Friday, January 30, 2009

Free Dream Reading

I wanted to take an opportunity today to say thank you to everyone who has submitted a dream to me over the last few weeks for a free dream analysis. I have to say, the response to my dream readings has been great, and I thank all of my readers as well.

If you'd like a free dream interpretation done, please email your dream to

For awhile now I've been cruising around the Internet looking at various websites devoted to the task of dream readings. There are some truly great resources out there, for example, the Dream Moods Dream Dictionary, found at

I have also seen a number of blog sites that offer for pay dream analysis, as well as question and answer forums in which all users can post their weird dreams and get responses from the reading public. In fact, it was one of these public forum sites that inspired me, in part, to start blogging about dreams. I posted a dream to a site, curious to see how my analysis of my own dream would match up with what other people thought my dream means. Well, that dream sat around for weeks with no reply! I'll likely post it here, with my own assertions at some point.

The research that I've been doing lately, as well as the research on dreams I've done for as long as I can remember, leads me to believe that dream symbols must be interpreted with several factors in mind. The subjective nature of the individual dreamer, as well as the interpreter, means that a dream may be analyzed very differently from one person to the next. For this reason, my analysis of your dreams involves a few simple steps.

I always ask that anyone who submits a dream to me pay careful attention to the way they felt while experiencing the dream. Where you scared when all your teeth fell out? Did you think it was funny? The emotional impact of a dream is often the most impactful part of the experience. How many times have you forgotten a dream upon waking, remembering only that it was a nightmare, or that it was hot, or simply strange?

That emotional reaction plays a heavy role in determining what a dream means, as does a person's relationship to a particular symbol. Sometimes this isn't as simple as "you dream you're afraid because you're anxious," but then again, sometimes it is that simple. Winding these emotions through the symbolism of the dream world, one can effectively piece together what our subconscious minds are telling us through the language of dreams.

The beauty of having your dreams read by an objective third party is that all these resources can be brought together for you. It can be hard to see the meaning of a dream one has had, because often times one may be too close to the subject to see it clearly.

I hope you've enjoyed reading my analysis as much as I've enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to submit your dreams for a free and fast dream interpretation to

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dreams about Cars, Dreams about Teeth

"I have a reoccurring nightmare that I am driving a mountain road, and go off the side. It is always an accident, like the car slips or something stops working in the car, or the driver is just not paying attention and is driving stupidly, then the car just goes off the cliff. I am always extremely scared up to that point that something is going to happen, and then it always happens.

My wife has been having a strange one too. She is pregnant, and keeps dreaming that she is giving birth, and the baby has teeth! One time it was a full set of razor sharp teeth like fangs. The other times it was just a full set of teeth. So weird, I really hope my baby isn't born with teeth ;) " - Anonymous, Los Angeles

Thanks for submitting these recurring dreams, I think they are both very interesting and they are likely related to one another. Dreams about teeth and dreams about driving are two very common sorts of dreams that virtually everyone will have in some form.

Before I start, congratulations on your baby! It's a big, wonderful journey that the two of you are going on together. New parents are often nervous about their new roles and responsibilities, and rightfully so. I think the dreams that the two are you are experiencing are references to that anxiety.

Most often, dreams in which a person finds them self in a car are metaphors for how they are operating in their lives. Having a dream in which you find yourself unable to control a car is then a reflection of a fear of loosing control of one's life. In a sense, dreams about careening vehicles represent the concern that you'll loose your way. With the paticulars of the dream come the paticulars of the anxieties, so going off the side of the mountain would equate to failing to ascend a major obsticle. Being at the mercy of a bad or stupid driver is simply being at the mercy of a careless person or a moron in some area of importance within your life. Malfunctions of the car may simply read as a fear of things not going the way that they should go.

As for your wife's dream, I can say that I've been plagued with dreams about teeth. Some of the better dream dictionaries and guides will tell you that dreams about teeth are exceedingly commmon, as teeth are generally a symbol of health and verility. Some people will have dreams in which their teeth fall out or wear thin, generally these dreams are pretty creepy and unwelcome. In this particular instance, I think that this definition likely applies, the dreams about the baby being born with teeth may reflect fears about the changes in responsibility.

Specifically, the picture of any animal with razor-sharp teeth has some obvious meaning. Sharp teeth are intended for one thing, tearing flesh. Having dreams in which teeth fall out is typicaly thought to be a fear of a loss of virlity, but this case is precisely the oppisite- the baby is born with a full set of teeth that it really shouldn't have grown yet! I suspect that the fear reflected here might be the fear of the impact that having a baby will have on your lives. It may even be a concern for the long term impact of raising a child- will your little one be a monster? If the dreams are tinged with fear, it's likely that this is the case.

Conversely, if the dreams are not fearful, it's possible that she's simply dreaming about having a healthy new baby, a baby who's a little ahead of the curve from a developmental standpoint. The subjective nature of dreams means that your wife will likely be the only person who knows for sure! Thank you for submitting for a free dream reading, I hope this helps!

Friday, January 23, 2009

a dream about childhood things, summer time and a tsunami

"OK - you get a dream. Let me warn you first - mine are always weird and very detailed.

