Sunday, July 12, 2009

A dream about going all the way with an old friend...

"I've known this guy since we were 18 months old, right? Out of nowhere, I have this dream, and it goes like this:
The first thing i see is my dad and his dad (who are best friends) and their like making a movie or something.. it was really weird.

They tell me and this guy...we'll call him Bob. They tell me and Bob to go get something from this place..
When we get to this room, its like filled with memory foam pads that you would put on your mattress.

Before i know it, bob puts his arms around my waist..(in real life, we are not attracted to each other, I don't think)
Anyways, he starts kissing my neck.

Then, we go all the way. ALL the way... like, sex.

And I'm like.. so confused about it because like I dont love him or anything.
But, the dream made me feel like really happy when i woke up...Help?"

Thank you for opening up the interior of your mind to me, and to my readers. As per usual, please feel free to comment here, or to email me directly at To this particular dreamer, I'd also like to say thank you for your patience, I have been running very behind on my dream readings lately- but I promise, if you send me a dream, I'll get to it as soon as I can.

I believe there are a few elements at work in this dream, some of which I never expected to discuss here on this blog, but all of which I'm glad to reflect upon. The first major point in this dream is the presence of your father, and his best friend; fathers are figures of authority, people that we (hopefully) trust and respect, and for a young teen such as yourself, fathers are people who protect us from making decisions about our bodies and our sexuality that could have serious consequences in our futures.

The type of dream that you are describing probably has biological origins in your brain. During puberty, our bodies release a large number of hormones which generate all sorts of things that you probably know all about, and in addition to the obvious physical stuff, like boobs and hair and hips, those hormones also cause a serious spike in a person's sex drive.

In your waking life, you may have a lot of conflicted feelings about sex, knowing that it's something that you're supposed to do after your married, or only with someone that you love, but hearing stories about everybody else doing it. I'm sure you've heard people in your life tell you that not everyone is doing it, even though it may seem like you're the only person who isn't, and as a successful survivor of adolescence, I can confirm it- you are not the only one not doing it. I can also confirm that everyone who's around your age is thinking about doing it, at least once a day they're thinking about it, if not 1938478 times per day- regardless of whither or not they've done it!

As I mentioned, this is largely biological. Your body is getting down to the serious business of readying itself to reproduce, and there are few things as important to the survival of the human race as reproduction. So while your mind is very logically thinking "I'm going to wait until I'm married/in love to have sex" your body is generating hormones that create an interest in, and strong desire for, sex. Regardless of whither or not you're having sex, you are going to have dreams like this, and some of the time, they are going to be freaking awesome. I can't even begin to think about the number of absolutely wonderful dreams I've had about having sex with various people whom I have no interest in or feelings for- these dreams are a psychological response to the physiological situation inside your body.

Now, that being said, your dream involves someone whom may be a very reasonable person for you to have sex with. As the son of your dad's best friend, this is someone who you know well and probably trust. Of all the people you could have dreamt about, you dreamt about someone who might actually be a trust-worthy partner, and I think that this speaks to the fact that you've been brought up well, and you're smart.

It would be a mistake to see this dream as a sort of "call", "reason" or "premonition" about actually having sex with this person. If you don't have any specific feelings for this guy, or you're not attracted to him, I wouldn't pay too much attention to your dream, as it's likely that he is your partner in this dream because of the qualities that he has- some of these qualities are things you want in a partner, but that doesn't mean he's "the Guy."

I hope that this analysis of your dream helps! Please feel free to email me directly at with any comments or questions!

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