"I had a dream that I was in a room - I shouldn't have been there but I don't remember why. I ate a tuna sandwich and I went to the bathroom but didn't flush it. Someone I didn't know came into the room with a gun and moved the curtains - across the street was a shooting. I was afraid that whoever was across the street would see the curtains moving so I ran across the hallway to another room.
Eventually the police came and they were going to determine what the person that went to the bathroom had for dinner and it was going to be found out that I was in that room. I had told them I was across the hall the whole time.
Thanks so much Rachel. It was a very vivid dream...I woke up remembering that dream but also that I was in a field feeding some small animals with some water on crackers and saw a friend and her daughter who I am no longer friends with, looking at me as they got into their car."
Thank you so much for sending this dream in for a free analysis! I'd like to thank you sincerely for waiting so patiently for me to get back to you on this one. Be forewarned, I've received a lot of emails recently and it may take a month or more for me to get to everyone- but rest assured, I'm doing my best.
In this dream, you start out by going about the mundane details of a normal day- except for the fact that you are somewhere that you don't belong. Overall, I believe that this dream is about being exposed; in this case you would not be exposed for anything you have actually done wrong, but exposed none the less.
So your mind has set up the dream in such a way that you are anxious from the start, finding yourself eating a boring lunch in a place where you wouldn't expect to find yourself. Eventually, a specific danger presents itself, both in terms of the entrance of a man with a gun, and also in the possibility of your being falsely accused of being involved in the shooting simply because you found yourself in this strange place.
Being in a situation where you feel you need to hide in your dream is often a reflection of a fear of being exposed in some way. The addition of the police investigation obviously adds to that idea, and your fear of being caught in that strange room of course cements it.
The thing that interests me is that you lied to the police in the first place. I suspect that the root of this dream is in some deception that you may have created in your waking life. This may be something small, or it may be something larger, only you can be sure. It's possible that rather than telling some specific lie, you may have simply mislead someone to think you were something that you're not, or you might have held back some information because it was not advantageous to say anything about it. This has become some sort of dirty little secret (not unlike the floater you left behind in the bathroom of that small room) or a source of shame, and you're anxious about being misunderstood when found out.
Although it may sound very literal, I believe that this is what the first part of the dream is laying out before you. The second portion is also interesting, and quite possibly related, as an old friend sees you doing something rather benevolent. Feeding baby animals in your dream suggests that you are nurturing something, or someone, as best you can. Depending on your impressions of this former friend, and perhaps more importantly, their feelings about you, this action may be seen simply for what it is. Conversely, this might be something quite different. If this person is someone who you stopped being friends with because you argued, their appearance in your dream might indicate some personal growth on your part. It might also mean that you have been critical of yourself where you did not deserve it; it could also just reflect a pattern in waking life, if you have thought of this person recently while awake.
Only you can be sure what your dreams mean, but I hope that my thoughts help you come to some conclusions on them. Thank you again for being patient and waiting for an embarrassingly long time for me to finish your dream!
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