I'm driving a stranger's car (Oldsmobile type/faded gold color) in a beach-type town. It's a summer day (feels like a summer holiday weekend), the air kinda feels like when I was a kid. I was just on the phone with my mom telling her that I just made this really stupid purchase. I was convinced by the salesman to buy an old school blackberry (it's this huge looking/old school looking phone) for work. I didn't know why I needed a separate work phone but I got it anyway. I explained it was only $100, not a big deal, but I felt guilty getting it for some reason - no need for me to have 2 phones. Then I tell my mom I'm going to visit my childhood friends Brian and Darren in this apartment building before they leave for vacation (in my dream I'm picturing them as kids).

I turn the corner and park across the street from the apartment on a corner. Caddy-corner to the street is a gated in area of sand. It kinda looks like a small park or a vacant lot. In that area, I'm focusing on what looks like cases of beer and chairs for laying in the sun, and towels that some people left behind. It looks like the left over of people chilling out have a bunch of beers.

Suddenly I'm in the backseat of the car, looking out the back window at the apartment building that I want to go into, when I hear my name. I turn around and my aunt is standing outside of the car. She says, "what are you doing in there?" I ignore her question and tell her to look at the beers and towels across the street. Then 2 very tan and tall guys in speedos approach the car with keys, walk in front of my aunt and open the door.

I ask, "Oh is this your car?" They look annoyed with me and say yes. I tell them I was just using it to change into my bathing suit. I get out of the car and when I try to take my stuff now there are 2 small dogs in the car. Suddenly, my stuff is turned into some stuffed animals and the dogs won't let go. I'm only able to take a few of my belongings. As I'm grabbing my things HERE'S THE CRAZY PART - as I'm grabbing my things to leave, I look at the apartment complex again and behind it I see this enormous tidal wave headed for us. It's a tsunami. I remember it looking really shiny and, tall and sparkling. It is huge.

Suddenly, there is all this summer holiday traffic and there's no place for them to drive their car. I panic and don't know where to run. Then, I just tell the guys in the car I need to get to the top floor of the apartment building and I start running across the street toward the tsunami - THEN MY REAL PHONE RINGS AND WAKES ME UP!" - Shannon, Los Angeles

What a fantastic dream! I love when I remember this many details from my dreams, and I suspect you do to. Now, the key to understanding your dreams isn't just doing a lot of research in dream dictionaries, as I've mentioned before. Dream dictionaries do a great job of interpreting the various symbols in your dreams, but the emotional impressions and subjective meanings can be just as important in unearthing the true meaning behind your dreams.

Let's start with the setting and time of year. Some dream dictionaries will say that dreaming about the summertime is a reflection of maturity and productivity, which may be true. However, combined with the other symbols in your dream, as well as your impression of the time, I would suggest that perhaps this dream about the summer is more of a recollection or a yearning for previous and more carefree times. Summer time memories of sleepy beach towns are precious to everyone; a person can't help but yearn for a long, lazy day slumbering in the sand, particularly in the middle of January.

I think it's interesting that your dream begins with the scene of a summer holiday weekend, something you may well be longing for, and then it continues with your phone conversation with your mother. Here is another instance of the subjective meaning of dreams, you're oddly frustrated with the fact that you've bought this weird old blackberry for two reasons. The first reason is that you don't feel you should have spent the money. In today's economic climate, I think the vast majority of people are feeling that sensation every time they buy anything. The second subjective meaning you may be assigning here is to the blackberry itself- you don't really understand why you need that second phone... but now you're stuck with it.

Let me note that generally speaking, our generation seems to believe that things that are old, be they cars or technology, tend to not work well. This is paticularly true for phones, so I'd suspect that whatever this phone is tethering you to is a little outdated, or isn't working properly in your opinion.

Think about the people that you know that have a dedicated phone line for work. They're a lot like the people you know who have eighty-four thousand keys on their key chain- both types of person have an enormous amount of responsibility! Having a phone line specifically for work calls means that you're work needs access to you regardless of what time of day it is or where you are. You'll have to tell me if this rings true for you, but is your professional life invading your personal life? I'd guess that's what that weird blackberry is all about.

Moving right along, cars are often seen as the way we see ourselves moving through the world, so a person driving a car well will often be someone with ambition, or a clear life plan. In your dream, you're driving someone else's car, and the car is kinda janky at that. The suggestion here is that instead of being yourself in some area of your life, you find yourself operating under some one else's rule set. Interestingly, you are driving this Old-mobile to go see your childhood friends, whom you believe are still children, and thus are living more carefree lives than you are.

As you realize that they are still children, though you're in an adult world, you look over to a vacant lot and see what looks like the reminantes of some one else's party. A party you're not invited to, in other words. Have you missed out on something? The vacated party seems to suggest doubt of some kind.

