"I had my dream in the morning I was sitting on the toilet when the phone rang. My partner picked it up and walked to the toilet and said " It's for you "
On the other end of the phone was my sister, crying, saying " he's bleeding again. "
I fell to my knees, and the shock and sadness I felt made it hard to cry out, nothing would come out of my mouth only wounded noises.
I felt truly shaken by this dream due to the fact my father had a cerebral stroke in February 2009 and has not recovered fully from it. I have heard dreams in the morning can sometimes be premonitions is this true ? I hope you can help me"
Thank you for sending me this interesting dream, and for raising the question for all of my readers. As per usual, readers can feel free to contribute to the discussion here, or to email me their dreams at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com for a free dream interpretation.
I have had several instances in my life where I find myself in a situation which feels oddly familiar only to realize I've dreamt about it before. Occasionally, it's just a common element, a person standing in a particular place, or the color of the sunset, a feeling or something fleeting, while other times things are precisely the same in real life as what I've dreamt. Obviously this is an unusual circumstance, and in my case, I've never dreamt about anything important, which adds to the overall strangeness of the situation.
In this case, the difficulty in crying out that you are describing sounds similar to the type of paralysis our bodies are locked in as we sleep. Our brains centralize our dream state to prevent us from physically doing the things that we dream we are doing in our dreams, so when a person dreams that they cannot run in order to flee from danger, the fear and frustration they are feeling have a physical root. Because you are experiencing something very particular to dreaming, rather than something a person would often feel in a waking state, I feel that this dream is an expression of your anxiety over your father's failing health, rather than a premonition of a future crisis.
It's likely that you are living in a state of repressed fear, knowing that things could change for him at any time, and without any warning. Few things in life are as scary as a health crisis of the type you are describing, as all control is out of your hands. Things could get worse, you could get a phone call at any time that will change your life forever. I certainly feel for you, in this difficult time, and while you'll likely continue to experience this anxiety, I hope you can rest easier knowing that this dream is simply your mind playing out a possible scenario in order to channel your emotions over your father's illness. Thank you so much for opening up, and sending in this dream. I really hope that this free dream reading helps in some way, and of course, feel free to comment here or email me directly at Rachel.Beezy88@gmail.com
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