personal or professional, that you have not yet met. You may find that a major personal success could help you break away from these recurring dreams, or, equally effective might be a reassessment of your goals, and a recalculation of your needs.
The third dream is also interesting. Sisters (or brothers) are often reflections of ourselves within the context of our dreams. Often times a sister (or brother) will occupy a role within our dream that could easily be filled by a second version of us. Because of the fact that your little sisters appear so different physically in your dreams than they are in real life, I believe that this analysis holds up for your recurring dream. I would estimate that your 21 year old sister, as a five year old, is standing in for your inner child, and your nine year old sister becomes something more conceptual- the idea of who you'd be when you were "all grown up". That idea may be very different than the person you've come to be, but the potential that you had to become anything at all, that is something that you can't lose, or give up on.
Looking at these dreams as a group, I'm tempted to suggest that the freedom that you are seeking is actually the freedom to grow to your full potential professionally. Without knowing you personally, I can't say for certain that this is the case, but I think the relationship between the three dreams is apparent. Occasionally, readers get the idea that I'm some sort of psychic, likely because of the sorts of judgements I find myself making, as I have here- I guess it'll be you, the lovely person who sent these dreams in, who will ultimately decide if my instincts are on with your dream!
Thanks again for sending this in, please feel free to post comments to the blog, or to email them to me directly at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com.
In all my dreams I can fly (but not very high). Sometimes I struggle to get off the ground and need to do treading water like motions to get higher. I also have to jump off very tall buildings to gain height. I am the only one who can fly in any of my dreams and it is almost as if flying is my party trick.
Another common feature of my dreams involves stealing cars. I often go into car parks and take the fastest car I can find (cars are never locked). However, the cars often shrink in size as soon as I get into them and often end up the size of a child's electric car.
Finally in most of my dreams my younger sisters who are 21 and 9 years-old are always small children in my dreams. My 21-year-old sister is usually around 5 years old, while my younger sister usually takes the form of a small doll that I carry around in my pocket and often lose, leading to feelings of panic and worry. Any analysis or feedback that you could give me would be very much appreciated!"
Wow, thanks so much for sending these in, they're really funny and enjoyable, as I can relate to all three of your recurring dreams! If any of my other readers have recurring dreams they'd like analyzed, please feel free to email me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com for a free reading.
I've always had dreams in which I could fly, and like you, often times I have to get a running, fighting or leaping start. Being able to fly in your dreams is a representation of a sense of freedom, in some cases (like when you have to really work at it) you may be desirous of freedom. In other situations, where you just lift off with ease, you are likely experiencing a great sense of personal freedom. I firmly believe that one of the reasons I've always been a heavy sleeper, and a chronic over-sleeper, is because of dreams about flying, and the intense joy that comes with them.
Sometimes stealing something in your dreams is emblematic of a desire for something you can't have. In this case, what you want so badly is a fast car, presumably to get you the heck out of where ever you are. Instead of being able to drive off into the sunset, the cars shrink down around you, presumably closing you in. I think it's interesting that two of the dreams you've sent in are reflecting a desire for freedom, and that this desire is often partially or fully frustrated. I would be hard pressed to say precisely what is missing in your emotional life, but clearly you have some goals, whither personal or professional, that you have not yet met. You may find that a major personal success could help you break away from these recurring dreams, or, equally effective might be a reassessment of your goals, and a recalculation of your needs.
The third dream is also interesting. Sisters (or brothers) are often reflections of ourselves within the context of our dreams. Often times a sister (or brother) will occupy a role within our dream that could easily be filled by a second version of us. Because of the fact that your little sisters appear so different physically in your dreams than they are in real life, I believe that this analysis holds up for your recurring dream. I would estimate that your 21 year old sister, as a five year old, is standing in for your inner child, and your nine year old sister becomes something more conceptual- the idea of who you'd be when you were "all grown up". That idea may be very different than the person you've come to be, but the potential that you had to become anything at all, that is something that you can't lose, or give up on.
Looking at these dreams as a group, I'm tempted to suggest that the freedom that you are seeking is actually the freedom to grow to your full potential professionally. Without knowing you personally, I can't say for certain that this is the case, but I think the relationship between the three dreams is apparent. Occasionally, readers get the idea that I'm some sort of psychic, likely because of the sorts of judgements I find myself making, as I have here- I guess it'll be you, the lovely person who sent these dreams in, who will ultimately decide if my instincts are on with your dream!
Thanks again for sending this in, please feel free to post comments to the blog, or to email them to me directly at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com.
A dream about a car accident, a little girl and a violent murder
"At the beginning of my dream, I seem to be driving on the freeway to school. My mom in the passenger side and I think one of my sisters in the back. I merge right to pass a car and some car looks like it was going in the opposite direction right into me and we collide. After the accident, the car is facing forward and in the dream I thought that I had hit him in the back.
My mom got out the car and talked to the other driver for a bit and then gave him money, I saw that he was looking into the backseat of his car so I went over and asked if everything was alright, he said yeah. He was an older gentleman. He said that I had only damaged a part of his car and he patted the dashboard. I'm guessing that that reinforces that he did go in the opposite direction and we collided head on. In the dream I wondered for a bit why the front was damaged but then dismissed it.
I then said that I thought he had a child in the backseat because he was looking there and he chuckled no. We then get to a conversation about a little girl, he said the name but I forget now, he said something about her, I forget, maybe that he respected her. Well, he told me that the girl's family had been killed in their own home and the killers told her that if she told anybody, they would kill her too. It was on the news before and I suddenly remembered about her and said that I heard about it, thinking that I did so in a song from Emineme. Then I started to get anxiety because we were in the freeway and talking. I felt the want to end the conversation and be on my way but I didn't want to be rude. We continued talking about the girl.
After the murder, she set out to kill her family's murderers and succeeded. I have an image of a little girl with a bloody knife in her hand. The cops found her and it was all over the news. After that, me and the man parted ways, and I rode in the passenger seat while my mom drove.
Then it went to me in some Asian coffee / tea shop. I'm reminded that the Thai Tea is bad there or something. I pass through it and walk out the other side. Then it goes to some Asian mobster in there with his bodyguard and his son. His son poisoned his drink and he offered it to his dad. His dad motioned to the bodyguard to drink it first and he took a fast, fake sip. The dad knew, and told the bodyguard to drink it all. Then, the bodyguard and the son held the dad down on the table and tortured him. They cut him up, it was like a movie. He got all bloody, and they cut off his dick and hung it on a string over him.
Then it went to some hospital, a group of doctors and nurses we looking at this little girl, whose skin looked really loose, like she was really fat and lost weight. She was bulging, and the doctors moved her genital area and the whole skin moved like it wasn't attached. The girl was bloody, like dried blood. Then after moving the skin around, they found a hole, sliced open. When they opened it, two decapitated heads feel out and everyone screamed and panicked. It was obscene, the hair and everything on the heads, and after they fell out, the inside of the girl could be seen. All red, and her face was cut off too. I saw that she was still breathing very slightly too and I was just shocked and felt tremendously sad that she had to go through all that. It was like they skinned her and put a grown person's skin on her and put the heads in.
After I pass through the shop, it was like I was watching a movie, I wasn't really directly in the dream after that. Except maybe at the very end at the hospital. I woke up after. I felt just plain shocked and speechless. I closed my eyes again and I felt words, either see or hear, and it felt like it was gonna keep going so I got up. I was shook up about it for a while, startled easily."
Thank you for sending me this bizarre and complex dream! As per usual, if any of my readers would like their dreams read by me, free of charge, please email them to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. Without further ado, let me dive into the images that have so troubled you.
Dreams about driving a car are usually references to the management of your daily life. In your case, the fact that you are driving the car suggests that you are taking on a certain amount of responsibility on behalf of your mother and sisters. You're doing a decent job at it, until some idiot comes at you going the wrong way, completely catching you by surprise. I believe that the accident is a manifestation of the anxiety of the unknown, or the unforeseen, disaster. It's possible that the accident is in reference to a specific problem that may have arisen from your role as caretaker, or it may be a simple anxiety of the possibility of a problem.
The next set of images is particularly interesting to me. You're speaking with an older gentleman, and an older man is likely a symbol of authority. In your conversation, he drifts into the talk about the little girl who avenges the death of her family. I suspect that as you were having this "conversation" within the dream, you were partially experiencing the primary image of the two of you talking to each other on the freeway, and partially experiencing the secondary images of the murder being described.
Murders are often an indication of a sort of death of the self; in that sense, the details of exactly whom is killing whom and how can be helpful in determining the deeper significance of the action within a dream. In this case, your brain is generating an image of a person whom society would normally consider somewhat helpless- a little girl. Rather than being the victim of a violent crime, this little girl has taken matters into her own hands and become an aggressor. Is it possible that someone is underestimating your desire to protect yourself, or your family? Is your personal struggle with this being 'broad casted' in some way, to those who know you? Similarly, it could also indicate that the part of you that is sentimental, or tender, is learning to be less forgiving. It could certainly be both- or either- only you can be certain.