I would guess that you're experiencing this sensation of missing out as you find yourself no longer in the driver's seat of someone else's car. Read into that basically that you're no longer in control of the "car", in this case, the plan of someone else. That person has now returned, and they're asking what you're doing in their car. You offer a strange and rather lame excuse (changing into your bathing suit... which you don't mention that you are wearing at that time... weird, right?) and that suffices and allows you to get out of the car without any major confrontations. If you are wearing your bathing suit, you are likely attempting to get back to that carefree summer time feeling, by the by. You'd be shedding some of that doubt and adopting the appropriate fashions of the season you'd rather be in.

But I digress. When you go to gather your things, there are two small dogs in the car, and your things have become stuffed animals. Ready for this? A common interpretation of a dog within a dream is as a symbol for all the lovely things dogs are, loyalty, fidelity etc. However, a growling dog is a symbol for a deep inner conflict. So in this case, your things have become childhood things, toys intended to comfort you. Instead of being able to take these things with you, your inner conflict has claimed them. Interesting... if I knew you better, I could probably figure out precisely where the roots of that conflict are. Maybe I'll get lucky and you'll email me about that :)

So you're struggling to get your childhood comfort away from that inner conflict, and you see a tsunami headed right for you. The car is trapped, and you seem to be the only person effected by the danger of the wave, I assume this because you have to tell the guys you've been talking to that the danger is coming. For this reason, I believe this tsunami is a disaster headed expressly for you, one that's been sent down to change your life, and your life alone.

Tsunamis and tidal waves in dreams are likely to represent one of two things: either a major conflict that can presents a great danger to you, OR a massive clearing away of old beliefs, ideas or issues. I would dig down deep and try to remember the way that the dream made you feel. Were you scared when you saw it coming? Would you characterize the emotion as concerned, or as terrified? Only you know for sure what your dreams mean, but I hope this analysis helps.

Please please please feel free to comment here, or to email me directly at with any more dreams you have, or any notes on this free dream reading! Thank you for submitting, I hope this was helpful!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

a idyllic dream landscape, a magic child

"In my dream, I remember moving to a new neighborhood- I was walking with my family and enjoying the beautiful scenery- we crossed a wood bridge, and as we walked, flowers formed over our footprints. there were many honey bees dedicating themselves to making honey from these new fresh flowers, and in the distance was a beautiful landscape, sun setting, and horses staring at us from their field.

As we arrived to the actual neighborhood, I was given a child to guard and protect. at that moment 2 men jumped out of a car and started chasing me and my toddler! She was special though, and could change herself into anything- so we got a way because she changed into a dog and changed me into a man.
" - Krys, 27, Los Angeles

Dreams about moving to a new place are often dreams about change. A different landscape may represent a different way of thinking of oneself, or a it may indicate new opportunities. A bridge made of wood is not only beautiful, but carefully made by men; it has been designed to span the space of a divide and to give safe passage. Crossing a bridge with your family suggests some sense of resolution to a problem that you've had with them, or the possibility of that resolution.

Flowers growing in your footprints... what a beautiful image! I can only imagine the awe that the dreaming you must have felt in seeing that. Such optimism in the mind that creates that image, flowers being the delicate and lovely promise of new life springing from the places where your bodies touch the earth. This is surely a reflection of the things you wish to create in your life. You seem to have this understanding already, but the images here align- the things you create influence other beings, who use your influence to create things of their own. The specific symbol of the honey bee is typically seen as an omen of good fortune, or an indication of hard work paying off. I think both of these meanings can be applied to the bees who make honey from the flowers of your footsteps!

These peaceful images are shattered when you are again given charge of a child. Children are a little different than babies, like the little one you mentioned in your last dream, as children are more likely to be independent and to have their own agendas. I suspect that the little toddler girl here is actually a part of yourself, the part that is capable of being anything you'd like to be. This little girl, whom you are trying to protect, turns you into something a little stronger than what you are physically- a man. By turning you into a man, the little girl is able to ease the anxiety you're feeling because you're being chased. I suspect that on some level, you would also rather be left in charge of a dog than a baby anyways ;)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

a dream of being attacked

To thank you guys for being so candid in sending me dreams to analyze, I've decided to post one of mine own for today. I hope you enjoy my crazy dream as much as I enjoy all of yours!!! Please feel free to send me absolutely any dream that you'd like decoded fast and free. Interpreting dreams is a favorite hobby of mine, and I'd love to help you figure out what your dreams mean!

A few weeks ago I dreamt that I was hanging out with a big group of male friends, chatting and flirting and drinking. For some reason Big Boi and Andre 3000 from Outkast were hanging out with us. I was introduced to them by my friends, and we were all talking and drinking and joking around. At some point, I forgot Andre's name and I started calling him Brandon, which became a running joke among the little group of us. It was strange but funny, and Andre was being pretty cool and going along with it.

At some point, the group kinda changed. I have a feeling that it was gradual, one or two guys leaving and one or two new ones showing up. Soon, I looked up and realized that the group I was now hanging out with looked like a bunch of huge bodybuilder guys, like the cast of American Gladiators. One of them kind of advanced on me, invading my personal space. I told him in no uncertain terms to back off, but he kind of persisted. It was strange because he wasn't attacking me, he was just standing very close to me and telling me that he was the kind of guy who'd "take what he wanted."

