Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dreams about a Dinosaur Attack!!

"Hey Rachel! I've been having the same nightmare over and over again, for years, it's always about dinosaurs. They're almost always raptors and T-rexes, any other ones are also carnivores! They're chasing me, I try to hide in buildings, but they always seem to find me and chase me. Well, everyone in town! It's the only nightmare that I wake up, screaming. What does it mean?"

Thanks for sending me your dream, I think this one falls pretty easily into the category of chase dreams, and its meaning is fairly clear. To all my readers, please feel free to send me any comments or any dreams that need analyzing at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. As always, all of my dream readings are completely free and totally confidential.

Most dreams will fall into a few types, and as I mentioned above this is a chase dream. Generally speaking, dreams in which you are being chased are often representative about an anxiety or fear that a person has. The precise nature of the fear you're having is often represented by the thing (or things) that are chasing you, so for example, awhile back a woman sent me a dream about being chased by a man with a knife. Knives are phallic symbols, and men pose a danger to women in a multitude of ways; her dream reflected a fear of being raped.

Dreams that recur over a long period of time often have a special significance to the dreamer, in some instances you'll see the same person over and over, or you'll have the same general theme, like being chased by various things. That you dream specifically of carnivorous dinosaurs indicates that they are a powerful symbol in your mind. I suspect that the thing they represent to you is something that you've been vaguely afraid of for years.

I feel I have to mention quickly here the tendency of the human brain to find an image and then attach meaning to that image in a very subjective way. Your subconscious fear of dinosaurs may have resulted from one too many viewings of "Jurassic Park." As a child, I frequently dreamt of the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man attacking my small suburban neighborhood, as well as the Steamroller driven by Judge Doom squashing my little body a la "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" That is to say, sometimes the images we observe in the mass media can profoundly impact our psyche, inserting themselves into the deep recesses of our minds and laying in wait for us. I can't help but wonder if this is the case for these vicious creatures that stalk your nightmares.

Some of the better dream dictionaries will assert that being chased by a dinosaur reflects a fear of obsolescence. I suspect that this is not the case for you; while we all fear becoming obsolete, the fear of being devoured by an unfeeling, unknowable reptilian monster is much stronger. My instinct is that these dreams are more about a fear of the unknown, or of precarious circumstances than a fear of becoming outdated or unneeded, as the literature might profess.

You are the only one who can decide what exactly your dreams mean. Please feel free to email me any follow-up comments or any other dreams you mean have at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com. Thank you for submitting your dream, and I hope that this dream reading helps you!


  1. I to also have had this dream about t-rex's and raptors but they weren't chasing me. I was actually in the back seat of a car with a driver who was looking for them. See here's the dream: I was heading to my baby shower with my boyfriend's grandma and my sister; which doesn't make sence anyways since those two people would never be taking me anywhere together. Anyways, as we were leaving my apartment this huge t-rex was outside by the parking lot trying to get at cars. Well my sister who isn't a very trustworthy person told me if I just wanted to get away and go to my shower and be safe come with them. Well as soon as we left they started to go to a call they heard over the scanner about another sighting of one of these creatures. Of course being almost due I didn't want anything to do with seeing any dinosaours. But even though I pleaded and begged with everything I had they wouldn't turn around. They wouldn't listen to me. As i'm sitting in the back seat it dawned on me that if I would have went with my boyfriend and other family members to my baby shower I would have made it there safe and sound. Now when I woke up I was panting very badly and was quite shaken up. I don't have any idea as to why this kind of dream came to me but from what I read above it may be because I have this anxiety inside me. See I am 35 weeks pregnant and have been having some complications. And it all makes perfect sence now when I think about it. The dinosaours may represent the actual complications with my pregnancy that I have been having and no matter how hard I try not to do anything at all I still have these problems. You cleared up a lot for me. Thank you very much and I will continue to use this site to find out more about the dreams I have been having. Thanks again.

  2. Omg, I had a dream about a huge marshmellow man chasing me then I hid in a warehouse and climbed to top fool and saw him eye level out a window. He didn't see me and some big magnet machine attached to his head and carried him away to be killed.
    I haven't thought of ghostbusters in like 20 yrs! That was crazy and I thought I'd for sure be the only one with that dream.