At this point, the logical side of your brain realizes that you are doing something kind of stupid, and kind of dangerous, in having a conversation in the middle of the freeway. So, you get back in the car, allowing your Mom to drive you, and you move on to a local coffee/tea shop. There isn't really anything of interest to you there, so you keep moving. You're then confronted with the situation in which the mobster is being murdered by his son.
Dreams which involve violent subject matter, like murder or torture, often point to issues of anger, or the desire to punish oneself for their negative behaviors. Here, you witness a graphic instance of murder, torture and dismemberment- but it's more complex than just that, as it is also an instance of patricide, or the murder of a father by his children. Fathers are symbols of authority, but dreaming about abusing one's father (or having sex with one's father, incidentally) are often indicative of a desire to be closer to one's father. I notice that you dream does not provide any mention of your father, while the dream suggests that you may be taking on additional responsibility in your family; the combination of the lack of mention of your father and the type of emotional turmoil that your dream is expressing, I can't help but wonder if you are experiencing issues of anger, resentment or abandonment towards your father.
The next portion of your dream may seem somewhat unrelated, but it continues to suggest that you may have some emotional pain that is lurking below the surface of your mind. Doctors, nurses, hospitals and the images of illness are often veiled calls to seek out the 'cures' to the things that ail us. In this case, these symbols have come together to help a strange little girl. Again, little girls are usually representations of a softer side of humanity, a part within us that wants little more than to be loved.
This little girl has some weird issues- her skin is saggy and loose. The skin is the body's largest organ, and it is what separates our delicate insides from the elements. In this instance, some horrible person has encapsulated this little girl in the skin of someone else, suggesting that the little girl is being asked to be a different person out in the world than who she actually is. When the doctors try and help her, they soon find decapitated heads rolling about in all that skin. The head is the center of wisdom and knowledge, it is where we as humans make our plans, store our memories and live our lives. To see a decapitated head in a dream can indicate a sense of being out of control, just as the expression "loosing one's head" can mean.
Looking at these symbols and the way that they play together, I would invite you to nurture yourself emotionally. Take a look at the larger issues of your life, and find a way to make some of the disadvantages you may have had into positive influences in your life. This advice comes as a result of nothing but a little instinct and analysis, and of course, you are the only one who can ultimately say what the meaning of this dream is. At any rate, I hope that this free dream reading has been helpful. Please feel free to post any comments here, or to email me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com.
My mom got out the car and talked to the other driver for a bit and then gave him money, I saw that he was looking into the backseat of his car so I went over and asked if everything was alright, he said yeah. He was an older gentleman. He said that I had only damaged a part of his car and he patted the dashboard. I'm guessing that that reinforces that he did go in the opposite direction and we collided head on. In the dream I wondered for a bit why the front was damaged but then dismissed it.
I then said that I thought he had a child in the backseat because he was looking there and he chuckled no. We then get to a conversation about a little girl, he said the name but I forget now, he said something about her, I forget, maybe that he respected her. Well, he told me that the girl's family had been killed in their own home and the killers told her that if she told anybody, they would kill her too. It was on the news before and I suddenly remembered about her and said that I heard about it, thinking that I did so in a song from Emineme. Then I started to get anxiety because we were in the freeway and talking. I felt the want to end the conversation and be on my way but I didn't want to be rude. We continued talking about the girl.
After the murder, she set out to kill her family's murderers and succeeded. I have an image of a little girl with a bloody knife in her hand. The cops found her and it was all over the news. After that, me and the man parted ways, and I rode in the passenger seat while my mom drove.
Then it went to me in some Asian coffee / tea shop. I'm reminded that the Thai Tea is bad there or something. I pass through it and walk out the other side. Then it goes to some Asian mobster in there with his bodyguard and his son. His son poisoned his drink and he offered it to his dad. His dad motioned to the bodyguard to drink it first and he took a fast, fake sip. The dad knew, and told the bodyguard to drink it all. Then, the bodyguard and the son held the dad down on the table and tortured him. They cut him up, it was like a movie. He got all bloody, and they cut off his dick and hung it on a string over him.
Then it went to some hospital, a group of doctors and nurses we looking at this little girl, whose skin looked really loose, like she was really fat and lost weight. She was bulging, and the doctors moved her genital area and the whole skin moved like it wasn't attached. The girl was bloody, like dried blood. Then after moving the skin around, they found a hole, sliced open. When they opened it, two decapitated heads feel out and everyone screamed and panicked. It was obscene, the hair and everything on the heads, and after they fell out, the inside of the girl could be seen. All red, and her face was cut off too. I saw that she was still breathing very slightly too and I was just shocked and felt tremendously sad that she had to go through all that. It was like they skinned her and put a grown person's skin on her and put the heads in.
After I pass through the shop, it was like I was watching a movie, I wasn't really directly in the dream after that. Except maybe at the very end at the hospital. I woke up after. I felt just plain shocked and speechless. I closed my eyes again and I felt words, either see or hear, and it felt like it was gonna keep going so I got up. I was shook up about it for a while, startled easily."
Thank you for sending me this bizarre and complex dream! As per usual, if any of my readers would like their dreams read by me, free of charge, please email them to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. Without further ado, let me dive into the images that have so troubled you.
Dreams about driving a car are usually references to the management of your daily life. In your case, the fact that you are driving the car suggests that you are taking on a certain amount of responsibility on behalf of your mother and sisters. You're doing a decent job at it, until some idiot comes at you going the wrong way, completely catching you by surprise. I believe that the accident is a manifestation of the anxiety of the unknown, or the unforeseen, disaster. It's possible that the accident is in reference to a specific problem that may have arisen from your role as caretaker, or it may be a simple anxiety of the possibility of a problem.
The next set of images is particularly interesting to me. You're speaking with an older gentleman, and an older man is likely a symbol of authority. In your conversation, he drifts into the talk about the little girl who avenges the death of her family. I suspect that as you were having this "conversation" within the dream, you were partially experiencing the primary image of the two of you talking to each other on the freeway, and partially experiencing the secondary images of the murder being described.
Murders are often an indication of a sort of death of the self; in that sense, the details of exactly whom is killing whom and how can be helpful in determining the deeper significance of the action within a dream. In this case, your brain is generating an image of a person whom society would normally consider somewhat helpless- a little girl. Rather than being the victim of a violent crime, this little girl has taken matters into her own hands and become an aggressor. Is it possible that someone is underestimating your desire to protect yourself, or your family? Is your personal struggle with this being 'broad casted' in some way, to those who know you? Similarly, it could also indicate that the part of you that is sentimental, or tender, is learning to be less forgiving. It could certainly be both- or either- only you can be certain.
At this point, the logical side of your brain realizes that you are doing something kind of stupid, and kind of dangerous, in having a conversation in the middle of the freeway. So, you get back in the car, allowing your Mom to drive you, and you move on to a local coffee/tea shop. There isn't really anything of interest to you there, so you keep moving. You're then confronted with the situation in which the mobster is being murdered by his son.
Dreams which involve violent subject matter, like murder or torture, often point to issues of anger, or the desire to punish oneself for their negative behaviors. Here, you witness a graphic instance of murder, torture and dismemberment- but it's more complex than just that, as it is also an instance of patricide, or the murder of a father by his children. Fathers are symbols of authority, but dreaming about abusing one's father (or having sex with one's father, incidentally) are often indicative of a desire to be closer to one's father. I notice that you dream does not provide any mention of your father, while the dream suggests that you may be taking on additional responsibility in your family; the combination of the lack of mention of your father and the type of emotional turmoil that your dream is expressing, I can't help but wonder if you are experiencing issues of anger, resentment or abandonment towards your father.
The next portion of your dream may seem somewhat unrelated, but it continues to suggest that you may have some emotional pain that is lurking below the surface of your mind. Doctors, nurses, hospitals and the images of illness are often veiled calls to seek out the 'cures' to the things that ail us. In this case, these symbols have come together to help a strange little girl. Again, little girls are usually representations of a softer side of humanity, a part within us that wants little more than to be loved.
This little girl has some weird issues- her skin is saggy and loose. The skin is the body's largest organ, and it is what separates our delicate insides from the elements. In this instance, some horrible person has encapsulated this little girl in the skin of someone else, suggesting that the little girl is being asked to be a different person out in the world than who she actually is. When the doctors try and help her, they soon find decapitated heads rolling about in all that skin. The head is the center of wisdom and knowledge, it is where we as humans make our plans, store our memories and live our lives. To see a decapitated head in a dream can indicate a sense of being out of control, just as the expression "loosing one's head" can mean.
Looking at these symbols and the way that they play together, I would invite you to nurture yourself emotionally. Take a look at the larger issues of your life, and find a way to make some of the disadvantages you may have had into positive influences in your life. This advice comes as a result of nothing but a little instinct and analysis, and of course, you are the only one who can ultimately say what the meaning of this dream is. At any rate, I hope that this free dream reading has been helpful. Please feel free to post any comments here, or to email me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com.