Not being willing to back down, I tell him to step off. Loudly. And the rest of the guys kept on hanging out, completely ignoring the situation between me and this aggressive guy, who is several times my size. I grab a coatrack that is shaped like a golden tree branch, strangely enough. I have a jewerly stand that looks like it, and I think that's why it was there, but I'm not sure.

Anyways, so I take the golden branch and I knock this giant guy off his feet, just sweeping his legs out from under him. When he hit the ground I hold the pointy end of the branch to his stomach and threaten to stab him in the liver. He keeps saying that I can't stop him. I look around for help, but all the men in the room were useless, totally ignorant of the situation. I decide the best thing to do is choke him out with the branch. I hold the branch across his throat and he starts to struggle a little. Scared, I press harder until he loses consciousness.

As I've discussed in an earlier entry, dreaming about having relationships with celebrities often indicates that you are an ambitous person. This is certainly true in my case, but in addition to that, the selection of Outkast is interesting in that I find these two personalities interesting. The thing that makes Outkast work as a musical act is the individual influence of these two very different people, the flamboyant and eccentric Andre 3000 and the more reserved Big Boi.

That I was speaking with the two of them as if they were old friends of mine might suggest that I'm feeling comfortable in my own skin these days. Living in LA, a person sees their fair share of celebrities, and undoubtedly dreaming with celebrity cameo apperances may seem a little less exciting if you just waited in line for Starbucks behind Lawrence Fishbourne.

I've talked a lot about the common anxiety that many women share of being attacked by a man. The fact that a woman is more likely to be killed by someone she knows than a stranger is the root cause of this fear. Men are dangerous in some instances... and I'm acutely aware of that fact. For that reason, I'm capable of defending myself. The relative lack of anxiety I experienced in the dream was interesting to me, my attitude regarding the threat that this large man posed to me was rather blase. I suppose it was the fact that I've had fight training that made me feel that way, or perhaps I knew I was dreaming.

I was taught as a child that if you realize you're having a dream while you dream you can manipulate your dreams. This process is called Lucid Dreaming, and it's fascinating. The person who taught me about the phenomenon explained that if you get into the habit of asking yourself several times a day if you are awake or asleep, eventually the habit will be so ingrained that you'll silently ask yourself while you are actually asleep. At that point, you'll know you're dreaming and you'll be able to make things happen.

I learned the technique to control my chronic nightmares. So I can guess that perhaps I knew I was dreaming while I was rather violently defending myself, because if I was dreaming I could defintely stop this guy. Regardless, the golden branch is an interesting symbol.

Branches in dreams, can symbolize new growth or good fortune when they're whole, or bad communication when they're broken. In this instance, because the branch is gold, I'll assume that it contains the positive meaning. Interesting then that the object I select in my battle against an adversary I would be unlikely to defeat is a golden branch, a bough of unprecidented good luck.

Also, if we look at the symbol in reverse because it's gold, it could be that my best weapon against this kind of assilant would be communication. Regardless, it was an interesting dream that managed to stick with me!

Thank you for taking the time to read through this, and please feel free to comment, paticularly if I've missed any major symbols in my own dream! And, as always, please feel free to email me your dreams for a free, fast dream reading.

Friday, January 16, 2009

dream about a burgler, a baby & armor

"so last night I dreamt that I was in my apartment looking out onto the street, unlike in real life, in my dream my apartment faced a busy street, full of people. I noticed a boy/man at the door, I thought he was just peeking in, but then I realized that I had left the door unlocked and this is what he was noticing. He saw me running for the door and burst in before I could stop him. He smiled and started toward me- I screamed and grabbed a phone and started to call 911. He told me it didn't' matter, he didn't care. he proceeded to slowly follow me around the room and I described by situation to 911- I don't think he ever really touched me- he got bored of scaring me and left.

My parents of course found out this happened, and told me I was careless to leave the door unlocked and I would have to live with them for awhile (I think this is a direct representation of a conversation I'd had the day before about Britney Spears being put under a conservatorship, lol- and maybe also a tie to my "over-nurturing" mother :) I had my own room in my parent's house, but I had to take care of someone else's baby. Weird.

My mom took me shopping, we looked at jewelry- she hated everything I liked ,and everything I liked was way expensive. I bought nothing, because what I wanted was this giant necklace made of different pieces/shapes of brilliant red stained glass. It fit over my chest like beautiful armor, covering me from neck and shoulders to mid torso. My mom thought it ridiculous. I loved it. It was $11,000.

I also remember a part where i was running- I love running dreams because you feel so free and you don't get winded, you can run forever! I was running and nothing was slowing me down (usually I can't actually run as fast as I'd like in dreams) but I realized that my back hurt, and although I was running swiftly, my right leg was out of joint and not even touching the ground.
This odd realization made me want to stop running, even though it appeared the reason I was able to run so fast WAS this unique leg problem,.. I was having a hard time with this in the dream- do I keep running or fix my leg? Why fix it if it HELPS me run? Will I cause permanent damage to it overall if i continue?

that's all I can remember- hope that gives you something to analyze ;)" - Krys, 27

Thank you, Krys, that certainly gives me plenty to work with! First things first, isn't it interesting how so often when we dream we are in our home, in reality we are in a completely different place? For myself, it seems that there are a series of places I tend to dream about over and over, for example, two houses I lived in as a child, and my ex boyfriend's house. None of these three places is realistically portrayed in my dreams, for whatever reason, the associations these places have in my mind make their representations look very different in my dreaming world than they would look in real life.

