Thursday, May 21, 2009

a dream about losing eyebrows

"In this dream last night, I was plucking my eyebrows and I plucked them way too thin, I also dropped a bottle of various pills sending the pills to scatter all over the floor and someone was like "wtf, that's a lot of different types of pills, whats up with that?" or something to that effect..."

thanks for sending this interesting little fragment of a dream, let's see if we can get to the bottom of it.

A common theme in dreaming is that a person will either loose all their hair, or their teeth. Most of the better dream books will tell you that loosing your hair or teeth in a dream is an indication that you fear death. Obviously that isn't much of a leap, as we all fear a loss of vitality! But honestly, nearly everyone dreams of loosing their teeth or hair at some point as well.

Here, you're dealing with a slightly different image. Rather than loosing the hair on your head, you're accidentally loosing the hair on your face. But it's not safe to call this an accident- it's more of a case of self-sabotage!

Eyebrows are significant because they provide a lot of information about a person's emotional state. Think about it, you could draw a smiley face :) and easily change the meaning of that smile with a few strategic pen flicks... pointy arrow eyebrows, and he's devious. Straight lines coming together in the center like a point, he's angry. Noticing eyebrows in a dream is often a reflection of the emotion that they're cuing you in on, here, what you're noticing is the sabotage rather than the specific emotion.

The second sequence that you're describing also sounds like one part frustrating accident. You spill the pills and someone remarks on your mistake. The fact that you're spilling a whole bunch of pills, well, it suggest that you're a little careless and you might be unhealthy. So, my dear, I have to ask you, are you sabotaging yourself? Are you holding yourself back? Afraid of making a big mistake, so instead making a smaller one?

As per usual, you are the only person who can decide the meaning of your own dreams. But sometimes having an outside opinion on it can help you see things in a new way! I hope that this reading has helped, and as usual please feel free to email me your dreams for a confidential and free reading at Include all the weird details you can for a more complete response!!

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