Monday, June 15, 2009
A dream about estranged friends
"Lately, I've been having dreams about me getting made fun of. Also the dreams contain people who I used to be friends and I sort of don't like.
One dream was me being in my old school. I was walking in the hallway and one girl who I used to be friends with was being all nice to me, and I figured out she was just faking it, and I remember passing two girls who I used to be friends with and they were whispering about me and making fun of me and started laughing. Then there was another one with my ex best friend and I were at her house getting helping her get ready for prom with one of her other friends that she's close with. Then, the limo came and they just went in. I think I didn't have a ride home yet, and I turned around seeing my ex best friend standing in the middle of the road. I asked her if she could wait for me until my dad comes and she just ignored me and said no and went to prom.
Then my last dream was me and my best friend now at some party. We were helping my ex best friend and our other friend that my ex best friend is close with too. They decided to get drunk before prom, so me and my best friend were helping them. Suddenly, I was at this big house/place that my old school prom was at, but it looked more like a jail. I walked into the place, and all the kids were looking at me, including girls that I'm not friends with anymore saying "What is she doing here?" Next, I left the place and went downstairs. But my purse fell, and the purse somehow made this alarm go off. I ran to grab my purse and some big guard comes out with a stick trying to hit me so I would leave!"
Thanks for sending this dream in for a free dream reading. For all my readers, you can send your dreams in to me by emailing me all the details that you remember to Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. I will then analyze your dream free of charge and post it here.
Have you ever heard the expression "art imitates life" ? Well, this is a case where dreams are imitating life. Your concerns and anxiety about your former friends and the way in which you all have treated one another are building up. There may be some situations behind all this in which you do not have the kind of closure that a person needs to get over a friendship turned ugly- someone owes someone else an apology.
In light of the emotional response that you're having, it might be time to step up and be the bigger person. Have you treated others with respect? Have you said things you might regret later, or anything that you regret now? Have you hurt someone, or allowed someone to hurt you?
The subject matter that you're describing here is a pattern of anxiety and abandonment- people leaving you in the street, whispering behind your back, etc. These situations are all things that can (or have) happened to you. I'm sure because you're dreaming occasionally weird things happen in these dreams as well, or things seem bizarre or slightly off the mark, but by and large, your brain is merely regurgitating concerns that you have in your waking life.
I hope that this assessment of your dream has been helpful. Please feel free to leave your comments here, or to email me if you'd like another dream analyzed, free of charge, at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. Thanks again for sending these in!
One dream was me being in my old school. I was walking in the hallway and one girl who I used to be friends with was being all nice to me, and I figured out she was just faking it, and I remember passing two girls who I used to be friends with and they were whispering about me and making fun of me and started laughing. Then there was another one with my ex best friend and I were at her house getting helping her get ready for prom with one of her other friends that she's close with. Then, the limo came and they just went in. I think I didn't have a ride home yet, and I turned around seeing my ex best friend standing in the middle of the road. I asked her if she could wait for me until my dad comes and she just ignored me and said no and went to prom.
Then my last dream was me and my best friend now at some party. We were helping my ex best friend and our other friend that my ex best friend is close with too. They decided to get drunk before prom, so me and my best friend were helping them. Suddenly, I was at this big house/place that my old school prom was at, but it looked more like a jail. I walked into the place, and all the kids were looking at me, including girls that I'm not friends with anymore saying "What is she doing here?" Next, I left the place and went downstairs. But my purse fell, and the purse somehow made this alarm go off. I ran to grab my purse and some big guard comes out with a stick trying to hit me so I would leave!"
Thanks for sending this dream in for a free dream reading. For all my readers, you can send your dreams in to me by emailing me all the details that you remember to Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. I will then analyze your dream free of charge and post it here.
Have you ever heard the expression "art imitates life" ? Well, this is a case where dreams are imitating life. Your concerns and anxiety about your former friends and the way in which you all have treated one another are building up. There may be some situations behind all this in which you do not have the kind of closure that a person needs to get over a friendship turned ugly- someone owes someone else an apology.
In light of the emotional response that you're having, it might be time to step up and be the bigger person. Have you treated others with respect? Have you said things you might regret later, or anything that you regret now? Have you hurt someone, or allowed someone to hurt you?
The subject matter that you're describing here is a pattern of anxiety and abandonment- people leaving you in the street, whispering behind your back, etc. These situations are all things that can (or have) happened to you. I'm sure because you're dreaming occasionally weird things happen in these dreams as well, or things seem bizarre or slightly off the mark, but by and large, your brain is merely regurgitating concerns that you have in your waking life.
I hope that this assessment of your dream has been helpful. Please feel free to leave your comments here, or to email me if you'd like another dream analyzed, free of charge, at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. Thanks again for sending these in!
A dream about a football field, a rain storm and a slit throat
"I've had this dream approximately 3 nights in a row:
it starts out with me being in my home school cafeteria. Lighting is dim and I can only hear everyones faint whisper. I'm only dressed in a long white t-shirt. I start to walk towards the doors going outside to a balcony. It's raining heavily and the sky is dark grayish blue.
I get soaked instantly as I head down the stairs towards the football field... I'm walking too slow... I hear distant yelling so turn around and see my fiance running after me. I get scared and run away towards the football field. Instead of descending stairs there's a cliff I have to climb down. As I'm climbing down I look to the football field and see a silhouette of a man there.
I slip the rest of the way down and get all muddy but I get up faster than expected and run towards the man in the field. This time I turn and hear my fiance yell clearly "NO!!" which makes me run faster. I get to the man in the field and it turns out to be my ex-boyfriend whom I almost had a child with. He takes me in his arms gently bringing up his hand to my face, I feel so at peace and relaxed until he slits my throat. I can literally feel myself choking on my own blood, as I look up to my exes' face he looks remorseful as he lays me ever so gently on the wet ground then walks away.
My fiance then runs up to me and brings me into his arms wailing "I told you... I told you"..... then I wake up"
Thank you for sending me this great dream for a free reading! I especially appreciate your patience in waiting for me to get to it, I've been quite bogged down with finals, graduation, visiting family members etc. But, alas, the excitement is over and now I'm ready to get back down to the business of decoding dreams. If you've got a dream you'd like analyzed, please feel free to email it to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com with the only exception being dreams about werewolves. I've done that and done it and done it. This is a werewolf free zone!
I can totally understand why having this dream three nights in a row might cause you to feel a little freaked out. It's pretty intense! Sounds like you've got a lot going on.
The dream begins with you walking into your school cafeteria wearing nothing but a long white shirt. Well, dreaming that you're in a cafeteria can be a reference to one of two things, either the act of eating, or of public display. Who you sit with at lunch is a pretty big deal for a high school student, and the other students ARE paying attention to who you are and who you sit with. High school is honestly pretty boring- there isn't much else to do other than watch each other and critique.
The fact that you hear the whispers of everyone in the cafe when you walk in suggests that you are dreaming directly of the element of public display. Also furthering this assessment is the long white tee you're wearing. Dreams about being naked or partially naked in public are a reflection of being exposed or judged by others. So you walk in, hear everyone talking (probably about you) and of course, you're half-naked. Then you walk out into the rain storm.
Rain in a dream can equate to purification, renewal, or new growth, but it in this case, I feel it has a connotation that is less positive. While in the rain, you are unable to move at the proper speed, instead you walk slowly through it, getting soaked and likely becoming less clothed. To me, this suggests that your rainstorm is indicative of a serious amount of emotional turmoil or sadness. Here's where it gets really interesting...
You hear your fiance coming after you, but you do everything you can to get away from him. This suggests to me that a part of you is disconnected from him, or is holding back. It seems obvious to me that this part of you (which might be just a little nagging doubt) is still hanging on to the idea of your ex. Not the actual person who he is, as that person is very likely a jerk in reality, but the idea of the person you thought he was when you fell for him.
So in getting away from your fiance, you're forced to slip and slide down a cliff. Dreaming about mountaintops and cliffs is something that a person does when they are facing or have faced a great challenge. It is common to dream about climbing a mountain in times of prosperity and sliding down a mountain in times of peril or trouble. You're sliding. It's scary, and you feel out of control. You don't know if you'll get down safely, but it something that you have to do- and you have to do it all on your own. I would link this idea back to the ideas the struggle you may be having between your past and your present.
You get down to the bottom and you're on a football field. Again, this is a place of public spectacle, a place where everyone is watching- though what is going on is only happening between you, your fiance and your ex. Football, as a competitive sport, can also symbolize challenges. Anyways, you get down to the field with your ex, and he very lovingly slits your throat and lies you down on the grass. The way that he treats you here suggests that this person was someone who may have lulled you into a false sense of security only to betray you.
In dreams, each part of the body contains significant symbolic meaning; the throat is a center of communication. For him to slit your throat is an action in which he takes away your voice. Your means of expression is stripped from you, and you lose your life. It feels incredibly real because in an emotional sense, it's incredibly scary.