It is the association that seems to shape the place in dreams, for example, the house of my Ex is huge, dark and confusing, complicated with long hallways leading to unused rooms. This is not unlike the ways in which the opposite sex can confuse a person, and in this case I associated the resident of the domicile to the geography of the place. I think you may be doing the same thing in your dream, Krys.

Your apartment is a direct reflection of yourself in your dreams, as is your body. In this case, your apartment is facing a busy street and apparently prone to a sort of invader. I suspect you are grappling with some issues of identity, mostly centered around the way that the world perceives you. It seems that your home is the place where what is public meets what is private- and you've forgotten to lock the door!

The young man who enters your home seems to reflect the anxiety that many women have of being overpowered by a man. However, it's important to note that this man seems to have no intention of harming you- scaring you is quite enough for him. Perhaps he's a symbol of someone unwelcome who is rooting around in your life, or invading your personal space for their own gains. Regardless, you reach out to authority figures (first the police, and then your parents) to aid you, but they do not come through for you. Instead, your parents seem to blame you for leaving yourself open to attack and then they demand that you come home.

It sounds like you have a complicated relationship with your parents, certainly at least with your mother. Your conversation about the coservatorship of Britney Spears may well have influenced the turn that your dream takes next.

Your parents allow you to have your own room, but require you to nurture the baby of an unknown mother. Having your own room may stand for something as simple as having your own thoughts, or opinions, things your parents cannot take from you. In a sense though, the room is something your parents have given you, as is the baby. The addition of the baby to your dream adds another layer. This may be a simple reflection of the desire of most parents to be grand parents. The baby could also be emblematic of a dream, or a hope that you're nurturing. The care of the child could also be a reminder for you to be more selfless, or to take on responsibility in a more graceful way.

Now the jewelry shopping. Most women love to shop, and it seems that this is the case for both you and your mother. Instead of being able to enjoy the experience together, the two of you disagree on what to purchase. The item you desire most is an odd choice- a sort of red glass armor, priced way out of your budget.

Red is commonly associated as the color of passion, life, blood and sexuality. It's glass, so it's hard, but it's also fragile. Your mind is choosing some interesting symbols for the thing you desire, creating this object with which to cover your body with, a fierce but delicate body armor in the tones of life itself. I suspect that this body armor leads back to the original scene of the dream, in which you grapple with the way the world perceives you. If you had this beautiful and expensive armor, you could be protected in some way from the slings and arrows of the world.
For whatever reason, your mother dislikes the armor. Perhaps she doesn't think red is quite your color. Perhaps you believe she doesn't trust you to decide for yourself, or perhaps you know that your mother wouldn't want to buy something so deeply subconscious as red jeweled body armor... only you know what you hope that armor is there to protect you from!

The fact that the cost of the armor is so memorably high means that it's out of your reach... though not necessarily out of your mother's purchasing abilities. But just because a parent has something to give, be it money, advice, love or trust, doesn't mean they will provide it. Her motivations in your dream as well as in life, are likely to remain a mystery.

Now for the final portion of your dream. As we've discussed, dreams about your body are like dreams about your home- direct reflections of how you see yourself. In this case, you are dreaming that there is something wrong with your leg. Legs are the appendages that keep us standing upright and enable us to move. They are the things that get us where we most want to go.

In this final portion of the dream, you are running in much the same way that a person would if they were flying in their dreams. Often times, when a person is running in their dreams they are being pursued and feel a sense of terror. That sort of dream about running would be a reflection of anxiety. Instead, you run in this dream with an enormous sense of freedom, though you never seem to be able to go fast enough to please yourself. While trying to get where ever it is your going, you look down and notice that your leg is dislocated, but that the injury isn't impeding your progress, if anything, it's helping.

So let's quickly tie these two ideas, you're running well and you feel strong, but your leg is dislocated- this indicates that you have a goal in mind and you are focused on achieving it, but something about the way you're getting there is flawed. At least it looks flawed! Although you can see that things aren't how that should be, you are making progress. What's interesting here is that in the dream you feel no pain from this injury, so it is your intellect rather than your emotions or your body that forces you to question whither or not the injury is a bad thing.
In your life, you are making progress and meeting your goals, but something about this looks very wrong to you. You have to ask yourself over and over "is this right? It's not supposed to be this way, will I damage myself permanently if I keep going like this?"