  3. oh my goodness i had a dream last night about a t-rex chasing an entire town always near me. The cities surroundings kept changing alll the time, from high rise buildings, hish rise manshions and then little tiny gorgeous houses that was sort of country like but still in the city. My friend and i in my dream ended up spilting up from a huge group of people and hiding on top of a roof (was enclosed though) of persons house, then all of a sudden all of the houses around the one we hide in, all of the people started walking into their houses (they came from no where) wierd thing is they were all different ages, males and females but all looked pretty much the same. They looked a little strange like really small faces and piercing features, dark beaby eyes?
    They then found us and we told them all about the TREX hunting the city and chasing people. we then started again hiding in big places like old stunning churches and schools, manshion high rise buildings and homes, this time all of the people from the houses of where we hid came with us.
    I am 24 years old and dont know why on earth of would dream about a trex hunting a city like this and also sniffing us out its really strange please let me know what this could mean???.

  4. i have also had this dream about dinosaurs chasing me, i always had this dream as a kid, i grew up in a very horrible childhood where my mum was an alcoholic and used to beat me up, i stopped having this dream up until last night, which is why i want 2 find out what it means i am in a unhappy situation again and wondered if it ment something to do with being unhappy my dreams r so scary the t-rex always trying 2 chase me and never catches me but comes so close before i then wake up i always hide from the t-rex in my dream and remember being really scared... i hope someone finds out what this means cuz i really wanna know now xx

  5. Oh my goodness...I had this dream too. I believe strongly that it is something that i do see in my life as a threat and my subconcious mind is warning me to get away as fast as possible...so get out of what ever situation you know is wrong.

  6. i had the dream that a dinosaur came into my home and tried to eat my family but my family did absolutely nothing. but the dinosaur never came to eat us.

  7. I too, just last night had a nightmare that my father and mother were arguing, i came into their room to see what it was, the TV (which i dont watch) was also turned up loud. there were dinosaurs on CNN running around, eating people. there was even a vegetarian one scientists turned out to be wrong about who was carnivorous. all of the dinos were carnivorous. my dad was like "this is a government hoax" but my mother was in shock, laying in bed, while my dad tried to comfort her. at first, i thought i was a govnt. hoax, as well, but then i went downstairs and i saw through our sliding french doors, over the rolling hills, and canopy, these 2 huge figures, stomping, making the ground shake, spanning a good 15 miles....there were 2 dinosaurs, one that looked like a trex and another that was like a bronchiasaurus, but it was devouring people, then i screamed "OH MY GOD!!", and ran back upstairs to my parents, and said they're here theyre here, my little brother ran in the house, and my father and I started chucking canned goods and pillows and water bottles down the basement. every time they got closer, the earth quakes got worse, the house was falling down. I told my brother to keep helping my dad, and i ran upstairs to get my childhood stuffed animal, and my mother was still in shock, and was folding my clothes, oddly, they were ones that had gone missing, like for instance, a teeshirt i had when i was 14 that was a "cure" (band) shirt. i told her to stop, and i grabbed like 2-3 shirts, and ran downstairs, and then into the basement. my mother went downstairs with my little brother and father. i looked out the french doors again, and there they were, closer and closer still, the earth trembling. then a batch of bandits charged into our house, and they were looting it for valuables, until i saw a name tag on one of the men's shirts, and i looked at his face and he was my childhood sweetheart. I said "Doug????" and he looked at me, and screamed for the other people to leave, and put the things back, they listened to him. he picked me up, and swung me around, god this dream was so real, i remember the coolness of his hair, against my sweaty palms. he said "im not going anywhere". the dinosaurs came to the neighbourhood. everything was shaking, and falling, and ... god im getting upset as i type this, we ran into the basement, and locked the doors (like that would help :L ) ...i was lucidly dreaming, so i screamed in my brain/nightmare to myself "WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!" and i did, screaming. i dashed into my parents' room, hysterically sobbing, and shaking. my mother (and father) are therapists and i told them this nightmare, even more detailed. my mother said it was a "transformitive dream" . She helped me interpret some of it. like my childhood friend doug,represented my inner child (my childhood innocent hand-holder at recess), saving me. even if it was futile, and the end of the world, i had myself, and yes, she did say that dino's represent old unresolved issues that need to be worked out that subconciouslly haunt you. it was weird, in this lucid dream, i was prepared to die. i was just trying to make sure my family would be safe. IDK why I woke up when we all got in the basement, I know I wanted to, but I can't always rouse myself from a lucid dream. I'm still shaking so forgive spelling, punctuation, my hands are shaking, this happened only a few hours ago, and it just .... well, it's mother's day and i felt so bad cause when i woke up in a crying, completely scared "this is the apocalypse" frenzy, i almost turned on the TV to see if it was happening. it was so so so real. im glad my mother held me, and comforted me. gosh, i'm gonna start crying again, it was HAND DOWN, the most scary nightmare of my life.

  8. Is it possible to change the aqua colored type to something darker? It may be my monitor, but it's unreadable against the lavender background. Thanks!
