"I had two different dreams last night which I just can’t shake. Keep trying to figure it out! J
1. The first dream was about a tyrannosaurus rex. Very “Jurassic Park”. He was destroying things and killing everyone. I was running through a building, trying to hide from him around corners. Finally his head broke through one of the hallways where I was hiding and when he saw me he didn’t kill me. I was actually the only one he liked. So I guess I befriended the killer T-rex!
2. The second was the complete opposite. I was walking through the water, what I first thought was a ocean, but now it seems like it could have been a really large lake (no waves). The water was only about ankle deep and I was only about 8 feet from the shore. I noticed as I was walking that there were rocks that protruded out of the water. I look over at the shore and see a few white adult rabbits sitting on the shore looking out at the water. When I look back out at the water ahead of me I notice that there are about 10 white baby bunnies scattered among the protruding rocks. They were small enough to fit in my hand but their ears were as long as their bodies. They are alive but limp/partially conscious. Somehow in the dream I recognized that they were stranded out there when the tide came in. Even though the water was only ankle deep they could not get back. One by one I picked up the bunnies, washed them off in the water (they were covered in dirt/debris) and returned them to the shore with the adult rabbits (I think it may have been their mothers). The adult rabbits & bunnies never seemed alarmed by me, just sat and waited quietly."
Thank you for sending me these fantastic dreams, I can't wait to get to them. Additionally, thank you for waiting and being patient while I got my act together this summer. I am back to the blog, fully recharged and ready to attack my burgeoning inbox!
Alright, so this first dream just makes me laugh. I've had a few dreams like this, where people are running and screaming, and even I'm running and screaming, but in fact, there is little or no actual danger. For instance, I once had a dream that I was being chased by a man in a bear costume- but of course, I really believed he was a bear while I was running!
Of course, your dream is very different, as the Tyrannosaurus Rex is a pretty dangerous character. In dream lore, a dinosaur is often symbolic of old ways, old habits or outdated ideas, and being chased by one could be seen as a fear of becoming obsolete. However, with the emergence of the T-Rex in popular films like Jurassic Park, Land of the Lost and a million others, I think that lore needs to be restructured. T-Rexes are voracious, massive predators, and very few are able to escape from them. Your dream reflects these ideas in it's action, focusing mostly on the violent nature of the creature. I would suggest instead that the Tyrannosaurus Rex you're dreaming about is something more like a natural disaster, he's an unexpected catastrophe that endangers everyone around you- yet somehow, you find yourself immune. Lucky you! He likes you, and just wants a belly rub. Start scratching, sister, because whatever situation he represents, (and again, I stress, this is a dangerous, sweeping scale situation in your immediate surroundings that has passed you over despite the fact that he has massacred others) is a situation you may still need to tip-toe around. Be careful, be observant, and rub his big scaly belly until he falls asleep- then sneak out quietly!
The second dream suggests that resolution to this situation has already come, however. As you mentioned, you are standing in a calm body of water, which you initially thought was much bigger than it actually was. Innocent little baby bunnies are stranded on rocks, and you very graciously collect them and return them to their mothers. These docile little animals are emblematic of good fortune, renewal and fertility. Further, these animals have giant ears, which suggests that they have listened too closely to some over-spun hype, creating a situation in which they are unable to help themselves. Though the two dreams may at first seem very different, I think it is likely that they are closely related.
Qualities that you possess make that big scary T-Rex want to be your buddy, and I suspect these same qualities enable you to wade through the water to rescue those little bunnies. One dream is a notification of the truth behind a problem that others are fighting, and the other is a reassurance that while other people are telling you that there are big waves in the ocean, and that the high tide is coming, you will be able to rescue your hopes from the rising waters.
I hope that this analysis of your dream is helpful! Thank you for sending your dream in for a free dream reading.
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