When a person has a series of dreams in short scenes like this, they are often unrelated to one another. Here, the first two scenes are solidly related by similar emotional content and themes, and it's possible that the last two are as well.

thank you for sending me your dream!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Disaster Dream

"Last night I had this weird dream about me and two friends, a female ex-co-worker and another friend but I can't recall who he was.
I was mostly talking to the female with occasional chats with the male. We were siting on a rooftop of a two level house with our legs hanging from the edge. Then we begin to see something far off, but no too far. It was some kind of oval-rectangular thing hanging from a construction crane, it was on fire.
It was getting hotter, the male was telling that the thing will explode then in what i suppose was and act to move the thing far from the city the crane starts moving the thing toward us. Then we all ran because the sound of the fire was very intense. We started to feel the heat in strong winds blowing towards us, it was about to explode and it was very close to us. I took shelter and the thing moved away, the fire stopped, and the dream ended." - Rene

Thank you for this fascinating dream, Rene, let me do my best to interpret it for you. Dreaming that you are on a rooftop is often symbolic of the achievement of a high level of success. This accomplishment, then, would be one you share with both the woman with whom you used to work and with the male friend who was also present. You can safely assume that the woman is the more important figure of achievement in this case, as she is specifically memorable in the dream.

Dreams about construction equipment are typically reflecting on a reconstruction of the self. This could be a new ambition, again, an achieved success or another attained goal. However, the construction equipment is being destroyed, or rather, something destructive is being created by that construction, and it's heading your way.

The ball of fire that threatens you in the dream, then, is likely to symbolize a success that has begun to threaten your safety. You run from the fiery scene to save yourself, and the act of running and the sense of fear that overcomes you, support the idea that the situation is creating turmoil in your life.

It is also interesting that finding shelter effectively ends the dream by causing the fire to die down. This fact suggests that somehow the ball of fire is aiming for you specifically, rather than for the three of you generally. I would examine the situations of my life if I were in your shoes, and I'd see if there was a good spot to take refuge! Once you find a safe place to weather out the storm, this anxiety will end.

Again, thank you so much for submitting this dream to me. I hope that this free interpretation helps!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Creature dreams, ruined hotels and a climb up a tall mountain

"Had this dream last night. Been thinking about it off and on all day.

Here goes:I'm climbing a tall mountain. I'm only about half way up when beside the trail, a dog -- that looks like a coyote pup overfed to the point of obesity --- jumps out of a yellow shrub, then crosses right in front of me, wearing a pink collar. Studded with either diamonds or sequins.

Immediately after -- time-shift! -- I'm on top of the mountain. In front of me is a ruin. In my dream I'm thinking it's an inn where rich families spent two weeks during the summer. I walk around, trying to figure it out: lobby here, this is a corridor... this must have been the banquet hall is what I'm thinking. A kangaroo with the head of an actress who does TV commercials (at least one for paper towels that runs all the time) hops in front of me and passes by.I'm in the corridor and BEFORE the kanga-woman, it's a ruin. AFTER she passes me,it isn't a ruin anymore, it's the inn restored to its glory days: walls up with fancy paper, even an oil painting of a landscape in a really fussy carved wood frame. Today I'm thinking it was some dream-warped memory of a meeting I had at the Biltmore downtown. That corridor was a lot like the hall that leads to the men's room there.

I recently hiked Echo Mountain (Altadena area) which has a ruin at the top, and have been to the Biltmore which the dream co-opted somehow for the part where kanga-girl hopped by. Why I psychologically recycled this into a dream, I dunno...but I do tend to recycle real-life-stuff into my dreams. Usually they're just fragments tho'; this dream was much much longer and much more linear, like a storyline." - Gary, Los Angeles, CA

Gary, you raise an excellent point; much of the time the images and actions found in our dreams mirror something we've seen or done before. Our daily lives are surely fodder for our nocturnal imaginings, but it's the selection of these feelings and images that create meaningful dreams.

The most common interpretation of a dream in which one climbs a mountain is that the dreamer/climber is overcoming an major obstacle. In your case, you're climbing without any major stress or strain, suggesting that you are comfortably overcoming some sort of issue in your life. It is the next symbol that suggests what that issue might be, as you ascend the mountain, a dog runs across your path.

Dog, as man's best friend, is a close and trusted ally. But this isn't any regular dog, this is a dog who looks like a coyote, who has become fat and is wearing a sparkly collar. Coyotes, in contrast to dogs, are commonly seen as sneaky or untrustworthy adversaries of man. (Personally, I couldn't disagree more, but this is the general reading of the animal as a symbol.) Further, the animal is fat, and like the sequined or bedazzled collar, both of these could indicate an excess of material wealth. This dog is then symbolic of someone who may appear to be a friend in your fight against adversity, but their motivations are based in an interest in financial gain.

As soon as this image of the fat coyote falls before your consciousness, it's replaced. That time shift may be important, as it suggests that once you realize that the truth of this particular person's ulterior motives, a larger goal will be attained.

Once this set of struggles is over, and you find yourself at the top of the mountain, you are confronted with the ruin of a hotel. In your mind, you identify this hotel as a place of former opulence that served as a summer getaway spot for rich people. There's that concern about wealth cropping up again! This brings us to the most interesting symbol your brain has created for the dream, the Kangawoman.

Strange creatures in dreams generally possess special significance. In the instance of a monster that is part one thing and part another, a person can quite easily assume that both the animals comprising the strange creature are important to understanding it's relevance.