The reaction of your fiance suggests that he is aware of the struggle you faced with your ex. He is someone who clearly would not understand why you would hang on to any feelings you may have had for your ex. The dream, all in all, is about the collision of these two relationships and the struggle between your past and your future. Realistically, you may still have some issues or feelings from that last relationship that you have not worked all the way through, but of course, only you know precisely how you feel about that situation.
I hope that this free dream reading has been helpful. Please feel free to post comments here, or email me directly at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. Thanks again for sending me this great dream!
it starts out with me being in my home school cafeteria. Lighting is dim and I can only hear everyones faint whisper. I'm only dressed in a long white t-shirt. I start to walk towards the doors going outside to a balcony. It's raining heavily and the sky is dark grayish blue.
I get soaked instantly as I head down the stairs towards the football field... I'm walking too slow... I hear distant yelling so turn around and see my fiance running after me. I get scared and run away towards the football field. Instead of descending stairs there's a cliff I have to climb down. As I'm climbing down I look to the football field and see a silhouette of a man there.
I slip the rest of the way down and get all muddy but I get up faster than expected and run towards the man in the field. This time I turn and hear my fiance yell clearly "NO!!" which makes me run faster. I get to the man in the field and it turns out to be my ex-boyfriend whom I almost had a child with. He takes me in his arms gently bringing up his hand to my face, I feel so at peace and relaxed until he slits my throat. I can literally feel myself choking on my own blood, as I look up to my exes' face he looks remorseful as he lays me ever so gently on the wet ground then walks away.
My fiance then runs up to me and brings me into his arms wailing "I told you... I told you"..... then I wake up"
Thank you for sending me this great dream for a free reading! I especially appreciate your patience in waiting for me to get to it, I've been quite bogged down with finals, graduation, visiting family members etc. But, alas, the excitement is over and now I'm ready to get back down to the business of decoding dreams. If you've got a dream you'd like analyzed, please feel free to email it to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com with the only exception being dreams about werewolves. I've done that and done it and done it. This is a werewolf free zone!
I can totally understand why having this dream three nights in a row might cause you to feel a little freaked out. It's pretty intense! Sounds like you've got a lot going on.
The dream begins with you walking into your school cafeteria wearing nothing but a long white shirt. Well, dreaming that you're in a cafeteria can be a reference to one of two things, either the act of eating, or of public display. Who you sit with at lunch is a pretty big deal for a high school student, and the other students ARE paying attention to who you are and who you sit with. High school is honestly pretty boring- there isn't much else to do other than watch each other and critique.
The fact that you hear the whispers of everyone in the cafe when you walk in suggests that you are dreaming directly of the element of public display. Also furthering this assessment is the long white tee you're wearing. Dreams about being naked or partially naked in public are a reflection of being exposed or judged by others. So you walk in, hear everyone talking (probably about you) and of course, you're half-naked. Then you walk out into the rain storm.
Rain in a dream can equate to purification, renewal, or new growth, but it in this case, I feel it has a connotation that is less positive. While in the rain, you are unable to move at the proper speed, instead you walk slowly through it, getting soaked and likely becoming less clothed. To me, this suggests that your rainstorm is indicative of a serious amount of emotional turmoil or sadness. Here's where it gets really interesting...
You hear your fiance coming after you, but you do everything you can to get away from him. This suggests to me that a part of you is disconnected from him, or is holding back. It seems obvious to me that this part of you (which might be just a little nagging doubt) is still hanging on to the idea of your ex. Not the actual person who he is, as that person is very likely a jerk in reality, but the idea of the person you thought he was when you fell for him.
So in getting away from your fiance, you're forced to slip and slide down a cliff. Dreaming about mountaintops and cliffs is something that a person does when they are facing or have faced a great challenge. It is common to dream about climbing a mountain in times of prosperity and sliding down a mountain in times of peril or trouble. You're sliding. It's scary, and you feel out of control. You don't know if you'll get down safely, but it something that you have to do- and you have to do it all on your own. I would link this idea back to the ideas the struggle you may be having between your past and your present.
You get down to the bottom and you're on a football field. Again, this is a place of public spectacle, a place where everyone is watching- though what is going on is only happening between you, your fiance and your ex. Football, as a competitive sport, can also symbolize challenges. Anyways, you get down to the field with your ex, and he very lovingly slits your throat and lies you down on the grass. The way that he treats you here suggests that this person was someone who may have lulled you into a false sense of security only to betray you.
In dreams, each part of the body contains significant symbolic meaning; the throat is a center of communication. For him to slit your throat is an action in which he takes away your voice. Your means of expression is stripped from you, and you lose your life. It feels incredibly real because in an emotional sense, it's incredibly scary.
The reaction of your fiance suggests that he is aware of the struggle you faced with your ex. He is someone who clearly would not understand why you would hang on to any feelings you may have had for your ex. The dream, all in all, is about the collision of these two relationships and the struggle between your past and your future. Realistically, you may still have some issues or feelings from that last relationship that you have not worked all the way through, but of course, only you know precisely how you feel about that situation.
I hope that this free dream reading has been helpful. Please feel free to post comments here, or email me directly at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. Thanks again for sending me this great dream!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
A Dream about Random People you don't know!
"So, here are a few facts about the dream:
1. I was not in my dream, I'm usually always in there!
2. The people in the dream seemed imaginary or if they do exist I do not remember them (nor their faces now actually.)
3. It makes absolutely no sense.(which is why I contacted you )
4. It seemed like I had been dreaming for very long when I woke up.
Alright, I'll give the character names so it's not too confusing and will give a brief inventory of what are the contents of the dream to make it easy.
1. Stacey (young, about my age)
2. Stacey's mother (well, maybe 40sh?)
3. Stacey's sister.(looks about 12-13 (like my sister!))
The men:
1. Alan (the gunner/psychopath-about my age as well)
2. Eric (the hunted/ main target- same age as them)
3. Steve (the guy stuck with Stacey- same age)
1. Gun
2. little sticks about 6 inches, shaped like ice-cream sticks. They are thick and black.
3. A big strawberry shortcake covered with white icing.
4. Two undone mattresses
1. Huge mansion/tree house.Basically, leaving by the doors/windows leads to the terrace made of wood. It looks a little bit like a fort I guess?
2. The space below the house. There is a lot snow below, the space is rather tight it is limited by a high fence of cement (about the size of two men?) it is not painted. There are faint lights but they seem to be more like "light auras" rather than lights coming from actual torches or light bulbs.
OK now, on with the actual dream!
Part I: The trap
Eric leaves the room. A short while later, Alan pulls out a gun and a phone. He makes Stacey and Steve call him back inside. I don't remember any of the conversation in the dream for some reason. He makes them hide both under one mattress each. They realize they might get shot if Eric decides to sit down so they run to the same one. He covers their mattress with a black coach. Eric comes back and tries to go towards one of the mattresses. He is shot coldly. They escape by breaking the "black sticks" they find. They count the number of times they are breaking the sticks. This stops the guy and he holds his ears in pain before he runs away. However, they lose the sticks in their escape.
Part II: The chase.
They exit on the "wood-tree" outside and run. The police is already here (don't ask) with Stacey's family. They are looking around for the sticks but can't find them. They forgot them inside! Alan comes out with the sticks. I don't remember this part very well. They try to take them back from him but fail. This is where it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Part III: In the snow below
Alan acts like he is trying to help them. They somehow trust him. They look around for it. The mother insists that they eat the cake now. They don't trust her and think she on Alan's side. They shove the cake in her face. While they are arguing he shoots her. They realize(finally...) that he is the killer and he has a really creepy smile on his face. He then shoots the younger sister first, then Steve and finally Stacey. He shoots himself in the throat once but doesn't die immediately so he shoots himself again in the throat.The dreams ends with them all dead in the bloody snow. I hope that you will have time to read and interpret my dream!
Thank you very much."
Thank you, not only for sending such an interesting dream, but also for your patience! I've been in finals for the last two weeks, and I've accumulated quite a lot of work for myself. For all my other readers, please feel free to email me your dreams at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com, and I promise I'll get to you as soon as I possibly can!
I've always been curious about the dreams that I have in which I am not present and I know no one. I don't know if everyone has dreams of this nature, in which a complicated plot unfolds for a group of characters I either know, or suspect are fictional. I believe that these dreams are manifestations of the same sorts of thoughts and emotions that generate dreams that do involve the dreamer, only some element of the dream requires that another character stands in. It may just be your wild imagination (or mine) that generates an entirely different cast of characters, or it may be something more meaningful- I would say that the subject matter of the dream will tell us which we're dealing with.
As I've mentioned before, the houses that a person dreams up are often reflections of their own self-image. In this dream, you've got a very unusual looking mansion, half-buried in the snow. The combination of these images suggests that you may be neglecting your potential, and of course this can be in an emotional sense as well as a professional sense. It's curious that all of your characters seem to have a counterpart of the opposite gender, this suggests that your dream may be expressing the Freudian idea that you are everyone in your dreams.
