Hi :) every once in a while I have this odd dream where I have to drive up and extremely steep road, and I can never manage (as steep as a wall!) except this time, I'm at the top but the car is hanging by my feet and I'm clinging to the top the best that I can. I think of letting the car go and flinging myself over but I woke up by that time. What does it all mean? It would be great if you could help me out... thanks!
What a great example of the kind of recurring dream motif that most people experience at some point in their lives. Thank you so much for emailing me your dream for a free analysis! Let's see if we can get to the bottom of this...
Having a dream in which you're driving a car typically reflects the sense of the type of control that you're having over your life. In this case, you are the person driving the car, so your dream is showing you that you are in control of your own life. A mountain road, or a steep road that a person travels up in their dreams is a symbol of a life obstacle or major problem that has to be overcome; the amount of trouble that a person has traveling up the road is in direct relation to the difficulty of solving or overcoming that problem. These roads can then be as simple as a little hilly climb, or they can be the type of sheer cliff face that you're describing- the harder the climb, the more struggle you're having with this problem.
In this dream, you've made it to the top, but you're barely hanging on. The mechanism which enabled you to get to the top is now weighing you down, and you're thinking about jumping... so my translation of your dream is this: there is an intense struggle, either physical or emotional, that you've managed to get on top of. Despite the fact that you've overcome this obstacle doesn't mean you're really over it, you are still working through it and you have a sense that you'd rather give in than deal with it.
While I don't know the issues plaguing your personal life, and I wouldn't assume that you're dealing with this particular issue, the images you're describing remind me of what addicts term "white-knuckle sobriety." Sometimes a person with an addiction will have a period of sobriety in which they are not actively seeking treatment or moving through the issues which have caused them to seek out the exciting escape of drugs, sex, gambling, shopping etc. In this period of sobriety, they will reject the idea that they need any real treatment, and their sobriety is rooted in a deep and intense drive to refrain from the excesses of their addiction, and typically they are hanging on by a thread. White-knuckling refers to their tight yet tenuous grasp on the situation... for obvious reasons this is what comes to my mind when I think about your dream, in which you have a tenuous grasp on the edge of a steep cliff.
Whatever the issue is for you personally, I would suggest an examination of the problem from all angles. Think about what you've done to get on top of that cliff, and your motivations to overcome. You can find the problem, and the strength to conquer it, within yourself. I hope this free dream interpretation can help you, and thank you again for sending it to me! Please feel free to send your dreams to me again in the future, my email again is rachel.beezy88@gmail.com
I had a similar dream except some girl was doing the driving and it was as if the road kept getting steeper and steeper and steeper and I felt like the car was climbing so high that I could barely stay in my seat it was like as if I felt like I was going to fall out of the vehicle but because my seatbelt was faster and then I was in the seat I was able to somehow stay in it then all the sudden a girl reached a point to where we could stop and it sort of leveled off and it was like I felt some kind of relief at the same time I wanted to get over the highest point and start declining. Then eventually the girl got back in the car after looking around and we continued to climb. It was like I was calm but then the road continued to get steep again after the stop so I kind of wanted to cross the hill and start going down but it didn't happen and I woke up