Kangaroos are generally thought to either be protective symbols in dream mythology, or aggressive ones. Think of the kangaroo hopping around holding her young in her protective pouch, a la Winnie the Pooh. This image of the kangaroo as a protective mother seems to be most in line with the circumstances of your dream.

Part of what makes me think that this Kangawoman is a maternal figure in your dream is the fact that she has a woman's head. Exact head furthers this argument, as most women who appear in paper towel commericals are playing the role of "Mom" in the commerical.

Now back to the hotel. Hotels are seen as places of transition. A hotel can connote a loss of identity, or a need to escape from your daily reality. It can also be a signal to abandon your old ways of thinking and to re-gear your mind.

So, in the end, this dream can be one that leads to a string of questions only you can answer. Who is your overfed coyote pup? Have you been waiting for a Kangawoman to help you rebuild yourself, or to help you change the way you think? What happened to your hotel in the first place?

I hope this interpertation of your dream is helpful! Thank you for allowing me to decode it :)

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Strange sexual dreams

"I dreamt last night that I was dating David Walliams from "Little Britain". It was a pretty steamy relationship only he had some strange proclivities in the sack... clearly had some sexual dysfunction issues he really needed to sort out. Still, his face kept cropping up in my mind all day. Strange indeed!" - Emily, Los Angeles

Thanks for a strange and interesting dream! There are a few elements at work here, first of all, the brain's choice of a sexual partner for a wild romp, David Walliams. A quick google images search yields some pretty interesting pictures of the lovely and talented Mr. Walliams, including one of him in a massively muscled fat suit, another as an overly made up woman on the phone as well as some nudie pics. Sexy!

Unfortuantely I haven't caught any "Little Britain," but I've heard it's a really funny show. In an examination of the irreverant Mr. Walliams, it is important to note that sometimes having a dream about sex with a celebrity can be a reflection of your personal desire to attain success. In this instance, it sounds like the sex itself made you more than a little uncomfortable! Is your ambition causing some worry, or some problems in your life?

Another element to the choice of David Walliams could be a call from your pschye to take sex less seriously. Dreaming about a comedian can be a call to be more carefree in your life, but adding the activity of sex to the equation creates that impression, for me at least.

Of course, dreams about sex or sexuality can reflect a frustrated desire to copulate, even if the activities you're engaging in are not things you'd do in your real life. Either way, this could be a call to be a little more adventurous in the sack! This idea seems to be reinforced by the fact that his face kept appearing in your mind's eye for the duration of the day... they say that the average woman thinks about sex one to four times per day, after all!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

a dream of being chased

"In my dream I was at my kid's dad's girlfriend's house in the ghetto. I was talking with her and actually getting along with her oddly enough. Then these guys walked by me staring at me. I thought they were just being pervs but the way they were looking at me was crazy.

Then later in my dream they showed up again. (I can't remember what was going on in my dream between that except that she took me into her house and I remember looking around and seeing where my kid's dad slept and feeling kinda sad) Then all of a sudden we were back outside and the guys showed back up with a knife in their hand. I ran and they chased me. I remember feeling scared cause they were catching up to me but I had nowhere to run. I was thinking in my head that they must have been one of my old drug connections from a long time ago but they didn't look familiar. Then all of a sudden my mom was there and I didn't want to say anything to her cause I didn't want them to know she was my mom for fear that they would try to hurt her. Just as they caught me I woke up!" - Elizabeth, 26, Las Vegas

Thank you so much for submitting this dream to me, as it is a particularly great example of how a person's mind creates a dream that is very specific to their personality and life. There are many interesting points here that deserve some attention. First of all, I think it's interesting and telling that in the dream you are at your child's father's girlfriend's house, with your child's father, his girlfriend and your mother. Where is the child? As the one person conspicuously absent from the narrative, one could suggest that your child is exempt, at least in your mind, to the dangers represented by the action of the dream.

A person's feelings within their own dreams are often as significant as the actions themselves. You are noting feelings of sadness over your lost love, and his place within the life of another. These feelings are followed by the surprise of getting along with the other young woman in the dream. I think we can assume that while you feel sad that your relationship with your child's father has changed, you have an understanding that the split can be OK for everyone involved. Though you might fight with his girlfriend in real life, in the dream she poses no threat to you.

Finally, you feel fear, both for yourself and for your mother. In the most general sense, a chase dream is typically a reflection of a fear of being caught by the issues that we are all "running from." Knives in dreams are often seen as symbols of masculine aggression, and the fact that these men first leer at you and then return with a knife suggests some anxiety of the danger that men present to women.

In the case of this dream, you reference the fact that you believe that the men you're running from may be former drug contacts of yours, and you feel afraid that they will recognize your mother as your relative and then hurt her. Clearly you have a concern that your past may "catch" you, and further, that your past will harm your mother. However, these particular men do not seem to be people that you know; in this way they simultaneously embody both the fear of your past and the fear of the unknown.

While chase dreams are very common, plaguing nearly everyone at some time or another, even a simple chase dream can have many layers of meaning. I hope this interpretation helps!