So in this instance, three various parts of your personality are clashing within your dream- a female aspect of yourself that is as you are, or is as the world around your perceives you to be, a version of yourself that is more like your younger sister, (which may be as simple as a younger version or you or it could be much more complicated) as well as a more mature version of yourself (which is most likely to be your internal sense of right and wrong), as well as various "male" parts of yourself. I would identify the male aspects of yourself as your innate tendency towards violence or aggression, as well as a more naive or trusting aspect of yourself, and a perfect parallel of yourself.
On to the action, so, essentially this violent part of you is lying in wait for the other parts of you. Are you upset about something you've done, or something you perceive yourself to be? Are you your own harshest critic? Do you insist on exacting a type of personal violence against yourself? Just curious. Let's look a little deeper before we decide that this is the situation.
It's possible to distract you from your anger, that we can see because you're able to distract this person who is likely representing your anger. At times, it seems like you're going to be rescued, like some figure of authority is on your side- but in fact, you're in this alone. The fact that the police arrive but "Stacey" still finds herself in danger suggests this.
The confusion over the mother figure, and whither or not she's on the side of the psychopath suggests to me that the violence you perpetuate against yourself is something you do against your own best judgement. For whatever reason, you don't feel you can trust yourself, even when you offer something really comforting. Incidentally, cakes can sometimes signify selfishness- but I don't think that's the case here. I'm fairly certain that the cake symbolizes the things you have to offer yourself- and you refuse it.
Returning briefly to an earlier image, of the mansion buried deep in the snow, I believe that image ties in with the younger sister being the first slain at the hands of the psychopath. A murdered child is the most basic symbol of destroyed potential that can be imaged. The bloody end of the dream furthers this idea, in your rage, you have the capacity to destroy your potential.
Thank you for sending your dream in for a free dream reading, I really hope this sheds some light on the possible meaning of your dream. For all my other readers, please feel free to email me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com and I will read your dream here, free of charge and as quickly as possible!
1. I was not in my dream, I'm usually always in there!
2. The people in the dream seemed imaginary or if they do exist I do not remember them (nor their faces now actually.)
3. It makes absolutely no sense.(which is why I contacted you )
4. It seemed like I had been dreaming for very long when I woke up.
Alright, I'll give the character names so it's not too confusing and will give a brief inventory of what are the contents of the dream to make it easy.
1. Stacey (young, about my age)
2. Stacey's mother (well, maybe 40sh?)
3. Stacey's sister.(looks about 12-13 (like my sister!))
The men:
1. Alan (the gunner/psychopath-about my age as well)
2. Eric (the hunted/ main target- same age as them)
3. Steve (the guy stuck with Stacey- same age)
1. Gun
2. little sticks about 6 inches, shaped like ice-cream sticks. They are thick and black.
3. A big strawberry shortcake covered with white icing.
4. Two undone mattresses
1. Huge mansion/tree house.Basically, leaving by the doors/windows leads to the terrace made of wood. It looks a little bit like a fort I guess?
2. The space below the house. There is a lot snow below, the space is rather tight it is limited by a high fence of cement (about the size of two men?) it is not painted. There are faint lights but they seem to be more like "light auras" rather than lights coming from actual torches or light bulbs.
OK now, on with the actual dream!
Part I: The trap
Eric leaves the room. A short while later, Alan pulls out a gun and a phone. He makes Stacey and Steve call him back inside. I don't remember any of the conversation in the dream for some reason. He makes them hide both under one mattress each. They realize they might get shot if Eric decides to sit down so they run to the same one. He covers their mattress with a black coach. Eric comes back and tries to go towards one of the mattresses. He is shot coldly. They escape by breaking the "black sticks" they find. They count the number of times they are breaking the sticks. This stops the guy and he holds his ears in pain before he runs away. However, they lose the sticks in their escape.
Part II: The chase.
They exit on the "wood-tree" outside and run. The police is already here (don't ask) with Stacey's family. They are looking around for the sticks but can't find them. They forgot them inside! Alan comes out with the sticks. I don't remember this part very well. They try to take them back from him but fail. This is where it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.
Part III: In the snow below
Alan acts like he is trying to help them. They somehow trust him. They look around for it. The mother insists that they eat the cake now. They don't trust her and think she on Alan's side. They shove the cake in her face. While they are arguing he shoots her. They realize(finally...) that he is the killer and he has a really creepy smile on his face. He then shoots the younger sister first, then Steve and finally Stacey. He shoots himself in the throat once but doesn't die immediately so he shoots himself again in the throat.The dreams ends with them all dead in the bloody snow. I hope that you will have time to read and interpret my dream!
Thank you very much."
Thank you, not only for sending such an interesting dream, but also for your patience! I've been in finals for the last two weeks, and I've accumulated quite a lot of work for myself. For all my other readers, please feel free to email me your dreams at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com, and I promise I'll get to you as soon as I possibly can!
I've always been curious about the dreams that I have in which I am not present and I know no one. I don't know if everyone has dreams of this nature, in which a complicated plot unfolds for a group of characters I either know, or suspect are fictional. I believe that these dreams are manifestations of the same sorts of thoughts and emotions that generate dreams that do involve the dreamer, only some element of the dream requires that another character stands in. It may just be your wild imagination (or mine) that generates an entirely different cast of characters, or it may be something more meaningful- I would say that the subject matter of the dream will tell us which we're dealing with.
As I've mentioned before, the houses that a person dreams up are often reflections of their own self-image. In this dream, you've got a very unusual looking mansion, half-buried in the snow. The combination of these images suggests that you may be neglecting your potential, and of course this can be in an emotional sense as well as a professional sense. It's curious that all of your characters seem to have a counterpart of the opposite gender, this suggests that your dream may be expressing the Freudian idea that you are everyone in your dreams.
So in this instance, three various parts of your personality are clashing within your dream- a female aspect of yourself that is as you are, or is as the world around your perceives you to be, a version of yourself that is more like your younger sister, (which may be as simple as a younger version or you or it could be much more complicated) as well as a more mature version of yourself (which is most likely to be your internal sense of right and wrong), as well as various "male" parts of yourself. I would identify the male aspects of yourself as your innate tendency towards violence or aggression, as well as a more naive or trusting aspect of yourself, and a perfect parallel of yourself.
On to the action, so, essentially this violent part of you is lying in wait for the other parts of you. Are you upset about something you've done, or something you perceive yourself to be? Are you your own harshest critic? Do you insist on exacting a type of personal violence against yourself? Just curious. Let's look a little deeper before we decide that this is the situation.
It's possible to distract you from your anger, that we can see because you're able to distract this person who is likely representing your anger. At times, it seems like you're going to be rescued, like some figure of authority is on your side- but in fact, you're in this alone. The fact that the police arrive but "Stacey" still finds herself in danger suggests this.
The confusion over the mother figure, and whither or not she's on the side of the psychopath suggests to me that the violence you perpetuate against yourself is something you do against your own best judgement. For whatever reason, you don't feel you can trust yourself, even when you offer something really comforting. Incidentally, cakes can sometimes signify selfishness- but I don't think that's the case here. I'm fairly certain that the cake symbolizes the things you have to offer yourself- and you refuse it.
Returning briefly to an earlier image, of the mansion buried deep in the snow, I believe that image ties in with the younger sister being the first slain at the hands of the psychopath. A murdered child is the most basic symbol of destroyed potential that can be imaged. The bloody end of the dream furthers this idea, in your rage, you have the capacity to destroy your potential.
Thank you for sending your dream in for a free dream reading, I really hope this sheds some light on the possible meaning of your dream. For all my other readers, please feel free to email me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com and I will read your dream here, free of charge and as quickly as possible!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Two Dreams: A Strange Man & A Strange House full of Ex-Boyfriends
"Dream 1: I am walking down a dark street and a car pulls up and the man inside offers me a ride. I kindly refuse. He tells me to get in the car or he will shoot me. (this is the weird part b/c i know i wouldn't react like this.)I told the man to start shooting because i wasn't getting in the car. And He shoots me and I wake up.
Dream 2:I walk up to a big house that seems abandoned so I walk in. As I open the door I notice a throne in the middle of the floor with a man sitting in it. Beside the throne on either side stands a man. I recognize one of the men as my ex boyfriend. The other I can't see his face. The man on the throne speaks to me saying "Here stands to men in your life that you have deserted for different reasons. One of them you will need in the future. The one you need is going to be important for you to succeed in life. The challenge is who is the important one." I ask the man what is he refering to and how will I know. He tells me if I think I will understand it all. but I have thought and thought and I can't figure it out."
Thanks for sending me these interesting dreams! Please feel free to email me your dream at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com for a free reading.
I think the first dream is pretty straight forward. Men are often aggressive or destructive forces in the lives and dreams of women. I think what you're experiencing in this dream is some of the fear and chaos surrounding the male sex as it wafts around in your brain- but rather than succombing to it, you call its bluff. In this case, the man does shoot you, which indicates that you understand that there is a legitmate threat of danger or violence from men, but you aren't going to let it get you down.
