"In my dream, I remember moving to a new neighborhood- I was walking with my family and enjoying the beautiful scenery- we crossed a wood bridge, and as we walked, flowers formed over our footprints. there were many honey bees dedicating themselves to making honey from these new fresh flowers, and in the distance was a beautiful landscape, sun setting, and horses staring at us from their field.
As we arrived to the actual neighborhood, I was given a child to guard and protect. at that moment 2 men jumped out of a car and started chasing me and my toddler! She was special though, and could change herself into anything- so we got a way because she changed into a dog and changed me into a man. " - Krys, 27, Los Angeles
Dreams about moving to a new place are often dreams about change. A different landscape may represent a different way of thinking of oneself, or a it may indicate new opportunities. A bridge made of wood is not only beautiful, but carefully made by men; it has been designed to span the space of a divide and to give safe passage. Crossing a bridge with your family suggests some sense of resolution to a problem that you've had with them, or the possibility of that resolution.
Flowers growing in your footprints... what a beautiful image! I can only imagine the awe that the dreaming you must have felt in seeing that. Such optimism in the mind that creates that image, flowers being the delicate and lovely promise of new life springing from the places where your bodies touch the earth. This is surely a reflection of the things you wish to create in your life. You seem to have this understanding already, but the images here align- the things you create influence other beings, who use your influence to create things of their own. The specific symbol of the honey bee is typically seen as an omen of good fortune, or an indication of hard work paying off. I think both of these meanings can be applied to the bees who make honey from the flowers of your footsteps!
These peaceful images are shattered when you are again given charge of a child. Children are a little different than babies, like the little one you mentioned in your last dream, as children are more likely to be independent and to have their own agendas. I suspect that the little toddler girl here is actually a part of yourself, the part that is capable of being anything you'd like to be. This little girl, whom you are trying to protect, turns you into something a little stronger than what you are physically- a man. By turning you into a man, the little girl is able to ease the anxiety you're feeling because you're being chased. I suspect that on some level, you would also rather be left in charge of a dog than a baby anyways ;)
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