"I dreamt I had holes in my legs"

"Last night I dreamt I was sitting around with my brother and roommate in my apartment. Everything looked very real and very accurate. Then I noticed that I had some sort of pock mark, almost like a kind of dimple on my inner thigh. As soon as I noticed one, there were many more, from my crotch to my knees. I started picking at them because they had accumulated some sort of smegma, almost like an oozing pimple, and at first one little pin prick of white was coming out. Then larger amounts began to come out, then whole chunks of crab meat. I pulled a millipede/crab thing with no head and hundreds of legs nearly three inches long out of one of these dimples. I felt horrified and disgusted, and I woke up in shock! What does this mean?" - Jessica, 24, California

Jessica, I can understand pretty easily why you'd feel horrified and disgusted by this dream. I hope you can take some comfort in the fact that dreams of this type are more common than you may imagine. It's a pretty complex group of symbols that are at work here, so I'm going to take some time to examine them to determine why your brain has produced them.

First of all, your dream is set in a rather mundane place, namely your home. Besides being just mundane, your home is ideally a safe place, a place of recuperation and rest. Further, you're surrounded by people that you trust, or that you should be able to trust, namely your roommate and your brother. Clearly it is significant that you are with these two people, of all the people you know or have heard of, or even all the people that your brain could have visually created for you to interact with. Hopefully your home is a place where you feel safe, and hopefully your brother and your roommate are people that know you well, and that you trust.

The safe setting and familiar faces are in a direct opposition to the main feature of the dream, the mysterious "dimples" that have appeared on your leg. The body of the dreamer is often representative of the perceived physical or emotional health of the dreamer. The image of the self can be considered a manifestation of a number of issues that one may be perceiving. In this situation, the issues are manifesting themselves on your legs, the critical structure that allows a person to move about the world, or to literally "stand on your own two feet." Thus, the wounds that have opened up on your legs in this dream may be indicative of a problem that you're perceiving in the way that you're moving about in the world. Disease in the legs can also indicate that you've experienced a major psychological blow of some kind.

Not to get overly Freudian, but the specific location of the wounds suggests that perhaps you are plagued by issues of sexuality. Being placed above the knee and on the inner thigh, these oozing sores are sexualized. An obvious assertion here is that perhaps you are afraid of contracting an STD, or perhaps you are nervous that you are misusing your sexual power. All people, men and women, have the ability to literally move through the world by getting by on their looks, or by manipulating others. I cannot make a definite distinction as to which is the true cause of these sores, only you know the answer! Further, as your brother and roommate make no attempt to help you, or even question you, it seems that this problem is one you may be dealing with all on your own.

In trying to get to the root of the problem, you begin to "dig" at the sores in your dream. Digging is often associated with deep introspective analysis. This suggests that whatever the problem is, you are certainly aware of it, and perhaps you are doing your best to fix it. The result of your digging is that you begin to find things within your wounds that really don't belong there- first, chunks of crab meat, and later a strange insect. It seems obvious that your continued "digging" is unearthing some nasty little critters. This seems to be a likely reflection of a large personal issue that you are already aware of, as you spend more time working at it, you find out that the problem is much more serious than you'd imagined.

In a very literal way, your brain has concocted a strange and powerful image to represent the complex problems of sexuality that I suspect you are suffering under. Strange creatures in dreams are often similar in various ways to the fears that they represent, here, a wiggly, wormy (and not entirely unphallic) insect with many sets of legs is being pulled out of your body. This horrid little creature has apparently burrowed inside you, not unlike some men I've known ;)

Jessica, since the dream is all your own creation, you are the only person who can say with certainty precisely what it means. I hope that the compilation of common symbols and meanings here is helpful, and thank you for letting me root around in your psyche!

Until tomorrow!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Your Dreams Decoded, Free and Fast!

The mission of this blog is to take the wild, wacky and taboo subject of dreams and decode them for the average person. There are a million resources online that can help a person decode their dreams, why would I want to start a blog on this subject?

All my life I've had very real and very vivid dreams and nightmares. I remember dreams I'd have as a child, I'd often wake up wondering what the significance of a dream was, and why my brain produced it. I would research the symbols of my dreams, and often times I'd find that my personal feelings would have a great influence over the things I was dreaming. For example, a Freudian definition of a dream where the ground is littered with snakes is that the dreamer is sexually frustrated.

What if the person having the dream is a six-year-old girl who lives on a mountain in Southern California, where rattlers and king snakes and garters abound? This dream may be more reflective of terror or fascination than frustration. In this way, a personal touch is sometimes required in decoding dreams and understanding dream symbols. I want to provide you with that personal touch.

Send me your dreams via email, and I will post my replies on this blog, keeping you anonymous of course. Please include the important details that you remember about the dream as well as the feelings you had while dreaming and after waking. As a general rule, it's best to write things down as soon as you wake up from dreaming, this will enable you to recall more detail.

Email your dreams to! I look forward to decoding them for you here, free of charge and with joy and love.

Thank you for reading, I look forward to interpreting your dreams!

Rachel Beezy