The second dream is related. Again, it's a reflection of anxiety about the men in your life, in this case the ones that you've left behind. The reason why one of them doesn't have a face is because he represents all the men you've left behind, not only the ones you've known, but the ones you've grown up imagining. I suspect the questions that you're asking yourself in this dream are questions you've pondered in your waking life as well- do you need a man to be successful in life? Do any of the men in your past still mean something to you? These are questions we can't help but ask ourselves as we get older.
Houses in our dreams are generally representations of how we see ourselves, so your abandoned house may be standing in for a part of yourself that you've abandoned. Perhaps its a sense of romanticism, or it could be your old ideas about the ex-boyfriend whom you recognize. The man in the throne I believe is a generalized vision of authority, a sort of God figure dictating to you the things it thinks you should know. In that sense, it's likely a version of your subconscious.
I hope this brief analysis of your dream is helpful, please feel to email me any others you may have, as well as any thoughts or comments at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. Thanks again for sending it in!
Dream 2:I walk up to a big house that seems abandoned so I walk in. As I open the door I notice a throne in the middle of the floor with a man sitting in it. Beside the throne on either side stands a man. I recognize one of the men as my ex boyfriend. The other I can't see his face. The man on the throne speaks to me saying "Here stands to men in your life that you have deserted for different reasons. One of them you will need in the future. The one you need is going to be important for you to succeed in life. The challenge is who is the important one." I ask the man what is he refering to and how will I know. He tells me if I think I will understand it all. but I have thought and thought and I can't figure it out."
Thanks for sending me these interesting dreams! Please feel free to email me your dream at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com for a free reading.
I think the first dream is pretty straight forward. Men are often aggressive or destructive forces in the lives and dreams of women. I think what you're experiencing in this dream is some of the fear and chaos surrounding the male sex as it wafts around in your brain- but rather than succombing to it, you call its bluff. In this case, the man does shoot you, which indicates that you understand that there is a legitmate threat of danger or violence from men, but you aren't going to let it get you down.
The second dream is related. Again, it's a reflection of anxiety about the men in your life, in this case the ones that you've left behind. The reason why one of them doesn't have a face is because he represents all the men you've left behind, not only the ones you've known, but the ones you've grown up imagining. I suspect the questions that you're asking yourself in this dream are questions you've pondered in your waking life as well- do you need a man to be successful in life? Do any of the men in your past still mean something to you? These are questions we can't help but ask ourselves as we get older.
Houses in our dreams are generally representations of how we see ourselves, so your abandoned house may be standing in for a part of yourself that you've abandoned. Perhaps its a sense of romanticism, or it could be your old ideas about the ex-boyfriend whom you recognize. The man in the throne I believe is a generalized vision of authority, a sort of God figure dictating to you the things it thinks you should know. In that sense, it's likely a version of your subconscious.
I hope this brief analysis of your dream is helpful, please feel to email me any others you may have, as well as any thoughts or comments at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. Thanks again for sending it in!
A dream about dogs and adventure!
"My dog's and I were running through this like rain forest/ jungle type setting with me in front. My oldest dog, Howie, is an 8 year old Boston Terrier that seriously is the love of my life. I also have a Boston terrier/chihuahua mix that is 2 years old. My husband and I got her together and I'd say he's a little closer to her than I am but still, an incredible dog and companion.
So we are running through this jungle almost as if someone is following us. I remember feeling terrified as I ran but more scared about how I was going to get away from whoever or whatever it was without losing one of my pups. All of a sudden, we come up to this wooden bridge that crosses over this waterfall that felt like over a 1,000 feet high. I could see that there were planks missing across the bridge and tried to figure out how this was going to work where we all could safely make it across. All of it happened so fast because I still had an overwhelming feeling that someone was chasing me that I couldn't really process a good plan.
I took off running. I ran across that bridge like it was the passage way to good because whatever was following me was evil. I felt like all I had to do was make it across and it would be over. Little did I know how true that was. Somehow, by this point in the dream, it was only Howie and I. Lily, my Boston/chihuahua mix had somehow vanished. I don't remember feeling concerned about it though. Almost, as if she had to be safe because if I thought something was wrong with her, I would have been looking frantically for her everywhere. So I make it across the bridge somewhat easily. Although it looked scary, it wasn't so bad.
This is the part that haunts me the most. I'm standing on the other side of the bridge watching the water crash down but feeling safe because no longer am I worried about what was chasing us. All of a sudden, as Howie follows me loyally, he slips between two planks and it was too late. There wasn't anything I could do. It felt like he was falling for 5 minutes; just staring up at me with a frightened look on his face. He had so much reliance on me pouring through his eyes almost as if I had let him down. He looked at me like there was so much trust between us that he knew that I could fix this and make it OK. The sad part though was that I couldn't. No matter what I tried to do, I knew he wouldn't survive the landing. I remember when I woke up that I thought to myself that if this ever happened in real life, that my natural instinct would be to jump after him. Or at least, be thrown to the ground in such emotional turmoil that I'd have to be carried away from the edge. In the dream however, I just watched him fall. The picture was all white because of the water crashing with a little brown dot in the middle. I couldn't believe what I saw but yet, I didn't react in a realistic way. At least, I mean.. I didn't react in a way that was anyway myself.
I am almost to the point where I wake up from the dream. I walk down the other side for awhile and come up to a car with my husband standing there holding my door open. It wasn't his car he was driving. It was a red like sports car type car. I walked slowly over to the car and got in without saying a word. He drove away and I just sat in silence over what had just happened. I don't ever remember saying, "GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED" or crying, "HOWIE'S GONE", or asking "WHERE IS LILY". We just drove off. I woke up shortly after that and reached down and grabbed my pups. I knew it was a dream, but I felt like I let them down.
This dream has really baffled me and I'd love any interpretation that you have of it. Oh yeah! As soon as I woke, my husband said to me "I just had the best dream". I responded "Yeah?".. and he said "Yeah... I just dreamed that you had a baby". I said "Really?, Was it a boy or a girl?" and he said a boy. That was that. We both got up and went on with our day. I never did tell him my dream. I am wondering if our dreams are related and if it could mean any changes are about to happen to us in our family."
Thank you for sending this very compelling dream, and thank you also for your patience, I'm running quite behind at the moment. To any of my readers, please feel free to email your dreams to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com for a free dream reading in around 7 days :)
Let me start by mentioning that dreams in which a person has a baby are generally considered omens of good fortune by the superstitious. In less superstitious sense, these dreams are generally considered to be representative of a new beginning in a person's life, or a sense of hope or optimism in a difficult situation. Based on the way that you describe your love for your dogs, I would say that the two dreams may be related, as we'll explore below.
The books on dream analysis will often consider a dog a symbol of loyalty or fidelity. While those interpretations are not incorrect, there is a common experience happening in the new millennium that I believe these books are not addressing. For some people, dogs aren't just pets, they are surrogate children who never develop beyond the age of about three. Many, many people get their emotional needs met by their animal companions- as a woman of 28 with a strong maternal drive, and no human children, I am surely one of these people.
Obviously, you are as well. For that reason, your dogs do not hold the same significance in your dreams that they would for the average person. Your dogs = your children, the beings you love, protect, care for above and beyond all other responsibilities. Loosing a child in a dream is often indicative of a broken dream or dashed hopes.
As such, loosing them is devastating in the same way that loosing your children would be, perhaps to a lesser extent, perhaps not. Let's look at the way they are lost for a moment. A bridge is a place of transition, extending across a dangerous space and allowing you to continue on your journey. A bridge that's rickety or falling apart may represent a transition or life change that you feel uncertain about, or a crucial choice.
Waterfalls are often a positive symbol in dreams, signifying a purification or regeneration, but in this context I believe it is less positive. Waterfalls can also signify the release of pent-up emotions, or a tumbling cascade of feelings, and I suspect that is the case here.
I suspect that the common link here is the absence of human children, and the substitution of dog babies. As I do not know you personally, I can not say if this is the case. Rather than read this as a purely dismal dream, where your subconscious reminds you that dog babies do not, in biological terms, equal human ones, I'd suggest that this dream does have a number of positive indications of emotional growth and relief of frustration. While the dogs do not make it across, you do. When you meet your husband, you seem to feel back to normal again, or at least you're not frantic and emotional, though you may still have been concerned about the dogs.
Long story short message here: while you may be feeling a sting of anxiousness or disappointment, your frustration is temporary. You have a good support system, and your life will go on as you either get what you want or learn to view things in a different way.
I hope that this reading was helpful! Please feel free to post comments here, or directly to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. The same goes for any of my readers, please feel free to email me your dreams, as I'd love to analyze them free of charge.
So we are running through this jungle almost as if someone is following us. I remember feeling terrified as I ran but more scared about how I was going to get away from whoever or whatever it was without losing one of my pups. All of a sudden, we come up to this wooden bridge that crosses over this waterfall that felt like over a 1,000 feet high. I could see that there were planks missing across the bridge and tried to figure out how this was going to work where we all could safely make it across. All of it happened so fast because I still had an overwhelming feeling that someone was chasing me that I couldn't really process a good plan.
