Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dreaming about Someone for 10 Years

"I've been having these dreams of a classmate from preschool through junior high school, I always dream about him but in my dreams he never talks or touches me, but I'm always doing the talking to him, when I was little I had a crush on him, and so did he but we never did anything about it. So in my dreams he always there. And I don't think of him or wonder about it, there is nothing in my life that reminds me of him, but only in my dreams. I've been dreaming about the same person for over 10 years now and I dream about it every other day sometimes everyday. Very confusing of why would I be dreaming about the same person and who never talks.."

Thank you for submitting this very interesting dream to me, I hope I can present some ideas that will help shed some light on the situation for you. If you have any comments, additional information or questions, or if you'd like to have another, more specific dream analyzed please feel free to email your dream to me at

Throughout the years that the two of you knew one another, this person became a sort of fixture in your mind. I suspect that there may be some shared qualities between the two of you, and as he spent a certain amount of time in your life, I suspect you've internalized the image of him and acquired it for yourself. His presence, as you're describing it, is as a passive observer in your dreams, always present, always watching, but never speaking or interacting with you. I suspect that he's become a part of your psyche, and he sort of sits in on your dreams to represent a part of yourself- perhaps what he represents is the self you were as a child? In order to determine he's exact meaning you'd have to throw some adjectives at him, was he a prankster? Was he cool headed in times of trouble? Does he possess qualities that you admire within both of you, or just in yourself?

I think it's possible that he may be a sort of guide for you, a model of a different set of behaviors that you could be exhibiting in the specific circumstances that you're dreaming about, but, considering the wide amount of material your brain has surely cycled through in the last ten years, I can't be sure of that. Most likely, he is a representative of a part of yourself that you have forgotten or left behind.

I hope you found this assessment of you dream helpful. Please feel free to email me at for a reading of a particular dream, or with any comments you may have.

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