Monday, April 20, 2009

Dreams about being in Love with a Friend

"Okay before I go on with the dream, I'll give you a little background on the relationship I'm dreaming about. There is a guy that I'm interested in, but he doesn't do on-line relationships, and I live only 9 hours away from him but I can't afford to move and neither can he plus he has a girl ..

Onto the dream. It starts off I find a way to move, like I find money and some of my online friends (whom I've known for years and could trust with my heart) decide to be roommates so we move to Illinois where he lives. He finds out and he breaks up with his girlfriend and then comes to me ask me if I still had feelings for him I said yes and he kisses me then asks me to be his girlfriend.

I've know the guy for like 4 years or so, though I know he doesn't do on-line relationships I call him my angel buddy cause he is the type of guy that you can be so sad that he just out of the blue puts a smile on your face. In the dream I can feel his arms around me even though its just a dream I can feel his arms around on me I can sleep and hear his voice. The dreams are very vivid and odd, I can feel his arms around me when I sleep. Last night I actually set up and cried out the guys name out, what does all this mean?"

Thank you for sending me your dream for a free analysis! This dream is quite straight forward, as I think you'll see fairly soon here.

Generally speaking, dreams about love relationships with friends are a reflection of some kind of wish fulfilment. Typically the person that you're dreaming about is someone who has a quality that you strongly desire in a partner, it might be that this person is a good listener, or that they're caring and thoughtful, or in this case, as you're describing him, the person may be a little of all of those things.

The difference between a friend and a lover is essentially just whither or not you engage in romantic or sexual interludes with this person. In this case, there is a short list of reasons why the two of you are friends and not any more than that, and clearly you are more willing to work those reasons out than he is at this time. That internalized desire for not only a partner like him, but him specifically means that these dreams will feel very real to you and will have a deep emotional significance or impact on you.

I think it's fairly clear that this is a classic case of wish fulfillment. What you want in your waking life is being played out in your dreaming life, an arena of thought where you are in ultimate control. Now, that being said, my personal advice on the situation is to stay in touch with this person but don't expect more than friendship from him. For right now, he's saying that he's not interested in a long-distance relationship (and for some people, myself included, a 9 hour distance is too far) and he is with someone. If you feel he's not happy with that person, the best course of action is to be there for him; at some point he might realize what he's missing out on.

None of us can ever know for certain what our future will bring, but we can be sure that being a good friend comes with its own rewards. Regardless of whither or not your relationship with him ever progresses, he's obviously an important ally to you. Be true to your feelings, but keep in mind that he might not be interested in the kind of relationship that you want from him.

I hope this free dream reading helps. Please feel free to post comments here or email me for another free dream interpretation at

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