I took off running. I ran across that bridge like it was the passage way to good because whatever was following me was evil. I felt like all I had to do was make it across and it would be over. Little did I know how true that was. Somehow, by this point in the dream, it was only Howie and I. Lily, my Boston/chihuahua mix had somehow vanished. I don't remember feeling concerned about it though. Almost, as if she had to be safe because if I thought something was wrong with her, I would have been looking frantically for her everywhere. So I make it across the bridge somewhat easily. Although it looked scary, it wasn't so bad.
This is the part that haunts me the most. I'm standing on the other side of the bridge watching the water crash down but feeling safe because no longer am I worried about what was chasing us. All of a sudden, as Howie follows me loyally, he slips between two planks and it was too late. There wasn't anything I could do. It felt like he was falling for 5 minutes; just staring up at me with a frightened look on his face. He had so much reliance on me pouring through his eyes almost as if I had let him down. He looked at me like there was so much trust between us that he knew that I could fix this and make it OK. The sad part though was that I couldn't. No matter what I tried to do, I knew he wouldn't survive the landing. I remember when I woke up that I thought to myself that if this ever happened in real life, that my natural instinct would be to jump after him. Or at least, be thrown to the ground in such emotional turmoil that I'd have to be carried away from the edge. In the dream however, I just watched him fall. The picture was all white because of the water crashing with a little brown dot in the middle. I couldn't believe what I saw but yet, I didn't react in a realistic way. At least, I mean.. I didn't react in a way that was anyway myself.
I am almost to the point where I wake up from the dream. I walk down the other side for awhile and come up to a car with my husband standing there holding my door open. It wasn't his car he was driving. It was a red like sports car type car. I walked slowly over to the car and got in without saying a word. He drove away and I just sat in silence over what had just happened. I don't ever remember saying, "GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED" or crying, "HOWIE'S GONE", or asking "WHERE IS LILY". We just drove off. I woke up shortly after that and reached down and grabbed my pups. I knew it was a dream, but I felt like I let them down.
This dream has really baffled me and I'd love any interpretation that you have of it. Oh yeah! As soon as I woke, my husband said to me "I just had the best dream". I responded "Yeah?".. and he said "Yeah... I just dreamed that you had a baby". I said "Really?, Was it a boy or a girl?" and he said a boy. That was that. We both got up and went on with our day. I never did tell him my dream. I am wondering if our dreams are related and if it could mean any changes are about to happen to us in our family."
Thank you for sending this very compelling dream, and thank you also for your patience, I'm running quite behind at the moment. To any of my readers, please feel free to email your dreams to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com for a free dream reading in around 7 days :)
Let me start by mentioning that dreams in which a person has a baby are generally considered omens of good fortune by the superstitious. In less superstitious sense, these dreams are generally considered to be representative of a new beginning in a person's life, or a sense of hope or optimism in a difficult situation. Based on the way that you describe your love for your dogs, I would say that the two dreams may be related, as we'll explore below.
The books on dream analysis will often consider a dog a symbol of loyalty or fidelity. While those interpretations are not incorrect, there is a common experience happening in the new millennium that I believe these books are not addressing. For some people, dogs aren't just pets, they are surrogate children who never develop beyond the age of about three. Many, many people get their emotional needs met by their animal companions- as a woman of 28 with a strong maternal drive, and no human children, I am surely one of these people.
Obviously, you are as well. For that reason, your dogs do not hold the same significance in your dreams that they would for the average person. Your dogs = your children, the beings you love, protect, care for above and beyond all other responsibilities. Loosing a child in a dream is often indicative of a broken dream or dashed hopes.
As such, loosing them is devastating in the same way that loosing your children would be, perhaps to a lesser extent, perhaps not. Let's look at the way they are lost for a moment. A bridge is a place of transition, extending across a dangerous space and allowing you to continue on your journey. A bridge that's rickety or falling apart may represent a transition or life change that you feel uncertain about, or a crucial choice.
Waterfalls are often a positive symbol in dreams, signifying a purification or regeneration, but in this context I believe it is less positive. Waterfalls can also signify the release of pent-up emotions, or a tumbling cascade of feelings, and I suspect that is the case here.
I suspect that the common link here is the absence of human children, and the substitution of dog babies. As I do not know you personally, I can not say if this is the case. Rather than read this as a purely dismal dream, where your subconscious reminds you that dog babies do not, in biological terms, equal human ones, I'd suggest that this dream does have a number of positive indications of emotional growth and relief of frustration. While the dogs do not make it across, you do. When you meet your husband, you seem to feel back to normal again, or at least you're not frantic and emotional, though you may still have been concerned about the dogs.
Long story short message here: while you may be feeling a sting of anxiousness or disappointment, your frustration is temporary. You have a good support system, and your life will go on as you either get what you want or learn to view things in a different way.
I hope that this reading was helpful! Please feel free to post comments here, or directly to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. The same goes for any of my readers, please feel free to email me your dreams, as I'd love to analyze them free of charge.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
a dream about werewolf hunting in a theater
"a couple days ago I dreamed about hunting werewolves in a huge movie theater, and I mean huge, it had like around 40 different rooms each with their own elevators and staircases to get to it, and when you got to the very bottom of it you found a door that was locked ( but I could open it easily cause I was stronger than any werewolf ) and then you had another staircase to get in the back of the screen.
So I got into each and every one of them till I got to the 22ND, then I went through the curtains (witch were under the screen) to get in the room full of seats, to find that about the half of the room was full of people, so I got to the very top of the room to be able to see the whole room cause I knew that the werewolf was there somewhere. When I got to the top I saw two girls I knew a while ago, and spoke to them a little, but then I see the curtains down to the right of the screen move.
I stare to confirm that it really was the werewolf and that it was coming towards me by the left stairs. Somehow nobody had noticed it yet, so I waited till it got closer and told my two friends to get down, they protested of course cause they didn't knew why I told them that, but I insisted and they did. The werewolf changed its mind and began going back down the stairs, then after about ten steps it ran upwards again. When I saw that it was coming quickly towards my friends I got in his way and roared at it (kinda like a huge, powerful, lion's roar ) and it got a backwards a little, then it went towards me again , I roared at it again, louder this time, and it got destabilised while going down backwards, so I took this opportunity and griped its muscle and broke its neck, then I turned its head and pulled to rip it off its body.
Now I had its head in my right hand, keeping a good grip on its muscle to keep it shut tightly, and his body in my left hand. The blood was dripping from its head on the floor while I was walking towards to curtains to get to the door then leads to the staircase. I went back up, in the center of the theater to search for the boss (nobody noticed, or reacted to the scene is me with that dead werewolf in my hands, even though there were a lot of people). I finally found him and asked him if he had a fireplace so I could burn the werewolf's body. He protested and told me there was no way he would let me burn that body in his fireplace. So I told him that if he weren't cooperative and wouldn't let me burn that body in his fireplace I'll set a fire right in the middle of his theater, he finally accepted. I ripped the whole body so it could fit in the fireplace and let it burn while watching it.
When I was sure it was all burnt I went back in my search for an other werewolf that I knew was in there, but this time I had a werewolf in his human form to keep an eye on, he was to stay around me or I would be forced to kill him, and if he was to disobey I would speak to him in my alpha voice (a deep, beastly voice ) so that he had no choice to obey. While we were in the middle of a theater room, there was four young adults that were all seated around us, one on my left, a white man with brown hair about 20 years old, and three in the seats right in front of us, one black haired man about 20 too on the left, a young blond woman about 20 too in the middle, and an other brown haired man in his twenties on her right. They were friendly and spoke with us right away. The blond woman seemed rather interested in me, I could feel it, see it, hear it and smell it; her heartbeat, her accelerate deep breath, and the smell of her pheromones in the air, she wanted me and it was rather arousing.
Suddenly I saw a glance of the werewolf's bright blue eyes and white teeth, by an opening in the curtains, then it got back and vanished. The film was over and the werewolf had gone somewhere else, so we all got up, the blond woman turning around me while walking like female cat in heat. The human form werewolf that was with me seized the opportunity that I was distracted by the blond and got away. Noticing that, and seeing a glance of him running towards the first elevator, I told the woman I'll be right back and went off to get him, to late, the elevator's doors were closing and he was smiling at me. I lost no time and went by the staircase at the very bottom of it to wait for the elevator to open its door in front of me ( I was 10 times faster the a werewolf so I waited quite a while before it opened its door ). As soon as it opened I caught the human form werewolf ( his name was Leroy I think ) and told him to stick around, or I'll have to kill him, so he did.
Leroy told me that I now had a weakness, witch was the young blond woman, and that he could use it against me to get away. I told him there was no chance for him to do that for I was ten times stronger and faster than him, and i would have time to kill him before he killed her, but he told me he would wait till i got busy with the other werewolf and then use her against me to get away, cause i wouldn't have time to kill the other werewolf and save the girl before he'd kill her and got away. Finally Leroy went in the theater room and sat to wait for me, while I was outside the room keeping an eye on him ( well ears more than my eyes ) while I kissed the girl before going in, then I heard a noise and watched in the room and saw the other werewolf coming slowly upwards. I told the girl to stay where she was, and told her what was likely to happen, she believed me but wasn't scared, I told her to call whoever she loved just in case, and went inside the room closing the door behind me. Then in a split second I killed Leroy who hadn't have time to fully get up his seat and then jumped right on the other werewolf and ripped his body off like Leroy and the last werewolf, then... I woke up."
