Sunday, May 17, 2009

A dream about a cave, beautiful women and adventure

"I was swimming through a lake, big one. It was deep in the middle of a crater, as I was swimming I saw a cave opening, I went inside and started looking around. A lot of people who lived or worked there, I'm not sure which, but they had the means to leave and come back as they chose.

This cave was like a house, broken down into different rooms, apparently it was part of the occult as well. So I guess I fit in there as well, made friends, there were women that were trying to get with me ( wink wink...not going to go into explicit detail :P ) but I woke up in the middle of something going on and that was that.

So there is a very noticeable theme in all of these dreams, occult, people chasing me, trying to recruit me, blah blah. But I always come out safe and more powerful then them to the point that they want me because of something I can do that they can't. When I realize that I'm dreaming and I get full control, these dreams become more then dreams after that point, they become an adventure that I enjoy and I don't want to wake up!

I believe in astral projection and all that cool "hocus pocus" that most people don't believe in, and I have read the dreaming is a part of astral projection and travel to other dimensions..."

Thanks for sending me part three of your series, I think that you're bringing up some points here that we have touched on in previous blog entries, but also some others that are entirely new to this blog. As per usual, if any of my readers would like to have their dreams analyzed by me, absolutely 100% free of charge, please feel free to email me at and I'll get them out as quickly as possible.

I've developed a bit of a backlog, with all kinds of crazy things happening in all of our minds, and in my daily life, it can't be avoided, but do not fear, I have not forgotten any of you !!

On to this dream. I think it's safe to say that Freud would call this first bit, about the cave, some sort of vaginal reference- but generally speaking, Freud seemed to think that basically any hole was vaginal and basically any rod, a phallus. I don't say this with the purpose of devaluing the theories of Freud, or to imply that my skills are somehow superior to his, merely to remind of his point of view.

I have a theory that you, nice young man who has send me three fascinating dreams all with themes of the unknown, the beautiful ladies and a little occult action, you are a young man with a wild imagination. Which is a good thing, because your dreams would be boring without it! I also am going to say, in a rather rare instance, that on some level I'm going to point to Freud for the solution to the meaning of this dream... but I feel I'm getting a little ahead of myself here.

OK, so you start out in a big lake. Lakes and large bodies of water can be seen as baptismal vessels of a sort, a place where we are washed clean of the lives we've lead so that we can emerge brand new. In a way, the action you're describing is almost like a birth- from the waters of the large lake, down through a cave, into a new world.

In this new world, you make friends quickly. This is another situation where you find yourself faced with something that you don't quite understand but quickly pick up. You find it easy enough to wow your new friends with you abilities, due in no small part to your ability to lucid dream, thereby influencing some of the action of the dream.

This dream seems to present a sort of promise to you: change who you are on the inside and experience a rebirth, a strength that others will envy. I believe that the parallels between this dream and your others is the call to become more emotionally aware of yourself- your feelings, what you really want and most importantly, WHY you want the things that you want! These are lessons that you're learning, work that you're doing.

Let's talk about astral projection. The concept of astral projection was something I stumbled upon when I was about eleven. At that age, with an imagination like yours, there was no stopping my little spirit from leaving my little body and visiting all kinds of places, day or night, waking or dreaming. Seventeen years later, I'm a little more skeptical- was I imagining another plane of existence, or was I making friends there.... these are the big, unanswerable questions in life. I'll never know if astral projection is real, and I doubt you'll find any solid proof either, but what we both know is that sometimes, it feels damn real!

Like every woman my age, I have an ex-boyfriend. We dated when I was just graduating high school, more years ago than I'd like to admit, and NO, I'm not planning on going to the reunion. Anyways, this boyfriend was several years older than me and certainly not a high school student, nor did we have many mutual friends. In my first year of college we parted ways amicably, but did not see each other for a few years, then only once, and I moved away for awhile. When I came back, I had no idea what had become of this person. One night, after not seeing nor hearing from him for about seven years, I found him at every corner of about every third dream I had for nearly a year.

Seriously, nearly the entire year. I'm dreaming about running from a mob and BOOM, there he is, helping me escape. I'm dreaming about eating a giant pizza covered in bugs and oh look, he's cutting me the next slice. It got to the point in which I'd have a dream, I'd run into him, and I'd start telling him about all the other dreams in which I'd run into him. "Oh my gosh, that's so funny to see you here in this meadow full of puppy dogs and daisies, I just had a dream about you the other night that we were at the mall, naked."

To say I became obsessed with running into him in my actual life wouldn't be quite accurate, but I was increasingly aware of his absence. On a daily basis, I found myself scanning faces in crowds looking for him. Peering into car windows. Talking about him to friends who'd never met him. Googling his name, putting it into social networking sites.

Then I had a dream that felt so incredibly real, it was like we were really hanging out. There were very few elements of the bizarre. I could smell him, feel his presence in a very real way, hear his voice perfectly, the whole nine. I woke up the next day completely at peace with the situation and fairly convinced that somehow, where ever he is, his spirit heard mine writhing around and searching for him, and he responded. Did we actually astrally project, and meet up while sleeping to have what was essentially a rather mundane conversation (seriously boring stuff, like"how's your mom? does she still have her horses?")? Or did my brain generate the emotions that I needed to feel resolved about the situation of simply not finding that person in my waking life?

There's only one way I'll ever know. If he reads this and tells me he was there too!

I don't know how to define the spirit, or how to ascertain the truth about the hocu pocus that creative, imaginative types often gravitate towards. Here's what I do know, the galaxy is a big, infinitely vast place. I know that I can tell what my dog is doing in the next room without being to see him, hear him etc- cause I can feel his energy. That energy, that life force that's in all living things, from plants on up, it's powerful stuff, and I don't really see any reason why it can't travel a little. Just because we don't understand astral projection as a part of THIS reality doesn't mean it absolutely doesn't exist.

The power of the human mind is as vast as the universe. We create a perception of the world around us through our senses, and our interpretation of the data that they draw in. If you believe you're projecting, then you might as well be. That's the ultimate message on that topic, in my humble opinion.

I hope you've found this long tirade of mine to be interesting, and of course feel free to email me directly with comments or post them here! For any reader of mine who'd like their dreams read fast and free, please email them directly to me at and please include as many details as possible, even the weird stuff that makes no sense often means something :)


  1. our thoughts are insanly out of control. Most people dont realize the amount of, excuse me for the language, shit they think of. That also includes me :P but i think that i need to work on being able to control that. Deal with my thought process organizingly, instead of over crouding my head. And its interesting how, what ever we think of the most and pay attention too, that is exactly what we atract.

    Thank you rachel so much. These readings have been eye opening. I believe that you genuinely have a gift. :D If i have anymore insane, wierd, im going to take over the world dreams...ill send em your way :D

  2. Thanks! please feel free to send me all the crazy dreams, I love them!
