Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Dream about Cliff Diving

"I keep having this dream where I'm at some beach and all of a sudden like 20000 people come outta nowhere and look up to a high cliff, and on top of this high cliff is this like 30 year old survivor looking chick. And then I ask someone whats all the fuss about and they tell me that they're trying out some experiment regarding magnetic energy and so this girl needs 20 of the 20000 people to focus on her fully with all their attention and the rest are just watchers . . . and if she jumps off the cliff, instead of falling to her ultimate death, she'll reappear swimming in the ocean. Anyways, she does it and she falls, disappears and reappears in the ocean outta nowhere and then they leave and I try to gather up everyone so I can do it and I try it and wake up before I see if it works! I keep having this same dream..."

I love this dream! I think its meaning is quite inspirational- I'll get into that shortly. Let me first remind all my readers, and this particular dreamer as well, that if one has any questions, comments or if you'd like your own dream read for free, please feel free to email me directly at

When decoding dreams, I believe it's important to sort of dismantle the imagery, and hold it up against the common cultural context of meaning. Then, as individuals we have to consider any additional meaning that these symbols may hold for us, based on our own impressions or associations. So without further ado, let's take these images apart.

Beaches are a borderland between worlds, in a sense. They are an adapted space, where the ocean and the land equally influence one another- because of this, beaches are often seen as places of transitions when they appear in a dream. A beach can also be a place where two states of mind can meet, and sometimes clash.

So, while standing on the beach, a large mass of people materialize out of nowhere. Groups of nameless, faceless people can be indicative of a sort of conformity; I believe that in this case, the group of people is serving as a sort of audience, placing the woman in the center of the dream in full public view. This implies that she is the object of scrutiny.

Now, it sounds like she's a tough chick. She stands up on this cliff (keep in mind here that cliffs and mountains in dreams are often symbols of accomplishment, or, literally a climb to success) and convinces this crowd that if they believe she can dematerialize, then she can. Then she does the most amazing thing a person can imagine- she takes a massive leap of faith, and things go precisely as planned!

I think there is a good chance that this young woman is a stand-in for a very determined side of your personality. You are likely in a period of transition, perhaps you're facing a major value shift or a big life change. The reason why I label this dream as inspirational, is that this woman does the thing that we all know we can do- if we believe in ourselves, we can do anything we set our minds to... except perhaps dissolving and re-materializing at will!

It may be time for you to make a leap of faith as well. This dream may be indicating that the most important thing you can do is to roll with things as they come, and remain positive. Good things are coming :)

If you have any additional questions, comments or if you'd like your own dream read, fast and free, please feel free to email me directly at And thank you for sending this great dream!!

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