Thanks for sending this dream in for a free dream analysis! As usual, any of my readers can feel free to send any dream of theirs to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com for a free dream reading. For the first time ever, I have to add a stipulation to this: please, my lovely readers, no more werewolf dreams!!!
For some reason I've been getting a lot of werewolf dreams lately. I'm guessing that my blog has become very key word relevant for anyone who searches werewolf dream- and the more of them I interpret for you guys, the more of them I get in my inbox. What I'm finding is that most of these dreams are pretty similar to one another, and it seems that those who dream about werewolves are experiencing violent, memorable and very realistic dreams, and then they're feeling quite effected by them after waking. I totally understand why you'd want to send me your dreams about werewolves- but before you do, read through what I've written about them already. Please. Thank you.
Back to the dream that has been sent into me, and its major symbols.
Werewolves are often an expression of repressed emotions like rage, fear or anger. A dream about hunting a werewolf, then, may be a dream in which you're trying actively to overcome some of these emotions or feelings. In this case, as the dreamer is successfully hunting and violently slaying the werewolves, I'd have to say that this dreamer is successfully overcoming some of their issues with repressed or buried rage.
The graphic violence displayed in this dream supports this idea. Your brain is generating this imagery as a way of satisfying the primitive impulse that's being suppressed.
Interestingly, dreaming about a movie theater often indicates a desire to protect oneself from their emotions. I believe this is still consistent in your dream, as you are successfully protecting yourself and others from the violent rage that brews within you.
The idea that you are everyone in your dreams may apply here to the blond woman who strikes your fancy over the course of the dream. You are actively looking to protect her, but that desire distracts you from doing the thing you need to do in the dream. Is it possible that in dealing with some complex emotions, you've found an attractive distraction? Does your desire to resolve inner conflict fail to outweigh your desire to be loved?
Because you're dealing with many werewolves, and werewolves in various stages of transformation, I would have to assume that the issues that are at play here are rather complex. It's highly likely that you're dealing with a sort of convergence of stressful situations- one problem causing another and another, until you're dealing with a ton of emotion that has a clear source but no clear solution.
I hope that this free dream reading has been helpful, and please feel free to email me with any other (non-werewolf) dreams at any time. Send them to Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com and of course leave any comments here! Thanks for sending it in :)
So I got into each and every one of them till I got to the 22ND, then I went through the curtains (witch were under the screen) to get in the room full of seats, to find that about the half of the room was full of people, so I got to the very top of the room to be able to see the whole room cause I knew that the werewolf was there somewhere. When I got to the top I saw two girls I knew a while ago, and spoke to them a little, but then I see the curtains down to the right of the screen move.
I stare to confirm that it really was the werewolf and that it was coming towards me by the left stairs. Somehow nobody had noticed it yet, so I waited till it got closer and told my two friends to get down, they protested of course cause they didn't knew why I told them that, but I insisted and they did. The werewolf changed its mind and began going back down the stairs, then after about ten steps it ran upwards again. When I saw that it was coming quickly towards my friends I got in his way and roared at it (kinda like a huge, powerful, lion's roar ) and it got a backwards a little, then it went towards me again , I roared at it again, louder this time, and it got destabilised while going down backwards, so I took this opportunity and griped its muscle and broke its neck, then I turned its head and pulled to rip it off its body.
Now I had its head in my right hand, keeping a good grip on its muscle to keep it shut tightly, and his body in my left hand. The blood was dripping from its head on the floor while I was walking towards to curtains to get to the door then leads to the staircase. I went back up, in the center of the theater to search for the boss (nobody noticed, or reacted to the scene is me with that dead werewolf in my hands, even though there were a lot of people). I finally found him and asked him if he had a fireplace so I could burn the werewolf's body. He protested and told me there was no way he would let me burn that body in his fireplace. So I told him that if he weren't cooperative and wouldn't let me burn that body in his fireplace I'll set a fire right in the middle of his theater, he finally accepted. I ripped the whole body so it could fit in the fireplace and let it burn while watching it.
When I was sure it was all burnt I went back in my search for an other werewolf that I knew was in there, but this time I had a werewolf in his human form to keep an eye on, he was to stay around me or I would be forced to kill him, and if he was to disobey I would speak to him in my alpha voice (a deep, beastly voice ) so that he had no choice to obey. While we were in the middle of a theater room, there was four young adults that were all seated around us, one on my left, a white man with brown hair about 20 years old, and three in the seats right in front of us, one black haired man about 20 too on the left, a young blond woman about 20 too in the middle, and an other brown haired man in his twenties on her right. They were friendly and spoke with us right away. The blond woman seemed rather interested in me, I could feel it, see it, hear it and smell it; her heartbeat, her accelerate deep breath, and the smell of her pheromones in the air, she wanted me and it was rather arousing.
Suddenly I saw a glance of the werewolf's bright blue eyes and white teeth, by an opening in the curtains, then it got back and vanished. The film was over and the werewolf had gone somewhere else, so we all got up, the blond woman turning around me while walking like female cat in heat. The human form werewolf that was with me seized the opportunity that I was distracted by the blond and got away. Noticing that, and seeing a glance of him running towards the first elevator, I told the woman I'll be right back and went off to get him, to late, the elevator's doors were closing and he was smiling at me. I lost no time and went by the staircase at the very bottom of it to wait for the elevator to open its door in front of me ( I was 10 times faster the a werewolf so I waited quite a while before it opened its door ). As soon as it opened I caught the human form werewolf ( his name was Leroy I think ) and told him to stick around, or I'll have to kill him, so he did.
Leroy told me that I now had a weakness, witch was the young blond woman, and that he could use it against me to get away. I told him there was no chance for him to do that for I was ten times stronger and faster than him, and i would have time to kill him before he killed her, but he told me he would wait till i got busy with the other werewolf and then use her against me to get away, cause i wouldn't have time to kill the other werewolf and save the girl before he'd kill her and got away. Finally Leroy went in the theater room and sat to wait for me, while I was outside the room keeping an eye on him ( well ears more than my eyes ) while I kissed the girl before going in, then I heard a noise and watched in the room and saw the other werewolf coming slowly upwards. I told the girl to stay where she was, and told her what was likely to happen, she believed me but wasn't scared, I told her to call whoever she loved just in case, and went inside the room closing the door behind me. Then in a split second I killed Leroy who hadn't have time to fully get up his seat and then jumped right on the other werewolf and ripped his body off like Leroy and the last werewolf, then... I woke up."
Thanks for sending this dream in for a free dream analysis! As usual, any of my readers can feel free to send any dream of theirs to me at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com for a free dream reading. For the first time ever, I have to add a stipulation to this: please, my lovely readers, no more werewolf dreams!!!
For some reason I've been getting a lot of werewolf dreams lately. I'm guessing that my blog has become very key word relevant for anyone who searches werewolf dream- and the more of them I interpret for you guys, the more of them I get in my inbox. What I'm finding is that most of these dreams are pretty similar to one another, and it seems that those who dream about werewolves are experiencing violent, memorable and very realistic dreams, and then they're feeling quite effected by them after waking. I totally understand why you'd want to send me your dreams about werewolves- but before you do, read through what I've written about them already. Please. Thank you.
Back to the dream that has been sent into me, and its major symbols.
Werewolves are often an expression of repressed emotions like rage, fear or anger. A dream about hunting a werewolf, then, may be a dream in which you're trying actively to overcome some of these emotions or feelings. In this case, as the dreamer is successfully hunting and violently slaying the werewolves, I'd have to say that this dreamer is successfully overcoming some of their issues with repressed or buried rage.
The graphic violence displayed in this dream supports this idea. Your brain is generating this imagery as a way of satisfying the primitive impulse that's being suppressed.
Interestingly, dreaming about a movie theater often indicates a desire to protect oneself from their emotions. I believe this is still consistent in your dream, as you are successfully protecting yourself and others from the violent rage that brews within you.
The idea that you are everyone in your dreams may apply here to the blond woman who strikes your fancy over the course of the dream. You are actively looking to protect her, but that desire distracts you from doing the thing you need to do in the dream. Is it possible that in dealing with some complex emotions, you've found an attractive distraction? Does your desire to resolve inner conflict fail to outweigh your desire to be loved?
Because you're dealing with many werewolves, and werewolves in various stages of transformation, I would have to assume that the issues that are at play here are rather complex. It's highly likely that you're dealing with a sort of convergence of stressful situations- one problem causing another and another, until you're dealing with a ton of emotion that has a clear source but no clear solution.
I hope that this free dream reading has been helpful, and please feel free to email me with any other (non-werewolf) dreams at any time. Send them to Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com and of course leave any comments here! Thanks for sending it in :)
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